drug testing welfare recipients


Well-Known Member
I don't think the point is to deny drug addicts the right to sustenance. The point is the drug addict is using the cash benefits to buy drugs instead of improving their quality of life and selling their food benefits to buy drugs. And once again drug use leads to more medical expenses that the state has to pay for.
Because only "those" people are on welfare


Well-Known Member
arizona just spent 5 years drug testing 142,000 welfare recipients.

they found 3 positives.

savings to state on welfare: $3500

cost to state for testing: ~$200,000

net loss: dignity, constitutional rights, and about $200,000


Because being poor is a crime. And no, don't expect the Republican party to help you, just build more prisons for profit to house you when you slip thru the cracks.


Well-Known Member
if your poor, your poor. that should be the only qualifying factor. If your poor, than you qualify and it now becomes YOUR money to do with as you please. wanna buy drugs, gofor it, its now your money.

polititions like to look good by saying that want to stop the abuse but in reality; the state wants more ppl of welfare because they will get a bigger block grant from the federal government. That allowes the state social workers to keep their jobs for another year.

If it cost me 9% in taxes to keep crack heads from robbing me or worse then so be it. NO, WAIT we should regulate fucking everything, thats the real answer. More resteictions is what this country needs. fact is, if your poor than you should get a helping hand no matter what u do in your personal life.


Well-Known Member
If you're poor you should actively participate in becoming a better and more productive member of society instead of mooching off the state. I'm poor, disabled and on food stamps but am currently working on a bachelor's degree and i work. What good are the drug addicts doing for us? Making themselves poor and keeping themselves poor. Yes they're poor and need some help but why not help them in a more meaningful way. We shouldn't have to support alcoholic Joe forever, at some point he should help himself. What if we put term limits on welfare like we do unemployment? If you don't have the capacity to support yourself indefinitely then no term limits. But if you can't keep a job because of meth we shouldn't have to support you forever. Put the pipe down and figure your shit out.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yea test the welfare folk, randomly. It pisses me off when I walk into the welfare office and the tweak head is getting 800food/500cash. You can clearly tell she a tweak head and her four babies running around are dirty as fuck. I go in there dressed halfway nice, educated, disabled, married with baby on the way, pay child support to the ex, working part time and my take home pay is 1100 dollars a month and they say I make too much money and give me 100 in food stamps. That tweaker sells half her stamps for more dope and her kids live off of wic, free school lunches and ramen.
You must have walked in at the exact same time as one of the 3 who tested positive. And this story actually sounds like you're more pissed off at you OWN life, than that of some tweak head (your words).


Well-Known Member
@bushleager. I agree, but some people do truly need help as they can't physically or mentally help themselves...and unfortunately we live in America and not Sparta.


Well-Known Member
Why would you expect ANY party to help you? Only you can help yourself, I feel. That's one of the problems in this country is too many people expect shit.
Hell yeah and them 1%ers gotsa get paid Jack. You can pay a lot of people $15 an hour for menial little jobs like moving heavy ass construction materials around in 100 degree heat, and the 1%ers just have to live with the older planes and yachts they got, or you can pay them broke ass mofos $8 an hour so the 1%ers can afford brand new 100 million dollar planes and yachts every couple of years. Get real homies and gents. 1%ers get paid FIRST. Dammit. That's how it is bros and gals. Now just shut up about it and hope there is some left over for you. Damn straight this is America dammit.


Well-Known Member
Yea maybe I am pissed off at my own life, but unlike the tweak heads I use it as motivation to improve my life.


Well-Known Member
You must have walked in at the exact same time as one of the 3 who tested positive. And this story actually sounds like you're more pissed off at you OWN life, than that of some tweak head (your words).
No the funny part is he is on a pot website, admitting he applied for welfare says he has a job and is disabled all the while advocating for random drug tests that would probably invalidate him to collect anything.

Like I said before. Only "those" people collect welfare


Well-Known Member
And I'm not doggin anybody here ortheir opinions, just having a rrespectful debate between peers. I haven't said anything personal to offend them have I? Just offering opinions and personal experience to back my opinions up. My city has Avery high drug rate. Very very high. And my city was also ranked in the top ten fattest cities in the country.


Well-Known Member
No the funny part is he is on a pot website, admitting he applied for welfare says he has a job and is disabled all the while advocating for random drug tests that would probably invalidate him to collect anything.

Like I said before. Only "those" people collect welfare
Lol, great point!


Well-Known Member
Yea pot helps with my chronic pain and I don't think pot is an issue as far as committing crimes and not keeping jobs and abusing the system. I don't sell my food stamps for pot. Pardon me for getting hit by an IED while in Iraq dude. Like I said I'm trying to be respectful of everyone and state my opinions.


Well-Known Member
Yea pot helps with my chronic pain and I don't think pot is an issue as far as committing crimes and not keeping jobs and abusing the system. I don't sell my food stamps for pot. Pardon me for getting hit by an IED while in Iraq dude. Like I said I'm trying to be respectful of everyone and state my opinions.
So it is only "those" people who shouldn't get welfare


Well-Known Member
My life is improving. I earned my AA degree and am working on my BA so I can get an improved job with better pay and benefits. I'm staring at a second back surgery...might improve me might not.