Old Skool RIU. Reputation, rep bombing, and the old ranking system


Well-Known Member
In the end we all gained a mother load of rep lol fun times . U couldn't rep the same person in a row...and the more u had the more u gave...
I would have been a repping WHORE.

Probably also a scunty negatron rep whore too.

Liberal with the button pressing. hahah

sno capz

Well-Known Member
@GreatwhiteNorth thank you kind sir! I always loved this site... Took me a bit to regain reputation but it feels Good! Alot of sarcasm and trolling here but i wouldn't want to be anywhere else! I've always loved this forum!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'll take that plus rep yessica lol.

ah the good old days. when pictures in your journals were your own you had the rep system complete with negative rep. what we old timers did before buck 1 starred the shit out of stuff.

i remember you too ebbngro


Well-Known Member
I missed the switch, I was gone for a while, I came back and was like wtf where the hell is my rank? I've moved on, just another something to look back on fondly, like angry beavers, blue Pepsi and hulk green ketchup.
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Well-Known Member
REP ruined my reputation.

The day I stopped being a 'Marijuana Toker' and became a 'Ganja Smoker' I lost my job, my wife fucked off with the kids, my dog shat in my slippers, my neighbour dumped fallen leaves on my driveway, the binmen kicked over my wheely bin, my water and electricity were cut off, the local town councilor personally showed me the Blue Goldfish, local kids let my tyres down, gypsies moved into my front garden, a travelling circus offered me a job as a bearded woman, the milk curdled, all my toenails fell out, I went bald, I hermied, the dish ran away with the spoon, the little dog laughed to see such fun and a chicken crossed the road just so it didn't have to be near my house.

Since then it's been pretty much down hill.


Ursus marijanus
REP ruined my reputation.

The day I stopped being a 'Marijuana Toker' and became a 'Ganja Smoker' I lost my job, my wife fucked off with the kids, my dog shat in my slippers, my neighbour dumped fallen leaves on my driveway, the binmen kicked over my wheely bin, my water and electricity were cut off, the local town councilor personally showed me the Blue Goldfish, local kids let my tyres down, gypsies moved into my front garden, a travelling circus offered me a job as a bearded woman, the milk curdled, all my toenails fell out, I went bald, I hermied, the dish ran away with the spoon, the little dog laughed to see such fun and a chicken crossed the road just so it didn't have to be near my house.

Since then it's been pretty much down hill.
Plus rep.