Martin omally apologizes for saying "all lives matter"

I would have had more respect for him if he would have stood his ground and said that all lives do matter. I just don't understand why only black lives matter. I'm middle eastern, do our lives matter?
I would have more respect for you if you were less racist. I hope a black man with a 12 incher splurges his penis juices inside of one of your daughters.

No offense....
What's your point? I've lived in "black" areas all of my life. Lived in DC & attended Howard University. So I speak from a bit of experience as well. I posted this earlier. Would you consider these numbers bullshit? Because this is what the movement is about.
You forgot which sockpuppet account you were posting under, dumbass. Another "ignore" added to the list.
What's going on here?

I know for a fact that there are racists still. Race is still an issue. Was having my breakfast this morning next to two 50-60yr old fat white fucks. They were complaining about the president and talking about maybe getting better treatment if they had black face.

Heard them say knights of columbus too.

Maybe in 30-40 years all those ignorant fucks will be gone. If you are going to dislike someone, dislike them for their actions, not the color of their skin.

I also worked for a 60 something racist sexist bigot when I was saving for my honeymoon. Didn't realize it till a month in. But he only hired whites and attractive females. The most attractive females were up front for customers.

They are out there. Being oppressive and shit. Denying people jobs and just being unpleasant in general.

I imagine most black people can sense when people are being weird around them too. My friend used to point out people staring at him when we would go out.

I have anxiety and think everyone is judging me. Even though I know they aren't. Black people worry about it and know that some people definitely are judging them. That would suck!
I can't help but ask, were you up front or working in the back? I've noticed it's almost exclusively the ugly women that complain about sexism. You think this is evolution at work?
two 50-60yr old fat white fucks.

If you are going to dislike someone, dislike them for their actions, not the color of their skin.

it does not appear you are following your own advice, your attitude towards old folk and obesity seems quite judgmental

i do not see being old as an "action" so there is no real reason to hate old people, it will happen to you one day

with obesity, you could make an educated guess that those fat fucks are most likely fat because of their own actions/inaction
However, unless you know the fat people in question personally/ having access to their medical history, its still remotely possible they have some kind of medical excuse, with this being a possibility, you should perhaps postpone the fat hate or you come off as a hypocrite

again being white is not an "action" and not the fault of those fat old fucks

just a thought :)
blacks being vastly likelier to murder whites than the other way around

goddamn you are stupid, redtard.

As sociologist Robert O’Brian has noted (using Census data), the odds of a given white person (or white criminal for that matter) encountering a black person are only about three percent. On the other hand, the odds of a given black person (or black criminal) encountering a white person are nineteen times greater, or fifty-seven percent (6), meaning the actual interracial victimization gap between black-on-white and white-on-black crime is smaller than one would expect. In 2002, blacks committed a little more than 1.2 million violent crimes, while whites committed a little more than three million violent crimes (7). If each black criminal had a 57 percent chance of encountering (and thus potentially victimizing) a white person, this means that over the course of 2002, blacks should have been expected to victimize roughly 690,000 whites. But in truth, blacks victimized whites only 614,176 times that year (8). Conversely, if each white criminal had only a three percent chance of encountering and thus victimizing a black person, this means that over the course of 2002, whites would have been expected to victimize roughly 93,000 blacks. But in truth, whites victimized blacks 135,931 times: almost 50 percent more often than would be expected by random chance (9).
Claiming they commit crime at the same rate is a blatant lie.

that's not even what he said, redtard.

here is what he said: Why then are minorities going to prison at higher rates than white people, for crimes that they both commit at the same rates?

for example, blacks and whites both smoke cannabis at the same rate, but blacks are 4 times more likely to be arrested for it.


In 2010, 14 percent of Blacks and 12 percent of whites reported having used marijuana in the past year. Yet, blacks were arrested at a rate of 716 per 100,000, while whites were arrested at a rate of 192 per 100,000 in 2010

fucking dumbass red.
What's your point? I've lived in "black" areas all of my life. Lived in DC & attended Howard University. So I speak from a bit of experience as well. I posted this earlier. Would you consider these numbers bullshit? Because this is what the movement is about.

Look at that graph closely. What's another valid interpretation of that data?
White women subconsciously hate white men that's why the white race won't exist in 200 years.. All kinds of muts. The White genes are just to weak to carry on by themselves they need to be crossed with something stronger, the bitches have spoken.. Give me a white girl I'll give you a Mexican baby. If I fuck a black girl we make a puerto rican looking muthafucker. You whites are doomed. I can see why you guys are so buthurt.. You just can't accept the fact that your race is approaching the end of its last days..I'm going to start taking pictures of all the white people I know..those muthafuckers are going extinct.
White women subconsciously hate white men that's why the white race won't exist in 200 years.. All kinds of muts. The White genes are just to weak to carry on by themselves they need to be crossed with something stronger, the bitches have spoken.. Give me a white girl I'll give you a Mexican baby. If I fuck a black girl we make a puerto rican looking muthafucker. You whites are doomed. I can see why you guys are so buthurt.. You just can't accept the fact that your race is approaching the end of its last days..I'm going to start taking pictures of all the white people I know..those muthafuckers are going extinct.
Seems mixing races somehow means one race is dying off and the other is surviving? Wouldn't the offspring be a mixture of both?
I doubt murder was his intention he wanted to hand out the worst punishment known to man. He wanted to turn them black. Death was just something that happened in the process. Or whatnot