Werm11's Garden-MarionBerry Kush, Gorilla Glue #4, Frisco Fever


Well-Known Member
I just picked up some Mob Boss from 3D in Denver. Unique smell and extreme trichome coverage. Their cut is smooth on the throat, it tastes and smells like a tea house, with sharp lime and orange. Delicious smoke, but the high hits me like a strong indica so I try to only smoke it at night. Werm your grow looks fantastic, keep up the great work. I'm a little envious...
Thanks man. The mob definitely has a unique smell. It sounds like the one you have is similar to mine. Lots of indica characteristics with an indescribable sweet smell. I have a spot or two lined up for her again in the next run cause i really dont think i saw close to her max potential...it was a little neglected.


Well-Known Member
And so it begins...

I've been neglecting the journal due to being very busy in real life and in the garden. In the process of building this light and completely changing the setup of the garden.

Last round was hit and miss...I hit the 1g/w mark which is awesome for me. An issue arose during the dry. I realized the humidity was causing the buds to take much much longer than normal to dry...this is my first summer here btw and the humidity is a bitch. Anyway by the time I got the dehumidifier I had already sacrificed some of the quality of the blue dream. It isn't bad, it's just not as good as it could've been. A little disappointing but I'm well over that and almost finished with the next round already. I probably won't update on the current round after this however the tangerine dream is an amazing plant. Humongous, citrusy, super dense colas.

I'm still figuring things out but next round might be half tangerine dream and half glue. I'll be growing 9 plants in a 7'x3.5' area. 5 glue and the other 4 are the undecided ones. I have 400 watts of mixed LEDs which are three area 51 rw-75s and about 175 watts of vero 29. The light I'm building will be (8) CXB3070 4000k using the HLG-185h-c1400b for around 50w each or 400w total. I went with the individual cpu coolers because of less weight and cost compared to heatsink bars. I went with 4000k because 3500k wasn't available and I wanted to be able to properly veg with it as well so I stayed away from 3000k. I'll probably start a new journal for the new area around the time its ready.


Active Member
What model are those coolers ? I'm in the search of a cheap 120mm cooler that will run silent compared with the 90mm models.


Well-Known Member
its the arctic alpine 11 plus. It's 92mm. I have a couple right now running at 7.5v and they're virtually silent. Gonna run these at 5v. noise shouldn't be much of a problem with these


Active Member
its the arctic alpine 11 plus. It's 92mm. I have a couple right now running at 7.5v and they're virtually silent. Gonna run these at 5v. noise shouldn't be much of a problem with these
First of all, how can I like your post? I don't see a button...
Well, everybody has his notion of silent. When I bought my Hans panel everybody said the same about him, but I could not stand the noise. I exchanged the fan with a Enermax Magma PWM , and that was silent. Now I'm thinking there will be 4 fans, so I have to be really careful what I choose. I might even buy the cooler master hyper 212 EVO, yes, 4 of them. For my peace of mind it almost deserve the extra price.

Did anyone measured the Alpine 11 with a contactless thermometer ? Can you power down the fan without compromising too much heat dissipation?
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Well-Known Member
First of all, how can I like your post? I don't see a button...
Well, everybody has his notion of silent. When I bought my Hans panel everybody said the same about him, but I could not stand the noise. I exchanged the fan with a Enermax Magma PWM , and that was silent. Now I'm thinking there will be 4 fans, so I have to be really careful what I choose. I might even buy the cooler master hyper 212 EVO, yes, 4 of them. For my peace of mind it almost deserve the extra price.

Did anyone measured the Alpine 11 with a contactless thermometer ? Can you power down the fan without compromising too much heat dissipation?
You need to do some more posting before you can like stuff.
I know people have tested the temp on these arctic alpines but I can't say for sure what the results were. These fans can be ran up to 12v but lots of people run them at only 5v with the diodes running at 50 watts. I have a Vero 29 lamp with the diodes running at 80 watts and the fan is only at 7.5v. Keeps them plenty cool. Now with that being said I don't know anything about the coolers you mentioned but honestly at 5v the Arctic alpines make such a minimal amount if noise I don't see how anything could be much quieter...might be worth checking out.


Well-Known Member
Well here she is. After plugging it in for the first time one of the series of lights wasn't working. That was super annoying but it ended up being a diode came loose from its holder. It's very light...less than 20 pounds. I just have some clean up to do with the wiring and it's all ready to get hung. Tomorrow it should be hanging over brand new up potted girls. Ready to get this show on the road



Well-Known Member
Everything looks great! I'm definitely watching your tangerine dream :) I just got some seeds a few weeks ago that I want to germ soon....


Well-Known Member


Puling up a chair for this one!!!
Right on man welcome aboard! I might start a new thread for the new light and space. I haven't decided yet but if I do I'll leave a link in here

Nice build. What's the frame from or did you do some metal crafting?
Thanks! I made the frame from aluminum corner brackets from home depot. Very simple. I just used my hacksaw to cut them. It's 30"x30" meant to cover a 3x3 or 3.5x3.5. It should be plenty of light for either. I do wish I would've left extra length on the corners of the fixture around the heatsinks but I didn't realize it was going to hug those fins until everything was cut. It blocks about the bottom half inch of the fins but I don't see it being a problem.

Everything looks great! I'm definitely watching your tangerine dream :) I just got some seeds a few weeks ago that I want to germ soon....
Hey man sounds good. I haven't been able to get any new tangerine dream to root yet so it may just be one plant of that strain next round. I have to decide if I want to include plants that far behind the others in veg. Either way I'll have at least one tangerine dream and I'll throw some pics up on here when I harvest the one I have going now. She's a beaut. I actually really hope those root soon cause man I like it. I recently saw some really bad opinions and reviews of barney's farm and tangerine dream after googling the strain. I was surprised. Hopefully you find a good pheno in your pack!


Well-Known Member
...I recently saw some really bad opinions and reviews of barney's farm and tangerine dream after googling the strain. I was surprised. Hopefully you find a good pheno in your pack!
Yeah man, I've seen these bad reviews too, but I've grown a few different BF strains now, and I don't have any complaints....so I was hoping that they'd continue their trend with this one:)


Well-Known Member
I didn't plan to document any growing until next round but I thought I'd share real quick whats been going on. My garden is completely different. The only thing I plan to do different next time is run 8 total plants. The five on the one side is too much. Gonna be 8 total for all runs after this.
So I have five gorilla glue, two mob boss, a tangerine dream, and a cherry pie.

Here they are a little over a month ago...

3 weeks ago. The five on the right are the gorilla glue...

With the net...
20150919_032803_resized_1.jpg 20150919_033006_resized.jpg

And here's some tangerine dream from last round. These were grown under 80 watts lol. A single Area 51 RW-75.
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Well-Known Member
And here they are yesterday. All lights are on full blast and flowers are starting to set. I tucked all the branches for the last time tonight. I'll let them grow up naturally from here on out.


And I popped some seeds for next round. 3 of these are more Frisco Fever seedlings. If you didn't see that plant before then look back 2 or 3 pages. She was a damn beaut. I'm hoping for something similar to her. The 4th one is Gorilla Glue x Frisco Fever. I'm calling it Jungle Fever. That beautiful Frisco Fever plant I'm talking about actually spit a few nanners out during early flower when I grew her and I missed a couple when I was plucking them. It pollinated my Gorilla Glue and I'm actually pretty excited to see what it produces. I realize I'm taking a chance growing these beans out but I'm ok with that. They're a bit stretchy due to how they started their life but they're ok. In a week or 2 you won't be able to tell.

And here are some seeds I just got for future runs. The Banana OG crosses and the Diamonds and Dust were all freebies that came with the order. Funny cause I ordered the Midnight Fire and Banana OG seeds and both of the NorStar freebies just happened to be Banana OG crosses. That's cool though. I really like the strain.

The only thing really to note about the grow so far is that the Mob Boss in the back left of the net was directly under a 3000k Vero 29 during veg (the same light it is currently directly underneath). There is a Mob Boss directly to its right which was directly under the blues of an Area 51 RW-75 during veg. The one that was under the 3000k stayed much more squat with smaller leaves and less total growth. Much less vigorous in general. The one under the blues grew fan leaves bigger than my hands and got much taller and bigger in general. I expected the one under the 3000k to stretch a bunch but the opposite happened. I found it interesting. It almost seemed stunted. I didn't have enough veg light available to cover that little area so I thought the 3000k lamp would be just fine for vegging that little corner but obviously I'll be building a light to cover that area before next run.

Anyway that's all for now. Let me know what you think