The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
LMFAO MG, there a bunch o cunts arnt they ! , I'm willing to try anything , just sommat to chill me the fuck out , without eating half of Morrison's ! ,& MG, I have fuck all will power, & my guts hurts & screams when I get munchies ,just bear in mind, I'm knocking on, had a v minor heart attack couple year ago & I do fuck all exercise, apart from that I'm fit as a fiddle anyway,off for a 6 pack of beef monster munch
Ps, will get a vape next harvest Zedd , cheers


Well-Known Member
well uk would be better as theres more chance i would get it but theres still that chance[/QUOTE
meerkovo is ya man then, best uk vendor for coke since the start of the darknet markets, your get some banging gear from holland tho for less money but its that added risk of going threw customs.

quicklick, sargon, qaulitywite,mirkov some other good uk white vendors but go meerkovo.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO MG, there a bunch o cunts arnt they ! , I'm willing to try anything , just sommat to chill me the fuck out , without eating half of Morrison's ! ,& MG, I have fuck all will power, & my guts hurts & screams when I get munchies ,just bear in mind, I'm knocking on, had a v minor heart attack couple year ago & I do fuck all exercise, apart from that I'm fit as a fiddle anyway,off for a 6 pack of beef monster munch
Ps, will get a vape next harvest Zedd , cheers
yeah sorry mate i forgot bout the ticker maybe speed pills n benzos aint ya best bet lol was just trying to help tho in me own twisted ways lmao


Well-Known Member
aint knocking it don we get the same local here bout 1400-1500 a oz then you get the 1800-2000 shit, or you go london n pay 1400-1500 for the 1800-2000 lol

hits the spot n deffo some good gear but that weird kinda shine its deffo not the rocket or the guvner lol


Well-Known Member
aint knocking it don we get the same local here bout 1400-1500 a oz then you get the 1800-2000 shit, or you go london n pay 1400-1500 for the 1800-2000 lol

hits the spot n deffo some good gear but that weird kinda shine its deffo not the rocket or the guvner lol
as u know I don't like the stuff but I always fancied purifying it cos im a boring twat like that, I rec a wash with anhydrous acetone will clear most the shit but whose gunna trust my chemistry lol, coke not my thing, crack is nice for 2 mins imo


Well-Known Member
as u know I don't like the stuff but I always fancied purifying it cos im a boring twat like that, I rec a wash with anhydrous acetone will clear most the shit but whose gunna trust my chemistry lol, coke not my thing, crack is nice for 2 mins imo
its a common wash mate, the acetone wash.

thats the most well known, ive had it acetoned washed before is some very nice coke, its a really unpure drug to take in our parts but you can deffo get some good shit in the uk if you pay for it, but unfortunately theres still a army of users who would rather the 30-40quid a g shit thinking they getting more for there money when they aint.

cracks a nice drug with some good powder to chase it with and maybe a line of ket or 3 chucked into the


Well-Known Member
yeh i can get £30 gs stuff but its shit just a waste of money get som £80 gs stuff witch it hit and miss last time i had some tho was nice as every line i had i got a buzz from it and get some £100 gs stuff witch feels like it is mixed speed


Well-Known Member
coke is really a personal thing aswel some like it some dont no matter how good it is, its a very powerful drug and what we in the UK may call the proper i would bet anything that will never get lab tested at over 60-70% pure, some of the darknet stuff has been sent to reputable labs n come back at 70+ pure, dont no about some of the london local but its been better just by a tadge sometimes but even then i doubt any purer than 70+ it dont leave South america nowdays at much purer than 80s and if you think it aint been stamped on by the time it hits europe then ya kidding yaself.