drug testing welfare recipients

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I call bullshit. No one who really felt that way would have that flag, because it's literally impossible not to know it's history. No matter how cool it looked. It would be like me rocking swastikas because, you know, they looked good. Nope, not going for it. Thanks for playing though. You've been great.

The stars and stripes has a history of flying over some of the worst genocides in history. It also flies over the capitol of the country with the highest prison population in the world.

Also the swastika was co-opted by the Nazi. It originated in Asia and meant "lucky or auspicious" in Sanskrit.

Funny how what we think we know, isn't always so...


Well-Known Member
The stars and stripes has a history of flying over some of the worst genocides in history. It also flies over the capitol of the country with the highest prison population in the world.

Also the swastika was co-opted by the Nazi. It originated in Asia and meant "lucky or auspicious" in Sanskrit.

Funny how what we think we know, isn't always so...
Make no mistake about it, I've got plenty of issues with the current setup, but the baggage that the stars and stripes carry is completely irrelevant to this discussion. I've never seen a group of people claim to be so fucking proud of a war that you LOST. Not to mention the fact that the war itself was an act of treason.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Make no mistake about it, I've got plenty of issues with the current setup, but the baggage that the stars and stripes carry is completely irrelevant to this discussion. I've never seen a group of people claim to be so fucking proud of a war that you LOST. Not to mention the fact that the war itself was an act of treason.
Nobody wins in a war my friend.

Lysander Spooner the brilliant abolitionist and thinker called, he asked if you had read his essay, "no treason".


Well-Known Member
I'm quite fond of the word myself.
A young person once said mean things to me because i used that word
they said " nobody says poser any more " that is just so ghey" what are you like from the 1980s

i was deeply hurt by this,. so i have been trying to find a replacement for that word which would fully convey the original meaning,
unfortunately i have not been successful, there just is no other word as satisfying


Well-Known Member
A young person once said mean things to me because i used that word
they said " nobody says poser any more " that is just so ghey" what are you like from the 1980s

i was deeply hurt by this,. so i have been trying to find a replacement for that word which would fully convey the original meaning,
unfortunately i have not been successful, there just is no other word as satisfying
What do kids these days use in place of the word poser?


Well-Known Member
What do kids these days use in place of the word poser?
Today mate, everything is simply "ghey" this word can mean virtually anything
sometimes they might mix it up a little, not too long ago i did hear one of them say "faggot" i was quite shocked

its been quite sometime since i have heard anyone say "bee-arch" or "fo'shizzle" , but then again i haven't been on youtube much recently
i am not unhappy about this, i do not miss those words


Well-Known Member
I am not a poser. I clearly acknowledge that this is my first grow. However, if you are referring to my profile name, The Herban Legend, this name refers to a man that I know who is a legend in the emerald triangle, that afforded to put all his children through college, at great universities, earning advanced degrees in their chosen fields. All by the power, of the mighty cannabis plant. Personally, I have been around cannabis since my inception and it always has been, and always will be , a significant part of my life.


Well-Known Member
Northern people would say something like "go take your face for a shit ya gobshite" "every time you open your mouth shit falls out"

Irish people call each other gobshites too, but its just not the same, northerners really mean it