Has anyone used DB or DD bin Cree CXB3590?

Wanted to say thanks for all the help and the diy's, RS, Supra, GG, and others. Just starting to learn about the LED/COB's. Seems impressive to me. Thinking the trolls are probably just shills at this point. You should send the best hater your smashed mars2 so they can do a side by side. Disruption is such a bitch aint it.

I'd like to see that 6500k mapped someday. I still don't get 90% of it all, thought I read CRI didn't matter, then I see this chart..?

I assume better CXB bins are coming since I tried to Google some of them and couldn't find any? Kingbrite should lend you guys a par meter or whatever it is you'd use to map those things. Could there even be such thing as a 90+CRI 4000k? 6500K? what would those look like?

Anyway since I'm making noob requests, how about taking your lankiest girl and putting her under 200+ watts of those 6500k, in DWC?


Well-Known Member
Wanted to say thanks for all the help and the diy's, RS, Supra, GG, and others. Just starting to learn about the LED/COB's. Seems impressive to me. Thinking the trolls are probably just shills at this point. You should send the best hater your smashed mars2 so they can do a side by side. Disruption is such a bitch aint it.

I'd like to see that 6500k mapped someday. I still don't get 90% of it all, thought I read CRI didn't matter, then I see this chart..?

I assume better CXB bins are coming since I tried to Google some of them and couldn't find any? Kingbrite should lend you guys a par meter or whatever it is you'd use to map those things. Could there even be such thing as a 90+CRI 4000k? 6500K? what would those look like?

Anyway since I'm making noob requests, how about taking your lankiest girl and putting her under 200+ watts of those 6500k, in DWC?
Higher CRI generally means that output in some regions was reduced (compared to lower CRI version of the same CCT). And yes, there are 90+CRI 4000K or even 5600K (Vero).


Well-Known Member
Please help me understand this mysterious DD's. Is it the 5000K supra was talking about? I could not find any DD in datasheet
Does Jerry have DD's
We will probably see CXB3590 5000K DB and DD at some point but have not seen any available yet.

The CXA3590 5000K DB when available is currently the best vegging COB IMO. Next best option if available would be the CXB3070 5000K BD and it has better driver options.
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Well-Known Member
...the best vegging cob an 5000K.... ok but...

...5000K are the best for long vegged times (month / s)?... or best for short vegged times?... (week / s)...
...5000K are the best for long light cicles (24/7) (20/ 4) ...etc...?... or best for normal veg cicles (18/6)?...


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Well-Known Member
I run a lot of different varieties, some sativa dom and some indica dom. So I figure 5000K is a good one-size fits all. But if you run mostly indica doms you might prefer a 3500 or 4000K because indica-dom tends to be slower vegging/quicker flowering and shorter internode lengths that self-shade. So decreasing the blue % might increase internode length a bit, may be controversial but easy to test. The 6500K could help tame the stretchy spindly sativas?

As far as fast vs slow vegging, I figure that is mostly based on intensity. If I am ahead of schedule (plants get too big before the flower room is ready for them) I dim it down (~150 PPFD) and if I am behind schedule I crank them up (~350 PPFD). You could veg with higher intensity if you grow intermittently and want to blaze through the vegging process, or for auto flowers.

I like to crank the vegging lights a week before they get moved to the flower room to get them ready for higher intensity (~750 PPFD) and dim the flower room a bit for the first week. In the past I have noticed that the change from low intensity to high can shock them and sometimes I see damage in the upper leaves, especially in certain varieties. Not a major problem, they still yield plenty but it is something that we might be able to address with dimming.

As far a how color temp interacts with 18/6 or 20/4 or 24/0 that is a good question I have not experimented with that. I have been running at 22/2 accidentally (made a mistake setting timer), now shifting back to 20/4 or 18/6.
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Well-Known Member
this may sound crazy but I have vegged under MH, T5s with 6500k bulbs.... My best vegg was under kessil h350.

how do you think these cxb3590 DD will compare?

how many to vegg a 3x3 ?

also what about two kessil amazon sun lights?

Im an led noob and im trying to buy and build everything first before i pop some seeds.


Well-Known Member
a friend has an advanced ex veg and that thing rocks , I was thinking about building a diy version, what would be a good cob to xte ratio?