Church shooting.

the literacy rate in afghanistan is 32%, actually, as high as 68% in some regions.

i really understand how you don't want to address the issues of right wing terrorism in the united states, but if you want to worry about pedophilia in afghanistan, start a thread instead of derailing this one.

This thread is for us to talk about right wing terrorists

Ha , you say im worried about pedophillia & hijacking a thread when you've derailed & hijacked atleast a hundred threads with your rob roy pedophillia nonsesnse in every topic to hit this forum & i beat ya over the head with your own boot , sucks dont it & you'll never win at it no mater how much wiki nonsense ya pull out or charts that back your political rehetoric , any & every time any of you post that false bullshit about pedophilliai'll be right there with a victim who's been mollested before she was 10 yrs old , something your charts & graphs cant do , ever .

Im not deraling shit , the 3 rd wheel in your cog had the need to self flagalate with nonsense unfounded bullshit & then have the balls to end the false post with the word fact , i challenged her bullshit with facts via victim statements which she couldnt counter with any reasonable response so cog #2 lept to her defense , how chivalrous of him so i shut his nonsense down with more facts that could only be countered with catch phrases like racism & terrorism , ooooo the boogy man .

Then as per the norm when both have their feet wedged in their mouth they call on you , its a scenario we watch play out daily in all the threads so nothing new there i just wanted all 3 of you to know your not right & no amount of apologist bullshit is gonna make you right , wanna continue posting charts & wiki bullshit full of political agendas for you 3 about pedophilia in every thread i'll slam it all down with in person victim statements & you cant fuck with that & you know it .

Wanna tell lies & demonize white christians as the #1 group of pedophiles i'll be right there showing the muslim pedophiles for the monsters they are & any snappy lil shock comments trying to demonize me will be retaliated against immediately with more victims of the sick perverted muslim bastards you try to smoke screen & make excuses for .

You 3 have ran this forum like a gang of thugs which i could care less in most cases but when any of you start talking pedophillia bullshit i'll be right there to shut you down , racism is your guys thing & you 3 are good at it but islamic pedophile monsters who run amok in the middle east is my thing & i'll win every time because i dont need no fukin graphs , charts & stupid peer reviewed nonsense , i have victims & an endless supply of them , endless .

Balls in you 3's court , you want to talk about right wing terrorism ,have at it but if the bullshit is brought to me with ignorant nonsense i'll respond in a way that you 3 dont dig .
Seriously, this guy is desperate to derail this thread. Yet another right wing terrorist in America but we can't even discuss it with out him having a complete mental breakdown, citing bullshit youtube videos and spreading disinformation just to alleviate his intense hatred for the attention that yet another white supremacist terrorist is receiving.

But if anyone tries to explicate his nonsense he gets his way and attention is drawn away from his darling Dylan Roof and we are called "Muslim Sympathizers". Time to call a spade a spade. I know why he is so bothered by a discussion of white supremacist terrorism that he would desperately seek to derail it. He's a white supremacist sympathizer. Look at his meltdowns in this thread every time he is presented with the truth about white supremacist terrorism. Islam this, Islam that but don't dare talk about white supremacist terrorism.

His only defense is his repetitive claim that he married a woman from a third world country. A woman from a third world country is invariably desperate to marry an American. It's the only type of woman he can get.

Be very sure you want to continue this bullshit because i can be here every day asking the exact same questions buck has in everybody elses threads .

Whats the best way to kick a black man out of your store .

How do you consent to pedophillia , that non stop derailment has been allowed & approved by mods for buck so mine shouldnt be any different .

Sound familiar it should , you 3 have ran that game with your tag team bullshit for endless threads .

Dont like if then dont talk shit & stick to a subject you can win like racism , bring pedophillia up again & all 3 of you'll get lunberjacked just like ya did in this thread , you want to be a pedophile apologist dont do it in front of me or once again your bullshit will get crushed , im willing to walk away from this & let you 3 have your racism party for the 10,000 th time but your gonna drop the bullshit because you & your lil clique started it , dont want to drop it just keep talking shit , ill be back tomorrow & see if you have any self control .
I say, if you are going to do the church thing, make sure all your members are trustworthy and lock the door. Or just simply stay home. There will always be crazy people out there that want to harm others. If you never leave your home, how do they intend to harm you?
I say, if you are going to do the church thing, make sure all your members are trustworthy and lock the door. Or just simply stay home. There will always be crazy people out there that want to harm others. If you never leave your home, how do they intend to harm you?
Dylan Roof wasn't propelled by insanity, he was motivated to his act of terrorism by ideology. He was in full control of his faculties. So I disagree that there will always necessarily be a threat of terrorist attacks targeting church goers. Something should be done to counter the ideology, such as identification and education. Also the unhindered spread of propaganda originating from such ideologies should be balanced by correct understanding of its inherent flaws.

Quite simply, stop blaming victims.
Dylan Roof wasn't propelled by insanity, he was motivated to his act of terrorism by ideology. He was in full control of his faculties. So I disagree that there will always necessarily be a threat of terrorist attacks targeting church goers. Something should be done to counter the ideology, such as identification and education. Also the unhindered spread of propaganda originating from such ideologies should be balanced by correct understanding of its inherent flaws.

Quite simply, stop blaming victims.

Yeah, I know he knew what he was doing. He was not crazy, but killing 9 people is pretty crazy. Are you calling for censorship of racism on the internet? I think this might be an attack on free speech. Anyway, I will blame the victims because their god did nothing to help them in their time of need. I will at least laugh at them. Is it against the law to laugh?
Yeah, I know he knew what he was doing. He was not crazy, but killing 9 people is pretty crazy. Are you calling for censorship of racism on the internet? I think this might be an attack on free speech. Anyway, I will blame the victims because their god did nothing to help them in their time of need. I will at least laugh at them. Is it against the law to laugh?
I am not suggesting that the gov't take action unless there is a clear majority of people demanding it. I'm definitely not suggesting that it should be illegal to be racist. I am suggesting that white supremacist terrorist ass holes should not shoot up churches. If they can't understand this, they should be educated and at least trolled on the internet when they spread their nonsense.

Instead of blaming the victims, it should be a matter of identifying the people who spread the ideology that people such as Dylan Roof act upon so that they can be trollololed.
So I read the manifesto again....
Who took all the pictures that have been released?
Can someone explain this part for me, I dont get it.

"If we could somehow turn every jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on."- Dylann Roof
So I read the manifesto again....
Who took all the pictures that have been released?
Can someone explain this part for me, I dont get it.

"If we could somehow turn every jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on."- Dylann Roof

that america is being infiltrated by jews. that they are taking over our monetary systems.

being a white supremacist i'm sure his hatred includes groups other than blacks.
I say, if you are going to do the church thing, make sure all your members are trustworthy and lock the door. Or just simply stay home. There will always be crazy people out there that want to harm others. If you never leave your home, how do they intend to harm you?

but then the terrorist wins.
but then the terrorist wins.
NO, you win because you get to stay home all day and chill on get stoned and laugh at people who get shot in church because their god is powerless to help their most devoted followers. If you must leave your residence, conceal carry like a boss and if anyone tries this bullshit, you can put them down. What else is there to do? If you don't conceal carry, just pray harder than the other people and god will surely save you and not the State Senator...
I am not suggesting that the gov't take action unless there is a clear majority of people demanding it. I'm definitely not suggesting that it should be illegal to be racist. I am suggesting that white supremacist terrorist ass holes should not shoot up churches. If they can't understand this, they should be educated and at least trolled on the internet when they spread their nonsense.

Instead of blaming the victims, it should be a matter of identifying the people who spread the ideology that people such as Dylan Roof act upon so that they can be trollololed.
There is no way to ask politely all terrorists assholes to stop terrorists acts. If that is how it works, the war on terror would be pwned. The trolling is to be expected unless there is like actual logic in their writings. If I were to say the Holocaust is a lie, you would call me a hateful bigot. But what if it were true? It is not illegal to deny Holocaust where I live but it is illegal to do so in Germany which is suspicious.

This guy is the best eye witness to the Holocaust yet fails to accurately describe a gassing victim.

This woman is caught lying about the Holocaust. She has given speeches to 6 million school children.

These are real Holocaust death camps.
NO, you win because you get to stay home all day and chill on get stoned and laugh at people who get shot in church because their god is powerless to help their most devoted followers. If you must leave your residence, conceal carry like a boss and if anyone tries this bullshit, you can put them down. What else is there to do? If you don't conceal carry, just pray harder than the other people and god will surely save you and not the State Senator...

laugh at the people who got shot in the church?

wow, you are new but already establishing yourself as quite the POS.
There is no way to ask politely all terrorists assholes to stop terrorists acts. If that is how it works, the war on terror would be pwned. The trolling is to be expected unless there is like actual logic in their writings. If I were to say the Holocaust is a lie, you would call me a hateful bigot. But what if it were true? It is not illegal to deny Holocaust where I live but it is illegal to do so in Germany which is suspicious.

This guy is the best eye witness to the Holocaust yet fails to accurately describe a gassing victim.

This woman is caught lying about the Holocaust. She has given speeches to 6 million school children.

These are real Holocaust death camps.

wow, you're a holocaust denier too.

it's summer at RIU alright.
If you must leave your residence, conceal carry like a boss and if anyone tries this bullshit, you can put them down. What else is there to do? If you don't conceal carry, just pray harder than the other people and god will surely save you and not the State Senator...

Haha awesome , thats wtf im talkin about , learn how to safely handle a weapon & carry it everywhere you go , i dont leave the house without my 45 & my wife carries a 380 with her , were both good shots too , people shouldnt have to run from murderous fools vs standing their ground , if a couple decent citizens at the church were taught how to use a weapon & were carrying they coulda dropped his ass at the door .
This kid is not a sociopath.
This evil, demented killer is a psychopath. He is a full-blown psychotic lunatic.
His brain is steeped in evil.
He was evidently taking psychotropic drugs, thereby accentuating his misinterpretation of reality.
Thanks big pharma!
Chemicals seem to create more focused killers.
The rules of logic do not apply when endeavoring to analyze his behavior.
But go ahead and blame Fox and Drudge if it makes some of you feel better.

Pure piffle and codswallop.

Okay...I'm not gonna lie. I usually know most words and their origin etc. Codswallop has me intrigued and I'm not gonna cheat and google it.

What does codswallop mean...I'm thinking it's sort of like bullshit.

Nice use of it by the way. Very authoritative.
Haha awesome , thats wtf im talkin about , learn how to safely handle a weapon & carry it everywhere you go , i dont leave the house without my 45 & my wife carries a 380 with her , were both good shots too , people shouldnt have to run from murderous fools vs standing their ground , if a couple decent citizens at the church were taught how to use a weapon & were carrying they coulda dropped his ass at the door .

so it's the black people at fault for being slaughtered, rather than the white supremacist for slaughtering them?
laugh at the people who got shot in the church?

wow, you are new but already establishing yourself as quite the POS.

Someone is a wee bit sensitive. It's not my fault I think it is hilarious that their god did not (edit: lift) life a finger to save lives. They are in heaven anyway so why does it matter if I laugh? I think all church related incidents are funny as hell. Churches getting destroyed by tornadoes, cars crashing into churches, church vehicles getting into accidents. Where the fuck is their god?