Islam: Evil or misunderstood

Has anyone seen the move "The Message"?

We watched it in college in Asian History, very interesting movie, it details the founding of Islam from a HISTORICAL perspective, (Im guessing thats why our history proffesor showed it to us)

It give you a better idea of what Islam was supposed to be.

YouTube - The Message - trailer
Interesting, I checked out your trailer and decided to learn more, so I went to Internet Movie Database. The Message (1976)

There was a link to this (November 11,) 2005 story:
'Halloween' Producer Killed in Jordan Terrorist Bombing

Producer-director Moustapha Akkad, who produced all of the Halloween horror films, has died from injuries sustained during the terrorist attacks in Jordan earlier this week, al-Jazeera reported today. Akkad also directed the 1976 film The Message, starring Anthony Quinn, about the prophet Muhammad, and the 1981 film Lion of the Desert, also starring Quinn, about Omar Mukhtar, who led the resistance to Mussolini's occupation of Libya.
The director of two films casting Islam in a positive light killed by Islamic jihadists.

I guess his blasphemy was unforgiveable: he created a portrayal of Mohammed. An image of The Prophet.
Actually Johnny he wasn't targeted specifically in that attack. He just happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

When I was in Jordan I talked alotta shit about the king, so did everybody. And im still here in one piece, Plus, that movie was "approved" my all Islamic schools of thought, its really more historical than political, so no one really had a reason to be pissed
We could find all sorts of quotes about any religion and make it look evil, Islam just seems to be the choice currently

Exactly! Thats exactly my thoughts too.

I'm not saying that Islam is perfect, but I feel like they are very misunderstood because of all the propaganda the gov't leads the people to believe. I never studied Islam so I can't have a verbose debate on the subject, but I do think the mainstream media has turned on Islam for whatever reasons. Maybe for getting the young kids full of hatred so when they draft the kids(there will be a draft if WW3 happens), at least they will be fighting "Islamic extremists" instead of fighting placid Muslim civilians. What sane soldier wants to kill another human being? The soldiers don't kill human beings, they kill "targets" like "Charley" or "gooks" or "towel heads" or "Insurgents" or "Muslim Extremists".

Any war vets know what I'm talking about here?

How many deaths can be attributed to the crusades, the Vatican and Christianity? I'm sure Christian based deaths make up for just as much, if not more, than the Muslims "extremists" killings..

Do you guys know that over 90% of the casualties are CIVILIANS in the Iraq war "on terror"! HAHA :lol: Actually, its not funny at all, its disgusting in my opinion!

If you guys haven't heard about the incursions with Russia and Georgia, I would advise you to look it up.

The REVOLUTION has begun!



in the new world who has the so-called good sain islam/muslims got to depend on, they need these fuckin al terrorist bombers.
muslim want what the chistians/jews got-power of the world- to force there way-
these cunt r all the same.


in the new world who has the so-called good sain islam/muslims got to depend on, they need these fuckin al terrorist bombers.
muslim want what the chistians/jews got-power of the world- to force there way-
these cunt r all the same.


I have been lead to believe that 911 was more likely to have been committed by the Zionist Jews instead of some Muslims living in Caves..

If you guys know about the stock market, just ask yourself who was putting all the put options on the airliners? Ask yourself who had to gain the most? The Muslims sure didn't gain much, they are being attacked by the USA from many angles..

Haliburton has nearly bankrupted America to the point of near collapse. Dick Cheney is the "former" CEO of Haliburton. The Rothschild family is estimated to have over half the worlds wealth ~500 TRILLION dollars. The Rothschild family is Zionist Jews! I heard the Rothschild family is behind every central bank in the WORLD! Every country has a central bank, except for 5. The last two countries (if I'm not mistaken) to get a central bank is AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ! Iran and N. Korea are two of the 5 countries left without a central bank, I wonder how long until these countries get forced to have a Rothschild central bank established in its country?

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Actually Johnny he wasn't targeted specifically in that attack. He just happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

When I was in Jordan I talked alotta shit about the king, so did everybody. And im still here in one piece, Plus, that movie was "approved" my all Islamic schools of thought, its really more historical than political, so no one really had a reason to be pissed
The "duality" of Moustapha Akkad finally came together in one freakish finale at the Amman Radisson. But he'd encountered terrorism once before, nearly thirty years earlier. Many Muslim scholars were outraged by The Message—or, as it was then called, Mohammed, Messenger of God. Though Akkad had observed the prohibition against representations of the prophet, even a rumored glimpse of his shadow (which the director had at one time considered) provoked objections.
Moustapha, Messenger of Hollywood

It looks like the shadow was enough to upset some, but you may be right. Wrong place at the wrong time. Even so, it's ironic.
Which religion do you guys believe is "the one"? If your religious please indicate what religion you follow, and tell me why your religion supersedes the rest.

(If anything, I'm Christian but I don't believe in the bible as "truth". I'm very scientific, and we all know that science fact and religion "fact" contradict each other. I'm very open minded and I don't know which religion, if any, is "the one".)

The REVOLUTION has begun!



i don't think one can physically quantify which religion supersedes another...they all are based on some similar principals with commonalities encompassing certain traditions, restrictions, doctrines on how to live an "ideal" life.

Now clearly the devout believer will try to justify his faith and belief as the "true" and "proper" faith. However that is a fallacious argument/statement based on an individuals interpretations.

Judaism denounces Christianity, claiming they are the "true" religion, and everything thereafter is fictitious.

Christianity acknowledges the old testament, however claims to be an "continuation" and anything thereafter is false.

Islam, based on a few similar principals, makes the same claims. That it is the final revelation from God.

Now if each book denounces the last, i can't see why people are so stubborn in claiming "their faith" is the absolute truth. (Well i do realize why, because people want something to believe in).

However instead of praising, preaching, fighting, arguing, lecturing, who is right...we should just accept people for their differences.

We've been on this earth for god damn so many millions of years, yet instead of accepting people for their differences----we on the contrary spite them---for not being the same.

A White man is not black, and vice versa, a black man not white.

Strip the Skin, and innards look relatively the same (with of course some genetic variation).

The bible is not the koran, and vice versa.

however, past the covers, the bindings, the phonetics; the messages and morals are similar.

Why Kill thy Brother?:joint:

The narrow minded baby-boomer's need to recognize that times-are-a-changing, especially with the ability to communicate with people all over the world at our fingertips.

No one is asking anyone to change anything. (well except for the extremists maybe)

If neither change, or force is being applied to one, then why must one exert their momentum to stir waters to generate negativity?

We live in such a day and age, that at any given moment, while we are in the luxuries of our cozy houses, ranches, townhouses, suites, farms, condo's etc. That at this moment, someone... someone who is living, breathing, and thinking----thinking much like you----is deranged, hungry, and in some sort of destitute state.

And here we are watching people die, in fact, in some situations causing people to die...

Sadly it seems like we carry the holy book in our left, and loaded Gun in our dominant right.

All we do is TALK about the left, when we ALL know that we live by the RIGHT.

Go ahead, and smoke some weed

because there are so many that they wish they could.

i don't think one can physically quantify which religion supersedes another...they all are based on some similar principals with commonalities encompassing certain traditions, restrictions, doctrines on how to live an "ideal" life.

Now clearly the devout believer will try to justify his faith and belief as the "true" and "proper" faith. However that is a fallacious argument/statement based on an individuals interpretations.

Judaism denounces Christianity, claiming they are the "true" religion, and everything thereafter is fictitious.

Christianity acknowledges the old testament, however claims to be an "continuation" and anything thereafter is false.

Islam, based on a few similar principals, makes the same claims. That it is the final revelation from God.

Now if each book denounces the last, i can't see why people are so stubborn in claiming "their faith" is the absolute truth. (Well i do realize why, because people want something to believe in).

However instead of praising, preaching, fighting, arguing, lecturing, who is right...we should just accept people for their differences.

We've been on this earth for god damn so many millions of years, yet instead of accepting people for their differences----we on the contrary spite them---for not being the same.

Go ahead, and smoke some weed :D:D :D :D :D :D :joint::blsmoke:

because there are so many that they wish they could.


Great post Multan!

You have a +Rep coming to you! I, personally, have nothing wrong with anyone regarding religion. If religion makes their lives content, than more power to them.

The thing that burns my butt is the fact that (most) every religion says their religion is "the one", and you must follow this religion in order to get to "heaven".. Its almost like there is "the one" fountain of youth but only one religion can pass it out, but yet, we have dozens of religions claiming/selling theirs as "the one" and we should devout our lives to learning X religion..

I'm all about people being helpful, caring, loving, welcoming, honest, and overall just having integrity. I have found that the more you stray off from being a good person, the more you take pride AWAY FROM YOURSELF and your consciousness. The more you do good in the world, the more self assured you'll become!

I still consider myself a Christian, but at the same time, I don't know which religion is "the one" because I haven't had the pleasure of growing up with each religion being IMPOSED on my life as a kid. Mostly my mother imbued her Christianity beliefs on me, and I learned. What would have happened if my mother was Muslim,Jewish or Buddhist and imbued those ideologies onto me? I bet I would believe that either Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist was "the one" religion.

Candidly, I now look at every religion as very similar entities. The similarities are that each religion is a practice/art of teaching people how to become "good people". Each religion preaches that their religion is "the one" and is infallible. I believe most people that are devout to a certain religion sincerely believe their religion is "the one", otherwise they wouldn't follow.

Your religion mostly depends on where you were brought up in the world and what your parents believed in, because this is the main cause of how religion is passed down- from generation to generation.

And why can't people see that most religion is inherited from the persons parents? Also, the Earth is so big, no wonder why there are so many religions and cultures (only in the past generation has the internet come about).

Religion was a tool that was used to control the masses. Religion has caused more wars and killed more people than anything can compare. Religion (usually) cannot be backed up by science.

So why must people be so closed minded, and instead of hating other cultures, why not try and learn from them? The Muslims have been around for how long? I'm sure they know a thing or two, if not at least how to cook a good meal :D

Sadly, I now wonder if any religion IS "THE ONE" simply because there are many to choose from that all claim the same thing- eternal life.:?

I now believe we all will live eternally regardless of what religion one has. Every thing in the universe (besides empty space) is energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and hence your eternal presence in the universe. Its pretty much like reincarnation except your body is the catalyst which will make its way to become one with the Earth. The more Earth takes from your dead body, the more you will live in other forms of life. And on and on it goes.

Just my honest and humble opinions! I don't claim to be an expert on the theology but these are some things I have learned on my walk through life.

Zeitgeist - The Movie

Edit- I also believe God is energy. Without energy, there would be no matter. Energy IS God. You, me, and everyone and everything in this universe is a piece of God. We are powerful, we are peaceful, we are beautiful, we are a piece of Him.

Let your energy(God) be heard! Fight for your rights!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


A realistic contention on religion would have to be: There is only one "God" and many different ways of recognizing him. To preach down one religion in favor of another is pure bullshit. Bhuda, Chrishna, Mohammed, Jesus, The great spirit, etc., were all representatives of the one God. I have a personal relation with Jesus, but I'll not knock Mohammed, or Bhuda, or Chrishna, or any other religions Deities. It's what ever floats your boat, so to speak. For you athiests or agnostics, well sorry charley.
Oh no, not bravado again. You're not nearly as amusing when trying to employ bravado. Let's stick with childish naivety. It's much more becoming of us.
Im the 1st normally to jump on a say Islam is a evil faith .... But it not actually they just use this strong faith to Brainwash there youth ..

In the uk is the breeding ground of the extreamists young male muslims in the uk do not get work easy or decent jobs its sort of like blacks in the u.s they make there own country inside a country they do petty crimes to start with like most kids then once in jail they stick to there own and turn to islam and they take out parts of there holy law and make them believe that every one that does not believe desirves to die And they will kill them selfs to prove this

Its just the ass holes like any were in the world with young jobbless males they will buy into any thing to make them a somebody rather than a nobody true muslims are outraged at the way these radicals promote there holy and sacred ways

Like any country with holy wars going on its not the people going to mass shooting rp7,s or rifles its the ones with nothing in there life get brain washed

I think some of its teachings could change as they are a bit medi-evil ,And there view,s on women are wrong . But the majority are decent people