Well-Known Member
Wow what a great real life experience post & i loved hearing " white devils " because its a term from my youth that many here deny that racists teach their kids .I grew up in a very racist household, I mean really bad. Racist religious extremists. But growing up in NY and going to a non "zoned" school I had friends of every shape, size and color. One of my best friends in high school was a white dude named Kyle. He just didnt match up to all the hate filled images I had seen of the "white devil". I quickly learned to question everything, especially the stuff they have no explanation for like race and religion.
I was born durring segragation in 1952 & my father chose to buy a home in a 100% black neighborhood in the Cass corridor. because of its proxemity to his factory , i didnt have it bad where i was beaten up or anything but i knew the adults didnt like me , the 1st black true friends i made were Thomas & his sister Zena & we played together everyday & one day tom asked me to show him my tail ! I was like wtf you talking about my tail , he explained his parents told him all white devils were born with tails & we had our tails cropped at birth leaving a nubb, i had to drop trow & show him we didnt have lil stubs left over from our tails
Ive told the white devil story here as a sign of what was prevelant in the 1950's & got the poor oppressed white male speech so i just gave up trying to teach these fools that racism knows no color only hate .
Im glad you pulled out of the bad shit you wers brought up with as i did , people are people nothing more .