Fact remains and i personally belive there are lots of LED grow lights that can grow decent yields and overall healthy plants and just because some growers choose to COB its not end all be all and really who gives a shit about effciency when the real game here is yield , quality
People blow shit out there ass sometimes i mean for instance Mars2 1600 there actually pretty affordable @ 600 bucks a piece by the way that is true
110V/780W, 240V/736W what is it going to cost to make cob unit 780 watts ??? and i am also curious what Green genes 300 watt i think he has COB unit coming out ??? is that true 300 watts for what 750 buck or more 900 ??? what will that cover for area 5 x 5 4 x 4 3 x 3 ??? just saying other LEDS do pretty dam good and for the LED people on here cutting down other LED's just because you went cob does not mean its better
I am sorry but i would place bets 2 mars 1600 LED will destroy two
300 watt Cob units and lets not forget buying 2 Mars with 15 - 20 percent off @ will come to 1100 bucks with warranty your DIY is not
what will 2 cob 300 units cost ??? if we look at i guess average built cost from all you pros on here 800 a piece ??? shit probably more
Bunch of hypocrites really lots of good LED units out there just got to weed out all the BS and marketing shit