How to order seeds for all US growers


Well-Known Member
Who snitchin about the stealth?

I never said anything about the stealth methods this aint that type of thread.
I ordered from attitude it took 8 days for them to airmail NYC my seeds via Royal Mail track and confirm and USPS to cali. they sent my beans in a T-shirt. And inside the T-shirt was a smelly proof bag, it says "smelly proof" on it to get past customs. And inside the the smelly bag was my G13 Haze 2006 canibus cup winner femanized sealed within the origional breeder pack. Also as a freebe they also hooked me up with power skunk 5 pack from G13 labs.

Do you really think we know anymore about how this shit works than big brother? The feds have probly ordered 1000 times from every seedbank on the internet already. If anything we are sharing information that the government doesn't want to get out.
I never mentioned anyone's name in my post. I was trying to make a general comment without pointing any fingers. But since you didn't seem to bother reading "your" thread, I included the post I was talking about. It is not just on this thread, it is all over the forum.
And, munch box what type of info are you talking about? What is it that we cant figure out that the fucking feds can?


Well-Known Member
What good does it do for a company to come up with good methods of stealth shipping if dumb motherfuckers go on sites like these and post how the seeds were hidden? These are the kind of people that just HAVE to tell others that they are growing and wonder why they get busted. I used to share info about good safe sites to order from, but I wont be doing that any more. Jesus people, dont make it easier for the feds to do their job.
Excellent Point!:clap:


Well-Known Member
i never even saw that post kno that i would have said delete asap.
You see stealth bein disclosed you need to point dat finger.
I saw someone post a pic of nirvana's old stealth before(the whole thing not just seeds). Shit is stupid.


Well-Known Member
i never even saw that post kno that i would have said delete asap.
You see stealth bein disclosed you need to point dat finger.
I saw someone post a pic of nirvana's old stealth before(the whole thing not just seeds). Shit is stupid.
Cool, we are thinking alike. We all need to watch out for each other. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Do NOT get an American Express gift card! Not everyone takes them!

Just get a Visa/Master Card one from 7-11. Make sure you know the exact amount you need so you don't waste any money. Lots of people just get even amounts then that extra $2.47 sits on the card and eventually the card company takes it back through fees and "leakage."


Well-Known Member
Do NOT get an American Express gift card! Not everyone takes them!

Just get a Visa/Master Card one from 7-11. Make sure you know the exact amount you need so you don't waste any money. Lots of people just get even amounts then that extra $2.47 sits on the card and eventually the card company takes it back through fees and "leakage."
I was thinking about going amx, thanks for the save

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Friends house is the best place.

tell ya friend just dat the ups man is comin you dont even have to tell him wat it is.
WOW... remind me to never let you be my friend. Why would you throw a friend under a bus like that? Why not just go get a a Post Office Box at one of the private mail places in the strip mails? I never needed any ID when I got mine, but maybe the guy was busy or something.
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Well-Known Member
WOW... remind me to never let you be my friend. Why would you throw a friend under a bus like that? Why not just go get a a Post Office Box at one of the private mail places in the strip mails? I never needed any ID when I got mine, but maybe the guy was busy or something.
Not everyone ship usps.

It's not illegal to order grow supplies bra.

Throw him under da bus?
I been in dis shit 7 years never had a problem wit sending to friends house.


Well-Known Member
Sorry maybe i should've bolded this cause i already posted this

I said their are others too just didn't kno the names of them.
There is visa just dont get the card that has to be mailed i.e. green dot.
Get the gift ones that you can toss.

munch box

Well-Known Member
I never mentioned anyone's name in my post. I was trying to make a general comment without pointing any fingers. But since you didn't seem to bother reading "your" thread, I included the post I was talking about. It is not just on this thread, it is all over the forum.
And, munch box what type of info are you talking about? What is it that we cant figure out that the fucking feds can?
are you fucking retarded or are you just slow? Do you think I just set off a red fucking alert to the feds that there is now a smell proof bag out on the market? You're stupid as shit. I don't think its a big discovery that sealing off your packages will limit the possablility of confiscation. But I guess you now know that txhomegrown and so do the feds.Now they are on to us you fucking idiot.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Thats fucked up you're trying to call me out on some bullshit. I'll put your head in a vice grip and twist it around and around until you realize that I'm just helping people out here. attitude came through big time for me and then all of the sudden it is you hating on me from out of nowhere. I'm just trying to give people the facts so they can come up with the best decision possible. If the green eyed monster has you jealous of my femanized G13 cup winner than thats just too bad you fake ass kid rock looking piece of shit I'd kick your ass for trying to call me out on some shit like that.


Well-Known Member
are you fucking retarded or are you just slow? Do you think I just set off a red fucking alert to the feds that there is now a smell proof bag out on the market? You're stupid as shit. I don't think its a big discovery that sealing off your packages will limit the possablility of confiscation. But I guess you now know that txhomegrown and so do the feds.Now they are on to us you fucking idiot.
My are'nt we getting defensive? If they didn't know before, they do now and I am not the fucking idiot that told them. I was just saying why help make their job easier by not being able to keep things a little more under the table. unless you are one of them trying to find out info that you are too incompetant to find on your own. We ARE talking about the feds here.


Well-Known Member
Thats fucked up you're trying to call me out on some bullshit. I'll put your head in a vice grip and twist it around and around until you realize that I'm just helping people out here. attitude came through big time for me and then all of the sudden it is you hating on me from out of nowhere. I'm just trying to give people the facts so they can come up with the best decision possible. If the green eyed monster has you jealous of my femanized G13 cup winner than thats just too bad you fake ass kid rock looking piece of shit I'd kick your ass for trying to call me out on some shit like that.
Are you this tough in person, or just at the computer? I sure will be glad when school starts again, maybe we will get rid of some of these kids when they start junior high.

munch box

Well-Known Member
The cold season is my quiet time of year and yes I don't take shit from people in person either. what do you do for a living?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Not everyone ship usps.

It's not illegal to order grow supplies bra.

Throw him under da bus?
I been in dis shit 7 years never had a problem wit sending to friends house.
I think it is totally un-cool to send something illegal to a friends house with out them knowing, when you would not even send it to yourself.


Well-Known Member
I sure will be glad when school starts again, maybe we will get rid of some of these kids when they start junior high.
haha.. to bad there are so many computers in schools these days.

I think it is totally un-cool to send something illegal to a friends house with out them knowing, when you would not even send it to yourself.
it's not that you can't send it to yourself, that should be fine. the problem is, you never have anything shipped to the location you're doing your grow.


Well-Known Member
haha.. to bad there are so many computers in schools these days.

it's not that you can't send it to yourself, that should be fine. the problem is, you never have anything shipped to the location you're doing your grow.
The truth


Well-Known Member
Not that is any of your business, but I teach firearms certification courses.
Hahaha! That's the best reply I've seen in a while. Rock on TX!!

Mane.. having seeds, equipment, whatever shipped to a friends house without prior knowledge (or even with permission) is just fucking wrong. Why would anyone put a so-called friend in jeopardy just because they aren't brave enough to bare the responsibility themselves? Does this 'friend' live with parents? Probably.
Are the parents aware of what is transpiring? Probably not. Even if there are no parents in the picture there might be a wife/GF, a roommate, a renter with a suspicious landlord, a nosy neighbor....
So, in the event that this 'friend' of yours gets popped by (insert authority figure here), do you trust him not to flip on you? Are you going to man up and take the heat yourself if something does happen?

Now the odds are probably slim that anything WOULD happen with these shipments. But ya still gotta explore every single possible avenue of what COULD go wrong, and what you'll do if it does. Why do you think Murphy invented those laws?

It just really irks me to see people like you say "Oh yeah, just ship to a friends house and you'll be good to go!"
Ultimately that's poor advice. Especially when newbs come on here, read that and think they're in the clear.
Just my .02...BRO. :blsmoke: