Backyard Super Lemon Haze & Blueberry


New Member
What's up to who never decides to read this....

So I got a couple clones about a month ago from a local indoor grower. I used to grow for fun, became obsessed with it and dug out an underground grow room beneath my house and set up a 4000w HPS operation and became somewhat knowledgeable and decent at growing some good herb. The single greatest thing I learned is its all about the seeds and genetics.

Got married. Had a kid.

8 yrs removed from the game and unexpectedly found myself just doing it for fun again in my backyard. I went and got a bag of perlite, coco loco, ocean forest and some vegamatrix.

I hardened off the clones slowly. Just by the looks of it the guy I got them from was also gifted these babies before giving them to me so there are a couple of unknown variables. I am not sure the soil they were in was initially any good. He said he made it himself... And judging by the fact that he only uses miracle grow I decided once they were hardened off to quickly abort the gallon containers they were in and transplant them with a good flushing of nice clean water and set them up in the two 20gal clay planters on my patio.

Unknowns: whether or not they were cloned and rooted properly or for how long. I also am not certain if he really knew what strains they were or if he just wanted to sound cool. I'm guessing they were in the gallon containers for three weeks sitting on his kitchen table next to a standard lamp with a small cfl bulb in it. I think he rooted them right there on his table in his hom emade soil mixture. I know this BC I had been there a few times prior to him offering them to me.

So I assumed they were rooted and just needed some exposure to the outdoor elements slowly and a little at a time. I started them off in partial broken sunlight underneath my cherry tree for a week and a half with intermittent full exposure. They didn't grow much in that time but I eventually began to realize they might not have properly rooted prior to doing this. Ya know how rooting clones tend to suck the nutrients from the lowest set of fan leaves, leaving it slightly discolored? Almost appears as a nute burn/deficiency. They just weren't doing much if anything at all during this first week or two prior to me noticing these signs. So I went to my local shop and he gave me some samples of cocotek BC I just wanted something light and synthetic to give them a quick shot of something readily available to be drawn up and see if I could trigger some action now that I believed they were ready to take off. This was on June 11th.

I quickly noticed them green up significantly and point for the sun, adjusting to catch and follow the sun as it moves across the sky. The greatest indicator that all is well. 3 cons ecutive days of this later and I placed them into the large planters and gave them a full dose of vegamatrix.

I live at about 6,000ft, 41 degrees north latitude, and its been the hottest June on record. Temps have. Been about 99-104 this past week with no signs of the temps coming down. The way my yard is situated they get full sun from 11:30am until 7pm. I can roll the large planters on an angle of their base to add an additional hour or two in the morning and one more in the evening but I sacrifice stealth mode by having them right out in the yard instead of on my basement patio with the deck overhead and the concrete sidewalls of the basement entrance obstructing the view of anyone but me and the wonderful sunshine.

So now that I have presented the situation..
..... Here are my concerns as I have only grown indoors.... With such high temps and only about 7-8 hours of direct light am I keeping these under control or will I eventually have Huuuge plants that will be stinking up the neighborhood? The properties on either side are only occupied on the weekend and nobody lives behind me, my house rests on the edge of a cliff that goes down maybe 1000ft. To a creek. I guess I'm just not seeing anything near what I would get vegetatively indoors. Obviously I'm aware of all the differences... I've checked and have the fundamentals down and everything is dialed in and under my control except the temps and amount of light. Its maybe 10% humidity and breaking a hundreds just barely everyday. Both plants seem somewhat happy, just not growing much. I'm guessing I have 6 weeks until they begin to flower, but again, I'm just guessing from what I've read.

Forgot to mention, it appears the SLH was topped at the same time they were cloned. Maybe thats what has halted her a bit other than the blazing temps :( ive grown a 10pk of dutch passion blueberry before so i am a little familiar, but i can tell this one is another variety, mostly indica but the leaves look mainly hybrid compared to the stumpy and fat leaves i had on the ones i grew before.they aren't to that point where they can survive most everything yet... The blueberry is maybe 5 or six inches tall, 3 sets of nodes, and the SLH is maybe an inch or two taller appearing mostly sativa with alternating nodes instead of the symmetrical appearance indica's have during veg.

Well, I hope I painted an accurate picture.. I want a decent yield with plants slightly bigger than what I was capable of doing under my indoor setup and that's what I am looking forward to. I want input on what I can do to achieve that. I would lollipop my indoor plants and FIM/supercrop to boost my final weight. Should I even bother doing that outdoors? I just want enough for a personal stash to get me through the winter:) I can ammend my nutes if needed. I just have the five vegamatrix bottles for now with some OG tea, microbes, G10, deep breathe, snowstorm ultra, purple maxx, and terpinator coming in the mail this week.

Should I be doing anything to compensate for the weather other than monitoring the water?,I just hope they adjust and start growing a little more like what I was used to seeing. I would have plants two and a half feet tall in about 5wks in my indoor setup. I haven't seen these two grow two inches maybe since I got them. Again that was maybe june 10th? And at this point they couldn't have handled anymore sun than what I have allowed them to get. There are a couple very very small/minor signs of sunburn. The pH of the initial soil was reading slightly high from its runoff, around 7.5 but I got about a 6.3 after transplanting them. But they did spend about 3 weeks in that initial container. Any and all advice would be much appreciated. I will upload some pics tomorrow night. I wasn't anticipating such intense heat when I decided to do this and my heart is fully set on seeing this all the way through successfully with some high quality finished product and a somewhat decent yield.

I used to use floranova grow and bloom with some other GH supplements for my indoor with really good results and fast growth. It seems like with the new term 'medicine' (which I think is bogus for people to hide.behind that word BTW) that there is a huge push for a cleaner and organic finished product. That part I can understand and would like to adhere to as much as possible. Vegamatrix appears very dilute for being what kyle claims it is. If anybody thinks I should switch to some thing else tell me now pls! With GH selling out to Scott's I had to abandon them. Almost went with Humboldt's natural grow but the guy at the shop really pushed kyles brand and sold me on it. Anyways, wow I wrote a long one.... Again, any and all input would be appreciated.
Yeah... so... no way I read it all but parts i did see was about the outside temps. It gets over 100 here in cali all the time and the temp doesnt affect my plants at all. If they are in proper pots or the ground and properly hardened before getting full sun temp should not be an issue. Think of the green house growers here in california. Those are well over 100 on 100deg days.
7hours of direct light is pretty good. The sun is great, they are still getting light even when shaded.
It seems like with the new term 'medicine' (which I think is bogus for people to hide.behind that word BTW)
Have most of your intestines removed then make this stupid statement...
or maybe try glaucoma, do you like your eyesight? Maybe one of the many types of cancer...?
Or you are saying its bogus for people to avoid going to jail for weed? If i wasnt as sick as I am you better believe I would still have a medical card just to avoid arrest and jail.
Here is a pic of me with some large plants.20150626_092144.jpg
Heres another pic of me with some large colas
Are you willing to post a picture of your face? So who is hiding? It seems to me more people use the medical to come out of hiding! Most of my friends are growers I most likely wouldnt know with out "medical".
Its the people that are not sick that I'm referring to. It was a generalized statement that didn't need to be exploited by some fucktard inbred looking for somebody to start an argument with. You look like a real winner. Congrats.
In my opinion with the word "medicine" I think of robitussin to ease a cough or tylenol for a headache. That's just the association I have personally made with the word. Indeed there are some prepared forms of cannabis that are designed to relieve certain ailments, conditions, and illnesses. In my opinion, yes, that is medicine. For the people slamming a 3ft RooR or passing a blunt around their Intent is to get fucked up, high, etc. Its this circle of users that i am speaking of. For them to claim an ailment and use the system to justify their usage that make it harder for those who really need it. I dont know what your condition is, I apologize for reacting so harshly in the message prior to this one, but my statement was at those who are ruining it for those who truly need it in medicinal form. I highly doubt a child struggling with epilepsy is going to go pack a fat bowl and tear through a bong rip to keep from seizing up. Have I clarified my statement? I'm not ignorant. I was just pointing out the fact that the scene has and is changing and those who give the plant its negative image are riding the coat tail of those who benefit from its remedial and healing characteristics.

This was not the topic I had intended on when creating this thread. Pls let's not get into this here.
Hmmm see how no one is responding to your post...? Well except me and the guy that gave you the finger via smiley... Lol! Keep it up with stupid comments and lame insults and see how much help you get or questions answered. I listed my illness first, missing intestines, but anyone using a medical card to hide or justify their useage is in no way hurting me. So what if they dont want to get arrested, no one does. Your definition/interpretation of medicind is very flawed! They have sleep medicine, getting high and going to sleep is better than taking nyquil or Zzzquil.

Its the people that are not sick that I'm referring to. It was a generalized statement that didn't need to be exploited by some fucktard inbred looking for somebody to start an argument with. You look like a real winner. Congrats.
I would say Im a winner... owning property, no credit card debt, all 4 cars and boat paid for, more tools than an auto shop, fishing trips any time i want all while not having to work a regular job... I could go on much longer but Im sure you get my point.
heres another pic for you. Im pretty sure women find me more attractive than you as well. Im actually a pretty good looking guy and my height helps to ;)
get a medical card... its easier than hiding in the internet! Im not the only one that posts my picture on here...

seems Im "winning" more than you, you cant even get yours to grow...
a taste of my MEDICAL indoor...

Hopefully your plants grow, smoking usually takes care of bad attitudes and being butt hurt about people geting med cards to avoid jail or being looked down upon socially.