What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?


Well-Known Member
$7.25 an hour

1 year of work, no sick days. I work 1 year at minimum wage without calling out once, receiving 0 customer complaints, totally ideal minimum wage worker in every respect.. How much do you think, MAXIMUM, should I be compensated for, if at all? Why?
Why should I pay you pay you so much? I can pay a communist Leader to use his people @5.00 per day.
He tells me they they won't go strike, as long as their peers don't keep getting raises.

and oh, they can't work without oil, Iraq won't sell any to us (china) have Exxon take care of that for us.

Gotta love the party that speaks for the country, that or lose your credit rating.
oh man.

Take a risk, buy a lawn mower, cut one lawn per day and earn what you do in 8 hours in less than 2. It really is that easy to take control of your financial future and become your own boss. Doesn't have to be cutting lawns, just simple example of how easy it is.

Working for 7.50/hr is what I call slavery.
Change your occupation I just made 300 bucks an hour fixing a broken 3 ton package a/c unit mounted on the roof of a home built in 1987.
my helper makes 20 bucks an hour
Why should I pay you pay you so much? I can pay a communist Leader to use his people @5.00 per day.
He tells me they they won't go strike, as long as their peers don't keep getting raises.

and oh, they can't work without oil, Iraq won't sell any to us (china) have Exxon take care of that for us.

Gotta love the party that speaks for the country, that or lose your credit rating.
it is a cost of living thing with prices going the way they are u can not make it on minimal wage

the truth is if the 1% did not horde so much of the money a 7.25 would work .....but here is the kicker money our dollar is backed by nothing but the word it is good......the amount of money on the books there is not enough gold/ silver/ gems metals to pay it back gold would have to be worth 3000 bucks or more a oz to cover it (and really what the hell do u need gold for in daily life other then electrical connections and circuit pathways)

minimal wage should be increased and price frozen for a time 10.50 a hour...........middle class is dead ...american dream is dead ....killed by greed

and yes the oil ppl need to be disbanded .........they been posting record profits for last several years ......setting new records each quarter....and their defense is we have to pay the share holders ...the price of a barrel of oil has dropped down to 55 last i sawl but we are still paying prices like it was 80 110 a barrel .....those crazy ppl yelling about the oil ppl are right if u look at history
...It's not the Chinese building roads, bridges, factories, distribution centers, schools and parks in China.

It's a new american century.....

Global Economy requires Global Equality, we should be fighting for higher wages in China and worldwide.

This "Global Power" is just rapist and pillagers in action. Leaving us to argue over the scraps.

Perhaps we should find solace in that it's not just happing to us.
A .50 raise would be ideal for a first year raise. It depends on the job though, if it going to take the employer 3 months to get a new employee completely trained and up to your level of work standard, and no guarantee of good attendance an argument for 1.00 raise could be made.
You tell me, isn't it a leftist talking point?

i believe a living wage, or at least a min wage increase, is a popular idea even in red states.

hence why 4 red states just voted to raise their min wages in 2014.

but you avoid red states like the plague and stick to the bluest of blue states because you enjoy liberal governance.

stupid fucking hypocrite loser.
what is a living wage for an 17 year old ?

The last high school kid I hired I paid 30.00 per hour. So you are not practicing what you preach. Why is that? would your business go under? Or are you just doing what every business owner needs to do to make a profit?
$7.25 an hour

1 year of work, no sick days. I work 1 year at minimum wage without calling out once, receiving 0 customer complaints, totally ideal minimum wage worker in every respect.. How much do you think, MAXIMUM, should I be compensated for, if at all? Why?

I feel any raise less than a dollar is an insult. If a company can't afford to put out an extra $40 a week for a good employee than they really aren't worth working for.