What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?

Why do you believe taxpayers should subsidize businesses that don't pay their employees a living wage?

No, I'm telling you that every full time job in America should pay a living wage

I seriously hope that Pada one day finds that liberal socialist that pays him what he thinks he is worth regardless of his financial output and contribution to the company.

That guy that put his blood sweat and tears into creating something that would pay a living wage instead of worrying about profit and loss...

I know, you could run for political office.... ROFLMAO!!
With 5% unemployment rate what are you bitching about? everybody has a job, be happy.
99% of the economic gains generated in the country is going to the top 1% of earners and people are working for slave wages. The picture is a little more complex than just the unemployment rate
While you are at it...

What should a part time job be able to pay and how many hours does that qualify for? 39.5??
99% of the economic gains generated in the country is going to the top 1% of earners and people are working for slave wages. The picture is a little more complex than just the unemployment rate
These people don't want facts. They want to continue to believe that if they work hard, they'll be in that 1% as well. You know, pulling themselves up by the ole' boot straps. BULLSHIT
Is it not feasible that some businesses (like McDonalds) were founded based upon the expectation of offering teenagers meager part-time jobs? Cashiers, burger-flippers, etc?

And 40 years later these jobs are now to be paid like a "profession"?

Please, get real.
Seems to me that was a mistake on McDonalds part to begin with. The expectation that the market will always remain the same is naive at best. Furthermore, why do you believe American taxpayers should pay for McDonald's mistake?

"I started my cotton business in 1855 expecting to use cheap and readily available slave labor, now my business can't survive because I have to pay my previous slaves actual wages!"

Well, woe is you.. :(
These people don't want facts. They want to continue to believe that if they work hard, they'll be in that 1% as well. You know, pulling themselves up by the ole' boot straps. BULLSHIT

I continue to believe that if you dont look after yourself you cannot blame a corporation, the government nor any other agency for your own failures. Expecting someone or something to take better care of you than yourself is simply foolish.
Seems to me that was a mistake on McDonalds part to begin with. The expectation that the market will always remain the same is naive at best. Furthermore, why do you believe American taxpayers should pay for McDonald's mistake?

"I started my cotton business in 1855 expecting to use cheap and readily available slave labor, now my business can't survive because I have to pay my previous slaves actual wages!"
Well, woe is you.. :(

Where is this 160 year old? That's amazing.... He is still alive??

Edit: You do understand that slaves didnt get paid... Right?
I continue to believe that if you dont look after yourself you cannot blame a corporation, the government nor any other agency for your own failures. Expecting someone or something to take better care of you than yourself is simply foolish.
But you have no problem with the government looking after these companies? These companies expect the government to look after them, but that's cool I guess.
pays him what he thinks he is worth regardless of his financial output and contribution to the company.

Tell me more about how people are payed what they're actually worth
While you are at it...

What should a part time job be able to pay and how many hours does that qualify for? 39.5??

again, don't you scrub shit off of pools? and aren;t you a 55 year old alcoholic who lives in the white trash capital of the southwest?
But you have no problem with the government looking after these companies? These companies expect the government to look after them, but that's cool I guess.

No, I think the whole system is corrupt. However, the only way to reform the system is to remove the centralized power and move it back down to the local levels. This is 180 degrees from what government wants to do. Businesses manipulating government is directly proportional to the power that government has over the businesses.

You cannot ask the fox to guard the hen house and expect change.
Businesses manipulating government is directly proportional to the power that government has over the businesses.
Yeah, you're right but you have it completely ass backwards

Less regulations and less oversight gives businesses and corporations more leverage over government

You can tell by the way they spend billions in lobbyists every year in an attempt to bribe politicians for less regulations. Have you ever seen lobbyist argue for more government control?
No, I think the whole system is corrupt. However, the only way to reform the system is to remove the centralized power and move it back down to the local levels. This is 180 degrees from what government wants to do. Businesses manipulating government is directly proportional to the power that government has over the businesses.

You cannot ask the fox to guard the hen house and expect change.

centralized government is the only thing preventing apache junction from rapidly descending into a chaotic third world meth ridden shithole (well, even moreso than it currently is).
No, I think the whole system is corrupt. However, the only way to reform the system is to remove the centralized power and move it back down to the local levels. This is 180 degrees from what government wants to do. Businesses manipulating government is directly proportional to the power that government has over the businesses.

You cannot ask the fox to guard the hen house and expect change.
And yet all of your outrage seems to be directed at the workers.
And yet all of your outrage seems to be directed at the workers.
That's the game, get the middle class to hate the poor, so instead of the poor and middle class who are both being collectively fucked over by the rich joining the same team and effecting change, divide and conquer. Lots of interesting books on this subject. Check out Richard Wolff's youtube channel, he gives pretty good talks about once a month, lately they've been extremely relevant considering the economic situation in Europe at the moment
