More people need to grow them some food...

your garden sucks. i don't blame you for being embarrassed of it, you are old and decrepit and not strong or virile enough to do a lot of the tasks needed for a nice home garden to thrive.

do you really think it's OK for an 80 year old racist geezer like yourself to seek out and have sex with 13 year old children?

I'm always looking to improve my gardening knowledge, yours looks really green, go a little heavy on the nitrogen?

My garden feeds me and other people in many ways. Your hobby garden by your own admission fails to feed you.

There are many kinds of strength aren't there? At one time I participated in contests of physical strength, probably when I was about your age, pup. I also coached some people that consistently won those kinds of contests after I stopped competing. So, while still much stronger than many guys my age, it's probably safe to say that I've lost more strength than you ever had girly man.

I still manage to split all my firewood by hand, maintain a road and get lots of other things done, like grow a garden that can feed me, maybe some day you'll get there too.

I'm not 80, not a racist and don't seek out sex with children. If you stopped beating your wife maybe she'd be able to help you out in the garden instead of having to work long hours to feed your lazy ass.

Pro tip - Don't rely on a tiny row or two of corn to feed you, cornholio.
Probably just you. I can see you as being that stupid

Your attempts to divert attention from your own prohibitionist idea are amusing. You advocated jailing people for weed.

You're not one of those guys that drives around in an old police car and a fake uniform pretending he's a cop are you?
but you've always claimed that people remaining on their property aren't causing any harm, like those heroes you idolize who just "remained on their property" and denied service to black people, never causing any harm along the way.

In the example you provided, dolt, the person remaining on their own property actively engaged the other person in a way that lessened the other persons right to enjoy their property. They have "initiated aggression" in some way.

In the examples I've used in the past, it was easy to understand that a person remaining on their own property and NOT seeking to engage others is remaining in a neutral status. They have not "initiated aggression".

Your silly comparison has been refuted. You sure express your ignorance frequently don't you?
I realize your ability to defend your stupid idea is pretty low, so I can see why you need to recreate shit in a desperate attempt to take the focus off your wishing jail time on people for weed related activity.

You said weed should be legal to grow and illegal to sell. You advocated jail time for consensual trade, not me, Prohibitionist.

I don't dream of anything for other people only that they treat others with respect and that they have the opportunity to self determine their OWN lives.

You, on the other hand want to use the guns of government to force people to do things you'd have them do. I reject that.

Your refutations are weak. If you have to rely on making shit up, you're losing.

The fact is I am not a racist, nor an idiot. You may or not be a racist, but I think any question of your idiocy has been answered many times.
You keep repeating that
Yet you cannot quote me ever advocating jail time for my idea. And yes you openly advocate rascism, and consensual pedophilia. These are quotes of yours that will never go away.
You keep repeating that
Yet you cannot quote me ever advocating jail time for my idea. And yes you openly advocate rascism, and consensual pedophilia. These are quotes of yours that will never go away.

Illegal to sell provides the evidence of your advocating jail time. Your "plan" included legislatively imposing an illegal element. Your continuing to squirm in the hot sun will only exhaust you and dry you out quicker Prohibitionist worm.

No, I DO NOT advocate racism, nor do I advocate forced interactions or using force to keep people from interacting that wish to. If people want to engage or disengage it should be up to the involved individuals, not you or me.

I do not advocate or endorse many things, while at the same time recognizing that I have no right to use force to change them if the participants are behaving in a voluntary and consensual way and THEY are okay with the situation. Unlike you, I do not have a prohibitionist mindset.

As a side note, you have provided me with lots of fun laughing at you. Thank you.
Illegal to sell provides the evidence of your advocating jail time. Your "plan" included legislatively imposing an illegal element. Your continuing to squirm in the hot sun will only exhaust you and dry you out quicker Prohibitionist worm.
lots of things are illegal and entail no jail time

No, I DO NOT advocate racism, nor do I advocate forced interactions or using force to keep people from interacting that wish to. If people want to engage or disengage it should be up to the involved individuals, not you or me.
You advocate racism all the time

I do not advocate or endorse many things, while at the same time recognizing that I have no right to use force to change them if the participants are behaving in a voluntary and consensual way and THEY are okay with the situation. Unlike you, I do not have a prohibitionist mindset.

As a side note, you have provided me with lots of fun laughing at you. Thank you.

You Sir are a failure. Do not blame society for your lack of success. You always have the option to move instead of bitching all the time.
Maybe you can find that Utopia of yours that accepts consensual pedophilia. Try Somalia
In the example you provided, dolt, the person remaining on their own property actively engaged the other person in a way that lessened the other persons right to enjoy their property. They have "initiated aggression" in some way.

In the examples I've used in the past, it was easy to understand that a person remaining on their own property and NOT seeking to engage others is remaining in a neutral status. They have not "initiated aggression".

Your silly comparison has been refuted. You sure express your ignorance frequently don't you?

so a racist person kicking black people out of their store is not initiating aggression against black people?

you are genuinely retarded.

black people couldn't even travel in the south thanks to these racial segregationist heroes of yours who just "remained on their property".

your historical revisionism is no different than those who deny the holocaust.
No, I DO NOT advocate racism

then why did you advocate for people to hang signs on their property stating that certain races and skin colors were not welcome?

you literally advocated that people hang those signs.

and apparently you think it's OK for old men to have sex with 13 year old girls, although the rest of us call that pedophilia and sexual molestation of a child.
actually. This is the way My idea works

The dealer — who, like others interviewed, spoke on the condition of anonymity because what they do remains illegal — said he has used that same in-plain-sight sales pitch at similarly upscale D.C. settings, collecting three new buyers and a pair of new suppliers. The new business is all thanks to the quirks of the District’s legalization, which has boosted the appetite for marijuana as more people become comfortable acquiring it through the black market.
“It’s the dealer-protection act of 2015,” he said. “This was a license for me to print money.”
Who is responsible for this unintended consequence depends on whom you ask.
In November, Washington voters overwhelmingly approved an initiative that made it legal to possess and grow marijuana, but the following month, Congress enacted a spending prohibition that barred the city from creating a system through which pot could be lawfully bought, sold and taxed.

Why do you want people to be raped in prison for selling marijuanas?
You Sir are a failure. Do not blame society for your lack of success. You always have the option to move instead of bitching all the time.
Maybe you can find that Utopia of yours that accepts consensual pedophilia. Try Somalia

Your insults need to improve. First they should include at least a grain of truth, here let me show you.

"Legal to grow, illegal to sell" = prohibitionist policy of a controlling person. See? Like that.

Nice crayon though, thanks.
Your insults need to improve. First they should include at least a grain of truth, here let me show you.

"Legal to grow, illegal to sell" = prohibitionist policy of a controlling person. See? Like that.

Nice crayon though, thanks.
It's illegal to jaywalk. Name one person who ever went to jail for it.

You make a lot of shit up. But what you cannot make go away is your desire for consensual pedophilia. So many quotes of yours floating around this forum of yours directly advocating for it.
maybe it's time to get the mods involved in looking at your continual slander. And pederast tendencies
It's illegal to jaywalk. Name one person who ever went to jail for it.

You make a lot of shit up. But what you cannot make go away is your desire for consensual pedophilia. So many quotes of yours floating around this forum of yours directly advocating for it.
maybe it's time to get the mods involved in looking at your continual slander. And pederast tendencies

Your inability to differentiate between an observation and an endorsement of said observation could be enabling your delusion and triggering your low self esteem, or it could just be another indicator of your ignorance.

While people could go to jail for jay walking,they DO go to jail for cannabis related activity don't they? You DID advocate for keeping some of that same activity illegal, didn't you Prohibitionist?

Try to stay on topic and take your beatdown for your stupid idea like a man okay?

Here go cry to them now.....
Your inability to differentiate between an observation and an endorsement of said observation could be enabling your delusion and triggering your low self esteem, or it could just be another indicator of your ignorance.

While people could go to jail for jay walking,they DO go to jail for cannabis related activity don't they? You DID advocate for keeping some of that same activity illegal, didn't you Prohibitionist?

Try to stay on topic and take your beatdown for your stupid idea like a man okay?

Here go cry to them now.....

You never answer anything do you racist pedo.

You never answer anything do you racist pedo.


I'd never advocate for a law that takes away the right of individual people to peacefully self determine. You would and you have, and have tried very hard to distance yourself from your prohibitionist stance.
I'd never advocate for a law that takes away the right of individual people to peacefully self determine. You would and you have, and have tried very hard to distance yourself from your prohibitionist stance.
the fastest way to legalization is
legal to grow and possess
illegal to sell

Not running away from it at all racist pedo
the fastest way to legalization is
legal to grow and possess
illegal to sell

Not running away from it at all racist pedo

I'm fine with you holding an opinion. However when you say proposing making something illegal to do DOESN'T make you a Prohibitionist, you have blatantly contradicted yourself.

Your shitty retorts were also laced with false allegations to try to distract from your hypocrisy. You failed miserably, but the outcome was a foregone conclusion because I was the one you were arguing with and you suck so bad at defending yourself in general, and especially when engaging me.

I apologize in advance for what may sound like boasting, defeating you in an argument is pretty small time even for a senile old man like me that can grow better gardens than your puppet master Bucky boy.
You seem to have a very deep reservoir of stupid there Lake Superior.
I don't think any consensual interaction is like rape. I think non-consensual interactions where one party forces another to engage in it, like or not, has some similarities to rape tactics.
Please explain the characteristics of a voluntary agreement. I bet you can't.
Nice try. When you use the term "defend" you are abandoning logic in favor of sensationalism.
I'm saying some children are capable of making voluntary decisions. You've agreed with that in previous posts.
You are saying, apparently, that if a child makes a decision to engage in something heinous, like floor shitting or riding double on the bad mans bike that somehow their ability to make a voluntary decision now vanishes. How does that happen?
I realize you will not answer my questions. I win AGAIN!!!!!
Your insults need to improve. First they should include at least a grain of truth, here let me show you.

"Legal to grow, illegal to sell" = prohibitionist policy of a controlling person. See? Like that.

Nice crayon though, thanks.

when chesus rice said you sponsor pedophilia, he was more than telling the truth.

you are a pedophilia virtuoso. your clear and strong desire for pedophilia comes out in all of your posts.

hell, you even had NAMBLA putting the like on your posts a while back.