Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
your garden sucks. i don't blame you for being embarrassed of it, you are old and decrepit and not strong or virile enough to do a lot of the tasks needed for a nice home garden to thrive.
do you really think it's OK for an 80 year old racist geezer like yourself to seek out and have sex with 13 year old children?
I'm always looking to improve my gardening knowledge, yours looks really green, go a little heavy on the nitrogen?
My garden feeds me and other people in many ways. Your hobby garden by your own admission fails to feed you.
There are many kinds of strength aren't there? At one time I participated in contests of physical strength, probably when I was about your age, pup. I also coached some people that consistently won those kinds of contests after I stopped competing. So, while still much stronger than many guys my age, it's probably safe to say that I've lost more strength than you ever had girly man.
I still manage to split all my firewood by hand, maintain a road and get lots of other things done, like grow a garden that can feed me, maybe some day you'll get there too.
I'm not 80, not a racist and don't seek out sex with children. If you stopped beating your wife maybe she'd be able to help you out in the garden instead of having to work long hours to feed your lazy ass.
Pro tip - Don't rely on a tiny row or two of corn to feed you, cornholio.