Does anyone one know how?


Well-Known Member
i have a question um how can you count the percentage of tch in a bud?i heard u count the thc glands on the bud with a microscpoe but not sure if thats true well any ways maybe i can get a answer from someone here ?:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
hehe, dont know to be honest, but it definitely requires some more advanced chemistry than just counting the glands..hehe, cant even imagine someone doing that actually..:twisted:


Well-Known Member
noobie grower but experienced chem engineer - thc content is measured by weight. to get an accurate measure you'd have to weigh a sample of weed, then extract the thc using one of the hash methods, purify it, then take the thc weight divided by the weed weight. remember, you asked :).


Well-Known Member
i dont think that would work cuz ur only weight the tch that come out of the bud wat about the thc still left in the bud? so if it bud weight on 2g. and the thc /hash metheod weights 1g. then wats the %of thc


Well-Known Member
but hash isn't pure thc
thats why i said purify it. there is no way to know the % without separating the thc from the plant material. you use a solvent, like alcohol as an example, that thc disolves in but plant material does not, mix the hell out of it, separate the solid from the liquid, then separate the liquid from the thc. repeat until pure.


Well-Known Member
This thread gave me a chuckle, a chemical engineer tells some burn outs how to figure out the THC content and they say that can't be right. Priceless, +rep to the chemical engineer Desertrat!


Well-Known Member
thats why i said purify it. there is no way to know the % without separating the thc from the plant material. you use a solvent, like alcohol as an example, that thc disolves in but plant material does not, mix the hell out of it, separate the solid from the liquid, then separate the liquid from the thc. repeat until pure.
where you're wrong though is that that will pull of the trich's. trich's aren't a 100 pecent thc. thanks for explaining how to make iso hash. iso hash isn't 100% thc. what about the other cannabinoids in the trich's that your alcohol is gonna include. how would you filter the thc out from the rest? cuz if it were possible to have a hundred percent pure thc I'm sure the medical clubs would already have it but I've never heard of such a thing


Well-Known Member
where you're wrong though is that that will pull of the trich's. trich's aren't a 100 pecent thc. thanks for explaining how to make iso hash. iso hash isn't 100% thc. what about the other cannabinoids in the trich's that your alcohol is gonna include. how would you filter the thc out from the rest? cuz if it were possible to have a hundred percent pure thc I'm sure the medical clubs would already have it but I've never heard of such a thing
actually, docs do have 100% thc, its medical name is marinol. it may be synthetic, idk. yes, i described how to make iso hash as that gets you to +70% thc, then to repeat myself, purify until 100%. as for separating the thc from the other canaboids, you can either use a different solvent or, as the commercial site does, use chromatography to separate a micro sample.
NOTE: i am not suggesting anyone should try and produce 100% thc by this method. it was a technical answer to a technical question about how to measure thc. it is not safe to consume thc that has been purified in the manner i am suggesting.
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Well-Known Member
actually, docs do have 100% thc, its medical name is marinol. it may be synthetic, idk.
So there isn't any filler in that pill?

yes, i described how to make iso hash as that gets you to +70% thc, then to repeat myself, purify until 100%.
Impossible. You're just making iso hash out of iso hash.

as for separating the thc from the other canaboids, you can either use a different solvent or, as the commercial site does, use chromatography to separate a micro sample.
NOTE: i am not suggesting anyone should try and produce 100% thc by this method.
I think someone should try to make 100% thc. That would be awesome I'd buy it.

it was a technical answer to a technical question about how to measure thc. it is not safe to consume thc that has been purified in the manner i am suggesting.

just trying to figure out what you're talking about because i would like to know and I'm not a "chemical engineer"


Well-Known Member
NOTE: i am not suggesting anyone should try and produce 100% thc by this method. it was a technical answer to a technical question about how to measure thc. it is not safe to consume thc that has been purified in the manner i am suggesting.
Yeah, and not to mention the cost involved in the analysis.


Well-Known Member
The only way to tell is with a mass spectrometer. Note that the equipment is expensive but its use is not that bad. Most universities have a few of these.

The cannalyse test is VERY subjective and rife with possible user error. It offers a rough estimation at the very best for the THC content.

I think everyone misses the point when these THC analysis threads pop up, its not about the THC guys. This is just some numbers that I feel were made up by greenhouse seed company so they can walmart away smaller growers that just produce good bud without a chem lab. Its like a commercial statement more then an indicator of the high.

Sorry to ramble but the fact is weed is a subjective thing as far as potency and experience, this is more so i believe with bud then hash as there are simply so many delicious varieties of flowers iv had the privilege to smoke. Sativas, indicas, 4077 med leaf, Rekon, and Matanuska Thunderfuck, I never had any of those strains tested or every really thought about it, i was too high.

Im not even name dropping those strains, what is good for me might not be good for you, I just want to reinforce that you should sample as much as possible ;) and go by user experiences instead to THC content.

Oh and motherfucking Greyberry is super crack nasty too, rolled in Kif before I got it...and Killer green outdoorz


Well-Known Member
so that test would work but its realy expensive i see what if one counts all the thc gland with a microscope


Well-Known Member
so that test would work but its really expensive i see what if one counts all the thc gland with a microscope
A) First, how expensive is it? I assume you know because you say so.

b)Counting the resin glands will give you the number of resin glands on the outside of a bud. I would rather round the dimples on a basketball, you ever use one of those 60x microscopes? Shack crap


Well-Known Member
yea i have but im ganna use 100x to 60x micro to see it? n c how many on there and see when it prime.