drug testing welfare recipients

pores are the culprit however, you can limit odour by shaving them.

did you notice i spelled odor the english way?..just for you:wink:

Yep, sometimes i spell humor wrong just for you :)

next time try using "spelt" instead of "spelled" this would of been the icing on the cake for me

Spelled vs. spelt
In American English, spelt primarily refers to the hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe, and the verb spell makes spelled in the past tense and as a past participle. In all other main varieties of English, spelt and spelled both work as the past tense and past participle of spell, at least where spell means to form words letter by letter or (with out) to make clear. Outside the U.S., the two forms are interchangeable in these uses, and both are common.

But when spell carries the sense to temporarily relieve (someone) from work, spelled is the preferred form throughout the English-speaking world. This is a minor point, though, as this sense of spell is rarely used outside the U.S., where it is most common.

Spelled is not a recent Americanism, as many people assume (including some who have commented on this post). Both spelled and spelt are old, and examples of each are easily found in historical Google Books searches covering the 17th and 18th centuries. It is true, however, that spelt was ascendant everywhere through most of the 19th century. This ended when Americans permanently settled on spelled around 1900.
Sorry kido as for gun control i think you shouldn't just be able to open a bank account and bank give you a gun lol for opening a account so far as i am concerned gun control to the max
Also i never said no welfare welfare is in place to help the ones that are in dire straights not for the ones like your self using some oviscated illness that u cannot work or get off your ass and look for a job right ..
Sorry kido as for gun control i think you shouldn't just be able to open a bank account and bank give you a gun lol for opening a account so far as i am concerned gun control to the max
Also i never said no welfare welfare is in place to help the ones that are in dire straights not for the ones like your self using some oviscated illness that u cannot work or get off your ass and look for a job right ..
I just started a new job today. I was layed off for almost 3 weeks which would of been a record in my 40 years of working. I got a pre employment drug screen and passed easily. With a balloon, some rubber tubing and my wifes urine.
how come you never correct Cheesie or London when they do that exact same thing?
Must be the racism coursing through your veins.
Irony abounds.

I correct English when I see poor English in a post by someone insulting another poster's intelligence or grammar skills.

You must be projecting.
arizona just spent 5 years drug testing 142,000 welfare recipients.

they found 3 positives.

savings to state on welfare: $3500

cost to state for testing: ~$200,000

net loss: dignity, constitutional rights, and about $200,000



Think of how many illegal strip searches on the poor they could have done with that money. I hope they learned something. Maybe I will start my own business and try and get the Arizona contract for dignity stripping. Then that money would trickle down...
Think of how many illegal strip searches on the poor they could have done with that money. I hope they learned something. Maybe I will start my own business and try and get the Arizona contract for dignity stripping. Then that money would trickle down...

Careful now, the value of dignity has been slipping.

Damn, I need an attitude adjustment. That just came out to easy!
Careful now, the value of dignity has been slipping.

Damn, I need an attitude adjustment. That just came out to easy!

But productivity increases offered by automation have more than made up for this.

Trust me, we used healthcare.gov. I shit you not, we just found out that our insurance was cancelled ten days ago (bureaucratic, they had to refund us because it was paid up). It beggars belief - except that I lived in DC for seven years.
That would be pretty much everybody in the US. Dumbass

The left says that not everybody is on Obama care because of the open market. Just people that benefit from subsidies. So it would be picking on the less fortunate. Kinda like what BarryO is trying to do to people that collect SS benefits and take there guns away if they don't like the way they think. And the people that don't collect SS benefits are in the clear and can keep their guns without the intrusion.