State of emergency declared in Ferguson

Because things have gotten out of hand and they would do the job just fine.

Things are out of hand because the police didn't crack down a year ago, and they let a bunch of thugs tear apart a city.

Now a year later, people are still pissed off that a criminal was killed while attacking ab officer and reaching for his firearm. Umm, wtf? That's what happens, derp. Maybe these people just want a fight, so I say give it to them.

I see some Oath Keepers are in town. The areas they patrol will turn out to be the safest places to be in that town, and no media will be attacked because of their presence. While on the other hand, cops are getting shot at and can't control a crowd. Weird.
Michael Brown is not a victim, hero or martyr.

Bad choice to rally For when there are many more better examples

I'd have to agree with you that he didn't exactly seem like a boy scout helping little old ladies cross the street did he?
Freddie Gray,trayvon martin, that woman pulled out of her car, the guy they choked to death selling cigarettes.

Why the fuck would they rally for a thug named Brown who got shot after attacking a cop?
Freddie Gray,trayvon martin, that woman pulled out of her car, the guy they choked to death selling cigarettes.

Why the fuck would they rally for a thug named Brown who got shot after attacking a cop?

The psychological term might be "displacement" .
again? we are all people..just people. immigrants every last one of us. i don't even know anyone who didn't move to this country until the 1900's. my ex-husband, the exception..but were northerners who never held slaves, fought for this country in both revolution and civil wars.

a lot of things need to be repaired in this country, but not this way.

i believe for the first time, we are truly being shown the way.

and who says i have no faith?:wink:
Freddie Gray,trayvon martin, that woman pulled out of her car, the guy they choked to death selling cigarettes.

Why the fuck would they rally for a thug named Brown who got shot after attacking a cop?
Because Brown was just the tipping point where people really started saying enough is enough. Not his guilt or innocence but another person who was shot to death by the police while unarmed and after attempting to give up.
I agree, in the bigger picture, cops need to stop the shoot to kill mentality. There are too many ways to disable someone to not need to use deadly force every time you draw your gun. What is their policy concerning "shoot to kill"? But, I agree with what Leonardi said in that movie Departed. People join the force inorder to USE their firearms.
Because Brown was just the tipping point where people really started saying enough is enough. Not his guilt or innocence but another person who was shot to death by the police while unarmed and after attempting to give up.
I agree, in the bigger picture, cops need to stop the shoot to kill mentality. There are too many ways to disable someone to not need to use deadly force every time you draw your gun. What is their policy concerning "shoot to kill"? But, I agree with what Leonardi said in that movie Departed. People join the force inorder to USE their firearms.
Brown was a tipping point agreed
But he wasn't attempting to give up
Brown was a tipping point agreed
But he wasn't attempting to give up
According to witnesses, Brown was leaning in the car when the first 2 shots were fired, atleast one hitting Brown.
Brown ran, then turned around and raised his hands saying "I give up". Bullet trajectories seem to support this.
I don't blame the cop for shooting him in the car, but once the boy raised his hands it should have been over.