Are mushrooms still good for your brain even if you had a bad trip?

Hey guys. So yesterday I took shrooms for the second time, and this time I experienced a bad trip - or at least I think it was a bad trip.
Basically I was sitting alone in my apartment when I took them, and I was watching Family Guy on Netflix. If someone was watching me they would think I was having a good time because I couldn't stop smiling and I was laughing at every joke on the TV even when I didn't understand it. But on the inside, well it was just the opposite. I couldn't stop thinking about all of my imperfections and how I seem to do everything wrong and how I always get myself in some fucked up situations and it was really bringing out the negative experience. I do have some minor depression and suicidal thoughts come up every now and again, but I don't think I would ever actually commit suicide until maybe when I'm old and have nothing left to live for. This trip had me thinking about what it would be like to die and be dead. It had me wondering if life was even worth living because there is so much wrong with this world. But at the same time I always reminded myself that I'm alive to experience and cherish the good times/feelings and not the bad ones.
It was as if I was two separate people at the same time - one happy me and one sad/angry me. Only the sad and angry was slightly overpowering the happy. I was having some pretty bad anxiety because I could feel my muscles tensing up and I found myself biting on my fingers a few times and physically I just kinda felt like shit. But I felt good too because of the way I was able to think and better understand myself just like I was when I took mushrooms for the first time. It was that good feeling mixed with the anger and the sadness and because of that I would just call it a bad trip overall. It wasn't that intense though. The mushrooms I had this time were grown by me and it was 18 grams when they were freshly picked, I let them dry down to about 7 or 6 grams before ingesting them but they were not totally dried.
So knowing that shrooms are good for your brain, would that still be the case even if it was a bad trip? Because I was actually feeling pretty good and refreshed when I woke up the next day. I've heard of people having bad trips and still learning something from it. I'm just not entirely sure if it was a bad trip or if shrooms just aren't for me. I had a really good time the first time I took them and I want to experience that again. Let me know what you guys think.
I've had insanely intense terrible trips on lsd, dmt, 2ci, many things and in my experience there is no such thing as a 'bad' trip over-all. The trip may be extremely negative, it may be a scary experience but I always find them to be the most healing and life changing trips. Honestly there have been some times where I know I have the possibility for a bad trip and I will let it come over me and completely destroy my ego, of course I've always done this in an extremely safe environment and only around other people who are very similar to me. There was this one instance of this chick trying to call and ambulance because my friend and I thought we had died while on lsd (unprepared utter loss of consciousness) and must have looked and said some fucked up things, luckily another one of my friends came out and got her to go away

Of course in saying all of that not everyone can handle psychedelics in general let alone bad trips, works wonders for some people, can fuck up others
I've had insanely intense terrible trips on lsd, dmt, 2ci, many things and in my experience there is no such thing as a 'bad' trip over-all. The trip may be extremely negative, it may be a scary experience but I always find them to be the most healing and life changing trips. Honestly there have been some times where I know I have the possibility for a bad trip and I will let it come over me and completely destroy my ego, of course I've always done this in an extremely safe environment and only around other people who are very similar to me. There was this one instance of this chick trying to call and ambulance because my friend and I thought we had died while on lsd (unprepared utter loss of consciousness) and must have looked and said some fucked up things, luckily another one of my friends came out and got her to go away

Of course in saying all of that not everyone can handle psychedelics in general let alone bad trips, works wonders for some people, can fuck up others
Interesting. The only thing I need to know now is which one it is for me. If I have depression and occasional suicidal thoughts, would it treat me or destroy me? I know you probably don't have a final answer since everyone is different, but are there any signs I should look for next time I take them? Or should I just keep taking them until I know my answer? LSD sounds interesting but I think weed and mushrooms are as far as I'll ever go.
Interesting. The only thing I need to know now is which one it is for me. If I have depression and occasional suicidal thoughts, would it treat me or destroy me? I know you probably don't have a final answer since everyone is different, but are there any signs I should look for next time I take them? Or should I just keep taking them until I know my answer? LSD sounds interesting but I think weed and mushrooms are as far as I'll ever go.

I've had psychotic depression and severe anxiety for the vast majority of my life up until the past 2 years when I started to attempt to work on it by unconventional means (drugs haha). For me it's helped immensely, so much so that my mother has given me the money for a half gram of dmt and a 10 strip of lsd before. If you you feel like it's worth the possibility of having bad trips and not having a good time i'd definitely say experiment a little bit, just always make sure to put your safety and the safety of others first. If you take them again you will most likely be able to tell if it's having any long-term effects on you, it's not uncommon to feel sluggish and worn out for a couple of days after taking psychedelics so i'd give it a week and if you feel like your symptoms are worsening then maybe it's not for you. I didn't really start to fully notice the effects it was having on my problems till about after the third time I tripped. I noticed I hadn't been as nearly depressed anymore and that I would just talk to someone without having anxiety attacks, I wouldn't even think twice about going to the shops to buy something when I used to cower in fear at even the thought of being in public. I'd also recommend looking into micro-dosing, while I don't have a lot of experience with micro-dosing psychedelics I have heard a lot of good things about it.

Also if you're struggling with your thoughts when you're by yourself you might want to try tripping with just one or two people. I've had some of the most profound experiences with just my best friend and I. I found when someones there you can be constantly bouncing your thoughts off of eachother and stimulating your brains instead of just having your thoughts loop in circles, the only psychedelic I really do alone is dmt for that reason unless I really want to get deep inside my head
There are medical trials going on right now with magic mushroom that are being used to treat ptsd and depression. Do some research on it. It could be beneficial for your depression. I've had some pretty deep insight taking mushrooms when i was alone and able to let my mind go. I do seem to get a little more depressed and introspective as i come down, but because of the lasting effects, i usually feel awesome for a few days after.
Wow, you don't seem to get it. Mushrooms are "come for the fun, stay for the intense self examination".

You did not have a bad trip. The unexamined Iife is the one not worth living. Did you think mushrooms were a party drug?

The substance (and your mind) gave you a fucking gift. Use it, make some corrections and then check and see how well you did by talk ng another dose.

Believe me, self examination, no matter how btutal us not a bad trip.
I've had psychotic depression and severe anxiety for the vast majority of my life up until the past 2 years when I started to attempt to work on it by unconventional means (drugs haha). For me it's helped immensely, so much so that my mother has given me the money for a half gram of dmt and a 10 strip of lsd before. If you you feel like it's worth the possibility of having bad trips and not having a good time i'd definitely say experiment a little bit, just always make sure to put your safety and the safety of others first. If you take them again you will most likely be able to tell if it's having any long-term effects on you, it's not uncommon to feel sluggish and worn out for a couple of days after taking psychedelics so i'd give it a week and if you feel like your symptoms are worsening then maybe it's not for you. I didn't really start to fully notice the effects it was having on my problems till about after the third time I tripped. I noticed I hadn't been as nearly depressed anymore and that I would just talk to someone without having anxiety attacks, I wouldn't even think twice about going to the shops to buy something when I used to cower in fear at even the thought of being in public. I'd also recommend looking into micro-dosing, while I don't have a lot of experience with micro-dosing psychedelics I have heard a lot of good things about it.

Also if you're struggling with your thoughts when you're by yourself you might want to try tripping with just one or two people. I've had some of the most profound experiences with just my best friend and I. I found when someones there you can be constantly bouncing your thoughts off of eachother and stimulating your brains instead of just having your thoughts loop in circles, the only psychedelic I really do alone is dmt for that reason unless I really want to get deep inside my head
Yeah it seems like your symptoms were far worse than mine. My anxiety isn't to the point where I'm scared to go in public and my depression is actually better now than it was a few years ago before I started smoking weed. To me, It seems like shrooms can only be helpful to those who literally can't function normally on a daily basis due to the crippling effects of their condition instead of those who just have a few problems they would like to treat. At least that's how it seems to me... I hope I'm wrong. I really want to fix my problems and I really hope these mushrooms will benefit me. I've heard of microdosing and I'm not opposed to it. I may try it soon. Also, there's only one person I know that would be willing to trip with me, but I don't think he understands the way mushrooms should be used and respected. He just wants to trip and hallucinate. He's not that close to me and I don't think I would feel very comfortable tripping around him. Although I do have to say while I was tripping for the second time I felt very alone and I really needed someone to talk to to help me figure some stuff out. But it was like 3am and most of my friends were asleep. (I work overnight so my sleep schedule is somewhat backwards.) I do think that if I had a close friend or a counselor or someone to talk to while I'm tripping it would help me out a lot. I feel like that's mainly why I had such a negative experience this time. Nobody I could vent to or express my feelings to. I just don't know who I would be comfortable enough talking to on such a personal level.
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Wow, you don't seem to get it. Mushrooms are "come for the fun, stay for the intense self examination".

You did not have a bad trip. The unexamined Iife is the one not worth living. Did you think mushrooms were a party drug?

The substance (and your mind) gave you a fucking gift. Use it, make some corrections and then check and see how well you did by talk ng another dose.

Believe me, self examination, no matter how btutal us not a bad trip.
Relax a little man... I know mushrooms are not a party drug. That's not why I started taking them. In fact, I wasn't all that interested in getting ahold of them until I found an article my dad shared on Facebook about how mushrooms can treat anxiety, depression, etc... And I never really made a hard effort to get ahold of them until my mom suggested that I try them for these reasons. So I did. The first time was amazing and I felt like I could never be sad again. Second time... interesting, but a very negative experience. Very dark and depressing. And you know that's what I meant when I say I had a "bad trip." I think it's pretty clear that sometimes you can have some pretty terrifying experiences with mushrooms. But I know that even with those terrifying experiences, you can still learn and discover something from it. As someone else said, sometimes the brutal trips are the ones you need to experience. I'm just trying to figure out if this was simply a "bad trip" or if it's actually doing me more harm than good. I'm just trying to fix myself.
I'm not blind. I know what I'm getting into. I think I'm just still learning how I personally should use it. Keep in mind I've only done it twice.
TV sucks on shrooms nature is the best moon stars trees everything TV is the worst I just feel connected with everything in nature on shrooms,
I hear ya. The majority of my trip was watching family guy but before that I started watching kid cannabis and I don't think that movie was the right kind of setting I needed to be in and it might have even been the cause of my bad trip. Idk. Where I'm living now it's hard to find a good place in nature to go and chill at especially at 3am. I live in a big city and its not exactly the safest to be walking around in, but I did eventually take a small walk and it was kind of nice. A semi passed by and it looked like it was going 100 miles an hour down the road and it was pretty intense lol
Relax a little man... I know mushrooms are not a party drug. That's not why I started taking them. In fact, I wasn't all that interested in getting ahold of them until I found an article my dad shared on Facebook about how mushrooms can treat anxiety, depression, etc... And I never really made a hard effort to get ahold of them until my mom suggested that I try them for these reasons. So I did. The first time was amazing and I felt like I could never be sad again. Second time... interesting, but a very negative experience. Very dark and depressing. And you know that's what I meant when I say I had a "bad trip." I think it's pretty clear that sometimes you can have some pretty terrifying experiences with mushrooms. But I know that even with those terrifying experiences, you can still learn and discover something from it. As someone else said, sometimes the brutal trips are the ones you need to experience. I'm just trying to figure out if this was simply a "bad trip" or if it's actually doing me more harm than good. I'm just trying to fix myself.
I'm not blind. I know what I'm getting into. I think I'm just still learning how I personally should use it. Keep in mind I've only done it twice.

My post came off a little more stern than I thought. I believe I was talking not just to you but to others who figure that if they aren't "thinking happy thoughts". They are having a bad trip.

My daughter called me once and said she was having a bad trip.... On alcohol. She said she was maudlin and depressed, oh, and she threw up.

Mushrooms don't " fix" anything. You do that, they just force you to see the problem, and usually overstate it for effect. Remember, not only is your perception of yourself enhanced, your emotional responses to those revelations are as well.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that a different hallucinogenic is key.

The strangeness of the world is illustrated in the fact that the most savage (well, second most) drug happens to be the one most easily attained.

If you want this as an alli, grow it (did you say you did?). People who grow their own, in my experience, tend to have fewer difficult times and learn more from the ones they have.

Somewhere in the archives here is a series of posts, I was wondering a problem and used mushrooms. But all the fruit wanted to do is play. I wanted to work. I kept upping the dose on successive sessions.

Keep at it, and sorry for the tone of my original.
I hear ya. The majority of my trip was watching family guy but before that I started watching kid cannabis and I don't think that movie was the right kind of setting I needed to be in and it might have even been the cause of my bad trip. Idk. Where I'm living now it's hard to find a good place in nature to go and chill at especially at 3am. I live in a big city and its not exactly the safest to be walking around in, but I did eventually take a small walk and it was kind of nice. A semi passed by and it looked like it was going 100 miles an hour down the road and it was pretty intense lol

Though nature is best, the real point is that the mushroom hates it when you do not give it your undivided attention. TV or video games are the antithesis of mushrooms.

If you can't get out. Sit in a dimly lit room with a big and changeable playlist of music. Light a candle, buy some leggos, light sticks, coffee table books, graphic novels, a variety of scents, a few precut bits of fruit. Just BE. Just BE with yourself.

Go to a large toy store before you begin and buy something interactive.

I recently found an infinity marble. Just examining that is worth hours. And don't forget the tactile, worry beads, smooth rocks, whatever.

TV is evil and rarely helps you on your way.
My post came off a little more stern than I thought. I believe I was talking not just to you but to others who figure that if they aren't "thinking happy thoughts". They are having a bad trip.

My daughter called me once and said she was having a bad trip.... On alcohol. She said she was maudlin and depressed, oh, and she threw up.

Mushrooms don't " fix" anything. You do that, they just force you to see the problem, and usually overstate it for effect. Remember, not only is your perception of yourself enhanced, your emotional responses to those revelations are as well.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that a different hallucinogenic is key.

The strangeness of the world is illustrated in the fact that the most savage (well, second most) drug happens to be the one most easily attained.

If you want this as an alli, grow it (did you say you did?). People who grow their own, in my experience, tend to have fewer difficult times and learn more from the ones they have.

Somewhere in the archives here is a series of posts, I was wondering a problem and used mushrooms. But all the fruit wanted to do is play. I wanted to work. I kept upping the dose on successive sessions
Keep at it, and sorry for the tone of my original.
No worries, man. My posts come off the wrong way all the time. And yeah, The ones I took this time were grown by me. The first time I bought from a dealer who skimped me big time which is why I'm growing them myself now. I know I can't just eat mushrooms and think that it's gonna solve all my problems. I see how it does help though. I see how it can expand the mind and help you face your problems and deal with them. I also think that part of the problem was that I didn't take enough. My first successful grow gave me 18 grams fresh. Which, when dried, is actually a little bit less than I took before. I've heard that in order to get past the anxiety you have to consume a fairly large amount so it hits you harder and quicker. And I also see what you mean when you say mushrooms hate it when you don't give it the undivided attention. I guess watching TV all together was my first mistake. I just thought it might be interesting to follow a storyline while I'm tripping just to make things interesting. But I was more focused on the movie than I was on the mushrooms and before I knew it I was spiraling into a dark and depressing trip.
So I guess when my next batch finishes growing (I have a new way of growing that should give me a much larger yield.) I'll take a larger dose and try to plan a trip out to a nature trail or a lake or something like I did last time. Maybe I'll try and take a friend with me as well. Thank you for your comments.
You had a trip which made you ponder life and death and go through your own flaws and imperfections as a person. Make some work, be more open person & understand yourself better. Connect the sad and happy sides of you.
Or next time eat 0,3g and watch some simpsons.
I had a "bad" trip where I couldn't stop thinking about not spending enough time with my family (mom, dad, brothers, sisters)
The entire trip focused on that (I was like 16 at the time) I'm mush much older now and have an awesome relationship with all of my immediate family.

I credit the shrooms for showing me what's really important. Peace!
I guess you only really know what a bad trio is after you have had one.

Many scoff at the notion, blaming set and setting or worse, a weak mind.

I don't have a weak mind and am cognizant of the need for preparation.

Part of high dose experiments involves the ability to surrender. But I always thought that involved will, ego and higher brain functions.

It doesn't. Sometimes the chemical can seep into emotional centers. Most trips influence emotions secondarily, awe, as sense if beauty, fear, euphoria and the like swell and retreat in a paced fashion, or are the result of Revelation or memory.

Now I posted a description of my experience several years ago. It was the last time I ever took lsd as I knew the trip was tantamount to barring the door to paradise. This was some forty years ago.

For reasons of my own, I am revisiting that helish experience. It was a very bad trip. Not demons, not feeling as if one were dead or dying, that can actually be fun.

No. If you have had open eye patterns then you know they move and revolve at blazing speed.

Now imagine all those fractals being singular emotions.

Imagine being hit by wave after wave, pummeled, thrashed, assaulted by feelings of utter frustration and hatred, fear, passion, wonder, loathing, embarrassment, horror, revulsion, shame, humiliation, pride, loneliness, dispare, indecision, terror, pride, love, tenderness, shock,bitternes,anguish,
Sadness, joy, weariness, helplessness, power, rejection, purposelessness. All of them washing over you sequentially or simultaneously, heartbeats from one another over and over and over. Unpredictably. Inevitably. Overwhelmingly.

How does one surrender to that? Imagine this happening relentlessly for hour after hour, enduring a lifetime of every emotion possible and some not even describable, for the duration of a very long day.

That is my definition of a bad trip.

Most certainly I learned from it, I recovered and was probably more emotionally integrated after the fact but I would not recommend it to anyone.
JMO....No such thing as a bad trip. Its only a bad trip if you label it so. That said if your trying to party/ have a good time stay on the low doses of shit like 100ug L or 1.5 grams of some booms. Just dont be that asshole thats like Im trippin face on nothing, because those doses are really nothing imo/ime. Like, @laywhoish12 or @rory420420 300 ug or higher then we'll start talkin. If shit starts going south change what your doing or focuses, the stimulations in your environment that shit etc. Canndo hit that nail right on the head like he often does!
When I had a an "uncomfortable" trip on LSD it wasn't bad thoughts that was the problem. The problem was thoughts were going through my mind so fast that I couldn't stop and hold on to any of them long enough. It was excruciating having my mind flooded with constant, fast moving thoughts- I was unable to expand on any of the thoughts, they were non stop. I kept thinking- when will this stop, will I ever be able to slow this down and be "normal" again. It was probably the most scared I've ever been in my life. I thought I would be stuck like this forever. After it finally wore off and I contemplated my experience I felt like I had a much better understanding of LSD. I better understood the power of this drug and what it does with your mind. Shrooms on the other hand were always more of an extrovert experience with me- communing with nature, seeking out different things to do, etc. Although there were those times when I had to lay down and be alone while seeing elaborate patterns but I've never had a bad or uncomfortable time on Shrooms.