Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders as well as Trump again in 2020.

There was no Trump crime so naturally the cover up (or defense some would call it) is worse. Lol

This video on Mueller testimony before Congress

To each and every question he give his lawyerly long winded hard to follow answers, until. At 1:08, when asked if a president could be charged with obstruction of justice once he's no longer in office, Mueller immediately and without hesitation says "YES". As in "yep, oh hell yes, let me be the one to do it, goddamn right he could be charged and should be".

Republican Representative Ken Buck from Colorado is trying to make Mueller look like a wavering weakling and Mueller just rolls right over him. Can Trump be charged as president: according to rulings by blah blah blah we left it up to Congress what to do. Can Trump be charged once he leaves officeYes. No hesitation. Yes.

So, yeah, Bugsy. Trump can and will be charged after he's out of office. The next time your soul returns from visiting the whorehouses in the Small Magellanic Cloud, check up on how Citizen Trump is doing at Riker's Island. Maybe bring him some Snickers bars.
The latest Propaganda from our friendly local propagandists puppet.

I love the professional look of this morning show vibe of this RT show for the left, it is impressive how they use the combination of fake sarcasm and laughs about Russia attacking our democracy, and not actually saying anything other than attacking the establishment.

The 'special guest's' entire point is that there was no 'direct evidence' of what the Russians are doing being reported on what they are doing for Bernie.

The problem is that the way the Russians are attacking our democracy is wide spread, This video is a good example of the way the Russians have websites designed to look like actual news with a lot of very good stories and strategically placed fake information and obviously cherry picked facts to fit their narrative so trolls like @Padawanbater2 can use to spread over every site with a comment section (like here on rollitup).

If they want a real example of how the Russian military are 'helping' Bernie, you can look at the spreading of the propaganda used to destroy Biden during his (sarcasm) impeachment trial in January that knocked him out of the front runner status. At the same time the flooding of trolls that come to Bernie's defense anytime anyone says anything negative about him.

I still have never donated to a candidate, and won't just to find out, but we know that the Russians funneled money through Americans (like NRA), so I am highly suspicious of how easy it would be to combine a click farm with political small donations to boost the Sanders campaign.

The scariest part however, is that the Russians are have shown they are able to micro-target every single voter with propaganda that is designed with psychological warfare using data analysis and AI. So unless our government starts to address this, we don't have a chance to actually know what propaganda everyone is seeing, because it is all different.
So after getting slammed by the new Batch of Bernie trolls today, I took a look at the (2nd account of this particular troll in one day) posted:

Screen Shot 2020-02-26 at 4.46.10 PM.png

This chart looks great, but if you actually look at the numbers on it, you will notice the 'range of error' on this chart is 5.5%.

So doing the math: Bernie is 30% +/_ 5.5% or a lower bound of 24.5%, Biden 19+5.5% would be.... 24.5%.

So technically Bernie and Biden are within the margin of error in this poll.

And this is after the Russian propagated hit job on Biden the Republicans ran in the Senate Impeachment trial for Joe Biden for Trump.

Senator Bernie Sanders has surpassed former Vice President Joe Biden in support from black voters, making him the most favorable candidate for that demographic, a new national poll shows.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as the Democratic presidential nominee in November.
After watching that RT-esq morning show that they produced the other day, I do not really trust it to be anything but in the bag for Sanders.

And this article doesn't disappoint.

Pelosi's reply doesn't really give me the warm and fuzzies that the title would have given if she actually said that.

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 6.17.54 AM.png

Senator Bernie Sanders has surpassed former Vice President Joe Biden in support from black voters, making him the most favorable candidate for that demographic, a new national poll shows.

'The Hill' RT for the left creeping back up twice in a row boosting Sanders.

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 6.20.15 AM.png
Republicans are spreading fake Census forms throughout the Philly suburbs
by Vinny Vella
The surveys are cleverly designed fakes, and the latest in a series of documents the Republican National Committee is spreading across Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Wha wha whaaaaat? She answered a yes or no question with a... you guessed it, a "yes".

She didn't break down and cry in Russian either.
Yeah, but unlike the title states, she didn't say she'd "Be comfortable with Sanders leading the ticket", I was actually hoping to read that, instead all she said was 'Yes' to a question. Not exactly the same thing, which is what I have learned to expect from the RT of the left.
Yeah, but unlike the title states, she didn't say she'd "Be comfortable with Sanders leading the ticket", I was actually hoping to read that, instead all she said was 'Yes' to a question. Not exactly the same thing, which is what I have learned to expect from the RT of the left.
Learn to pronounce

  1. 1.
    used to give an affirmative response.
    "“Do you understand?” “Yes.”"
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\ ˈyes \
Definition of yes
(Entry 1 of 2)
1—used as a function word to express assent or agreement are you ready? Yes, I am
2—used as a function word usually to introduce correction or contradiction of a negative assertion or direction don't say that! Yes
"Bernie is not a Democrat … Of all the candidates running in the Democratic primary, Bernie most closely exemplifies the best ideals of the Democratic party as they were expressed by the Presidents Roosevelt — Franklin Delano (FDR) and Theodore (“Teddy”). Unlike some other candidates, Bernie can be completely trusted not to put Social Security or Medicare on the negotiating table for cuts. Many of us feel Bernie represents the soul of the Democratic party — a party full of compassion for the less fortunate, an abiding desire for peace and prosperity in the world and a passion for justice in all aspects of life. Bernie has done the Democratic party an enormous favor by running as a Democrat instead of running as an Independent or 3rd party candidate. He may also be giving the Democratic party its best chance to win back the White House in 2020."
Learn to pronounce

  1. 1.
    used to give an affirmative response.
    "“Do you understand?” “Yes.”"
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\ ˈyes \
Definition of yes
(Entry 1 of 2)
1—used as a function word to express assent or agreement are you ready? Yes, I am
2—used as a function word usually to introduce correction or contradiction of a negative assertion or direction don't say that! Yes
You get as worked up as you want, but the title was misleading, I clicked on it hoping that she was talking about him as a candidate and said what the title implied she said. I really would like to not have to fear our candidate is a stooge for the Russians like Trump is.

Because unfortunately Bernie has done nothing but use the fear based platform that the Russians have set up for him over the last 5 years to attack the minority communities.
You get as worked up as you want, but the title was misleading, I clicked on it hoping that she was talking about him as a candidate and said what the title implied she said. I really would like to not have to fear our candidate is a stooge for the Russians like Trump is.

Because unfortunately Bernie has done nothing but use the fear based platform that the Russians have set up for him over the last 5 years to attack the minority communities.
Yeah, but unlike the title states, she didn't say she'd "Be comfortable with Sanders leading the ticket", I was actually hoping to read that, instead all she said was 'Yes' to a question. Not exactly the same thing, which is what I have learned to expect from the RT of the left.

So if I asked you a question and you answered "yes", that means you really don't mean "yes" because the words weren't written by you?
You get as worked up as you want, but the title was misleading, I clicked on it hoping that she was talking about him as a candidate and said what the title implied she said. I really would like to not have to fear our candidate is a stooge for the Russians like Trump is.

Because unfortunately Bernie has done nothing but use the fear based platform that the Russians have set up for him over the last 5 years to attack the minority communities.
I will vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is, but for now Bernie has my vote.....