What comes first, ethics or profit?

What comes first?

  • Profit

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Ethics

    Votes: 11 64.7%

  • Total voters
Hmmm profits or happiness.
I choose happy employees.

Unfortunately this is the age of the corporation. That faceless piece of paper that makes the company responsible and then officers of the company can hide behind this "Corporate person" and do unspeakable things, most of them legally.

And most people buy into it when they invest in a pension, insurance, government bonds, 401K's, IRAs etc etc

Because you want your cake and you want to eat it at some point, you want that little slice to turn into a whole cake by the time you are old and hurting all over. You invest in financial products hoping to do just that. Its you, the people, demanding that companies make profits so that you can get a golden goose egg. Some of you are willing to prosecute your officers if they don't do everything in their power to make a profit.

Small mom and pop businesses might employ the most people, but the big corporations have all the power. Because of people like you. And me.
Why were you forced to work some shitty job whilst getting underpaid ? Why did your parents allow this ?

Manhood came earlier to me than some others & sucking of mom & dads tit wasnt acceptable when my legs & arms werent broke , im not from the nintendo generation & we didnt burden our parents finances & did for ourselves , the generation before me 14 yr olds were fighting ww2 , its all shit you couldnt fathom.

Its called early work ethic , sorry you didnt have it .
Manhood came earlier to me than some others & sucking of mom & dads tit wasnt acceptable when my legs & arms werent broke , im not from the nintendo generation & we didnt burden our parents finances & did for ourselves , the generation before me 14 yr olds were fighting ww2 , its all shit you couldnt fathom.

Its called early work ethic , sorry you didnt have it .
so you were very poor growing up ?
no, but my parents were able to let me be a kid and didn't force me to work an underpaid job

But when people become adults and have a choice to work underpaid jobs or to do something about it, why is it anyone's fault but their own if they stay at that underpaying job?
Why do people with no skills get shit pay while people with desirable skills get higher pay?

Fuck, if only someone could figure this out.

fuck, if only someone could.


Poor kids who do everything right don’t do better than rich kids who do everything wrong

Well, It sounds like you have some growing up to do. wow.

wooooo, child labor!

because that line worked out so well in the last set of republican debates, why not recycle it for this election?

why don't you tell me how that ends up working out. or maybe just stick to outwitting fish on the boat you inherited.
But when people become adults and have a choice to work underpaid jobs or to do something about it, why is it anyone's fault but their own if they stay at that underpaying job?
Cos Koch Brothers, 0.1%, means of production, rigged elections, global warming, racists, etc.

Definately isn't the individuals fault...
Cos Koch Brothers, 0.1%, means of production, rigged elections, global warming, racists, etc.

Definately isn't the individuals fault...

Its the neighbors fault. Take their shit and give it to the people who fail.

Everyone is a special snowflake.