You have a persecution complex, persecution of white males, especially. The people we discussed earlier were falsely accused, not persecuted. Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany, blacks were persecuted in the south during the Jim Crow era. There is a difference. Why are you continually seeing outrage and springing to the defense of a demographic that doesn't need to be defended?
You also have trouble sorting out facts. I'm not surprised you'd cast an accurate number in the same vein as one that is ridiculous. You have lost your sense of reality a while ago. The sexual assault rate is 4-5 per 1000 student women. Its also about the same for non-students of the same age. Citatation:
Nobody is saying these investigatory panels are courts and nobody is put on trial in them. Again, you are having trouble dealing with facts and your phobia of persecution has clouded your mind.
Turning my earlier question around, would you want the 4-5 rapes per 1000 to go unresolved to prevent a false accusation from being made? In practice that's what's going on right now.