Well-Known Member
what purpose does adding "hate" to the charge serve?
it denotes that he was motivated by the very same beliefs that skinhead rats like you hold dear.
what purpose does adding "hate" to the charge serve?
"American gun culture" is the left's characterization of our constitution.
I'd be happy if doofus' like you do a little bit of introspection and realize some of the things you believe can lead to violence like this
But you won't because like I said, lack of quality mental healthcare
Nothing I believe will ever lead to violence "like this", or any other violence.
Explain Snowden's violence again please.Both were in the military. Both had been exposed to the bad things our military/government were capable of. Both were trying to open the eyes of the American people to things being done by the Government. Both were willing to give up their way of life to try and make a change.
Their methods were different, but their ultimate goals were very similar.
Going by definitions, both are terrorists.
Shouldn't you be ranting about Rachel Dolezal or something? I'm pretty sure you used to consider that a newsworthy issue. Why clamour so hard to resist Dylan Roof being called a terrorist?"Defend it as murder." LOL
This is the pit to which conversation has descended.
"It's just murder, no big deal."
How about we just try to discuss things without painting each other as monsters? Murdering 9 innocent people is murder, and murder IS a big deal. I don't see how calling it a "hate crime" makes it worse, or better. It is more probably an "insane crime", as I don't see how anybody can gun down 9 people and quite be in their right mind, not that being "insane" makes it any worse, or better; it is still a terrible tragedy and beyond my ability to understand.
I will always call it murder. When I call it terrorism, I get really scared and want everyone to voluntarily turn in all of our guns.
By definition, our Government would call it terrorism.
Nothing I believe will ever lead to violence "like this", or any other violence. Seriously, what do you think my beliefs are? I am a complete live and let live, easy going, libertarian (small L).
In this particular case, I suggest we all take a deep breath and wait for the story to flesh out. Jumping to conclusions is a fool's game as exemplified by the Trayvon thread, and "hands up, don't shoot" slogan.
Why would you be sure about that? 2 threads were started about her, and I made ZERO comments in either of them.Shouldn't you be ranting about Rachel Dolezal or something? I'm pretty sure you used to consider that a newsworthy issue. Why clamour so hard to resist Dylan Roof being called a terrorist?
Why would you be sure about that? 2 threads were started about her, and I made ZERO comments in either of them.
Remember the meme you posted about how she was the distraction from the cop at the pool roughing up a black girl? You got a like from me on it.
Are you trying to be misleading? Or are you just mentally slow? I think you are just confused.
The best part is that UB liked your post. Click, click, click...LOL@both of you.
I never said they did, I said they would. If our government felt the need, they would. They could too, by definition.I don't recall anything like that.
I never said they did, I said they would. If our government felt the need, they would. They could too, by definition.I don't recall anything like that.
LOL, man I be high!ummmm, he quoted desert dude. not you.
let me know if you want me to delete this post to save face. i'm cool like that.
Police are pretty stupid and all, but they wouldn't just tell the media they believe something if they didn't have a reason.
We also have some of the worst healthcare, mental health probably being the worst. Because helping people is not profitable.no, it's an accurate label since we have so many more gun massacres every year than any other advanced nation on the face of the earth.
Poor oppressed white guy...Taking your guns July 7 - Sept 21.
ignorant little penised privileged prep boy (I left the spelling mistake so you can rub one out..... You're welcome)Poor oppressed white guy...
I wonder how many edits you had to do on that post in 43 minutes while you were anxiously anticipating my reply.ignorant little penised privileged prep boy (I left the spelling mistake so you can rub one out..... You're welcome)