Does Weed Help You With Your Art?


Well-Known Member
I draw Mandalas (or try to at least) as a relaxing meditation technique and I find weed to help me tune out my surroundings and get lost in my drawing so yea I'd say it helps.

I think it helps me with guitar playing as well, I don't know how to describe it other than I "feel" the music better and put more emotion into my playing.
I could definitely see how it would help drawing Mandalas and contribute to the meditative flow. A good friend of mine draws those but I'm not sure if there's any bud assistance - amazing, intricate stuff. I play bass a bit (but not well). If I get lightly stoned, it helps me get into the groove. If I get too stoned, forget about it LOL


Well-Known Member
I tried smoking and painting once. It didn't help. Mb i should try smoking less and painting. Mb i overdid it. It helps with concentration but not so much with creativity forr me
Yeah, dannyboy602, I've definitely been there too. Especially if I go the edible route. Lightly stoned works best for me. With edibles, I still haven't found the right balance and end up scattered LOL


Well-Known Member
I can draw without it, but if I'm distracted by problems, it can help me focus. I don't really think it unlocks my creativity too much beyond that, but I guess it can help me with source connection. I'm curious as to other artists' experiences when smoking weed (or eating edibles) while creating.
i can see algebraic patterns easier while high.


Active Member
I don't have to be high to create however it definitely intensifies my work. When drawing with watercolor pens I am far more geometrically inclined and really intense with color.
With pottery its a must for me these days. I love getting stoned, playing a record and just pushing and squishing the stuff until I see "it". A shape that takes form....I can work for hours. Stopping to flip a record and have a few


Well-Known Member
Getting medicated is the only way i can calm my mind down enough to get motivated to create any type of art. I try to draw atleast one thing a day and have 6 paintings always on the go. I never really finish anything to my personal liking. Whether its a drawing, painting, tattoo or song im always updating lol
But without mj all i would do is worry
I hear ya - I think with the flood of constant information washing over us from computer screens, smartphones, TVs, etc. that weed is a bit more vital in tuning out than it was in the early '90s. Maybe I'm remembering things wrong though. Meditation's great for that too but sometimes it's just quicker to have a puff.


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Well-Known Member
Here is a couple I forgot about that my dad found and framed.

IMG_20150707_145508566.jpg IMG_20150707_145749238.jpg
The one with triangles is from an art class I took. You draw and color the pic with crayon. You then cover it in ink, I don't remember what kind. After the ink dries you remove it with a solvent, I don't remember what kind. The ink stays on the thinner crayon spots. The final step is to coat the pic in shellac. I don't remember what the process is called. I tried looking it up but couldn't find it. If anyone knows, I would appreciate it.
Actually, I did a search for famous artists who create under the influence of weed and I couldn't really find anything. But I did find this gallery of weed-inspired art and noticed that there's almost always an intense attention to detail. I wonder if that's linked?

The stuff I do when smoking is often pretty detailed too - a lot more than the stuff I was creating when I was completely straight. Maybe it's an attention span thing.


Well-Known Member
I find cannabis helps with creating ideas but gives me a worse product whether it's drawing or song writing etc, however smoking weed, doodling then looking at it again when sober gives me a great basis to start something off of