Islam: Evil or misunderstood

Religions, the formal groups, are man made, and therefore fallible. Belief in a higher power is internal and exists for those that search for it. One cannot compare the two. The external religion may try and force their beliefs onto ones mind, but the individual has the responsibility to accept or reject the tenets of those beliefs. For the masses that go along, any mode of behavior is acceptable as long as it is prescribed by the religion, Ancients had human sacrifices that supposedly got them closer to their diety, man made. I think you'll find that all evil inherent in religions are man made. They may try and link them to their diety but nontheless, it is man that has invented the evil. God, Higher Power, or what ever you call the "Great Spirit", it exists for good, and can be found in a baby's smile, in a flowers beauty, in the true love of a pair of humans for each other. All other evil entities of religion are strictly man made, and should be observed with caution.
Explain to us how a concept or an idea forces itself onto anyone, please. It cannot, no more than a word printed on a piece of paper or existing as the odd electron can. It is the human who forces, it is the human who conceives, it is the human who practices, because it is the human who makes it tangible.
So your basing a lot of your opinion on word of mouth from over 20 yrs ago? Granted he lived there but maybe Tehran was a bad place, all i know is that my friend is Palestinian and he only has 2 uncles named muhammed. So i don't think they killed babies that weren't named after a 'prophet'.


NO! I am basing my opinion on dozens of factors. I gave several examples I personally know something about.

In Tehran, in 1970, Christians often named children muslim names. Because, children suspected of being Christian were persecuted and killed, often as babies.

By the way, oh wise one, why do ask and re-ask me so many questions? Are you unaware that many muslims are pathological liars?

That is the problem with America today. We NEVER trust each other. But, let an oppressed underdog get a 15 second sound bite and we are all up in arms. I have read about and studied muslims in some detail. I have worked with Middle Easterners and muslims many times. I have learned not to trust them. I always smile and verify. I always double check them. Many are very untrustworthy. Although, I generally do not trust muslims I am always polite and give the benefit of the doubt. But, I am often disappointed.
What say you, mockingbird, of the Spartan's practice of killing unfit children? So much must be interpreted ONLY within its context, to attempt to do anything otherwise, especially when speaking from one of the few First World allegedly civilized countries that still practices the death penalty.

You both have simply firmed up my position that the idea (i.e. religion) is not and can not be evil in and of itself. It is merely used (as an excuse).

Dear Seamaiden, I know little about Spartan behavior and it is off topic.

Muslims exist today and practice an evil religion which is based on the death and slavery of infidels. The "nice ones", which disavow the bad actions of other muslims are actually NOT practicing the religion and are considered immoral.
NO! I am basing my opinion on dozens of factors. I gave several examples I personally know something about.

In Tehran, in 1970, Christians often named children muslim names. Because, children suspected of being Christian were persecuted and killed, often as babies.

By the way, oh wise one, why do ask and re-ask me so many questions? Are you unaware that many muslims are pathological liars?

That is the problem with America today. We NEVER trust each other. But, let an oppressed underdog get a 15 second sound bite and we are all up in arms. I have read about and studied muslims in some detail. I have worked with Middle Easterners and muslims many times. I have learned not to trust them. I always smile and verify. I always double check them. Many are very untrustworthy. Although, I generally do not trust muslims I am always polite and give the benefit of the doubt. But, I am often disappointed.

Do you distrust middle easteners too?
Explain to us how a concept or an idea forces itself onto anyone, please. It cannot, no more than a word printed on a piece of paper or existing as the odd electron can. It is the human who forces, it is the human who conceives, it is the human who practices, because it is the human who makes it tangible.

How do you feel about hate crimes?
So has your Body, it's called gravity.

Lets not bring the Bickering baby bullshit back in here med......why don't you make a thread........."Seamaiden, CC and Vi come in and lets bash eachother!"

Or make some fucking legitimate claims and shit before saying this garbage. . . .I am really intereted in this subject and would rather not sift through meaningless bullshit posted for no reason.

Lets not bring the Bickering baby bullshit back in here med......why don't you make a thread........."Seamaiden, CC and Vi come in and lets bash eachother!"

Or make some fucking legitimate claims and shit before saying this garbage. . . .I am really intereted in this subject and would rather not sift through meaningless bullshit posted for no reason.

I agree, but I am not the only one you see. Why didn't you apply that logic to seamaiden or any number of bullshitters in this thread? Are you singleing me out for a specific reason?
grow up dude, arn't you like 50 something
First, I ain't no Dude. Second I return insults with insults, and third, who elected you the harbinger of correctness, There's a little kid in all of us. Do you wish to debate my political stance, or just chastise me for returning insults?
I agree, but I am not the only one you see. Why didn't you apply that logic to seamaiden or any number of bullshitters in this thread? Are you singleing me out for a specific reason?

Nope you're just the one that i read when i was "in a mood". Sorry. I actually like seeing you and seamaiden argue. . . i find it funny.

Aaahh.. so, the ccodiane wants to talk about semantics, eh? :twisted: I'm game, I did very well in that course.

Where would you like to start? With the word "evil", or maybe something a little more fundamental first?

Mr Webster beat us to the punch.

Main Entry: 1evil
1 a: morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked <an evil impulse>
b: arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct <a person of evil reputation>
2 a: archaic : inferior
b: causing discomfort or repulsion : offensive <an evil odor>
c: disagreeable <woke late and in an evil temper>
3 a: causing harm : pernicious <the evil institution of slavery>
b: marked by misfortune : unlucky
YouTube - I am Muslim

I don't have any problems with Islam! I think all religions are VERY similar, its the extremists that ruin it for the rest! I'm sure you guys have heard about the crusades.... Need I say more?

The REVOLUTION has begun!

