Lighting, best for cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Loaded subject? Or just another misunderstanding? Well, you can easily go to google and find thread after thread after video on the subject. One debating with another, one putting one bulb against another. You'll here par, nanometers, spectral distribution,photon energies absorbed at peak hours and then of course all the wonderful meters and expensive gadgets to monitor these things for of course great wisdom and a high price. Are you kidding me? I'm not going to give you that garbage today and don't want your money or to teach you Latin. Just to help and then...its on you or keep reading and listening to the experts and especially those who have something to sell you. Why should we listen to you rev? Not saying you should, if you do, however you will benefit as others and my family. All I'll say about me is this. I'm just an ole southern boy from the volunteer who has been around cannabis all my life. Moving out west has now allowed me to help people more freely and that's all I try to do as I know what it is like to be 200 pounds over weight and I cured all my deadly diseases and injuries over the last seven years by allowing the most high to teach a once miserable and dying man, the truth of this tree. I'm going to give it straight and if its not enough and some of you just got to have science papers to make your mouth water, by all means keep reading or stop your search here. Cannabis, whether you learn the truth of the ripening stages and carry the tree through all stages or not, has to be ripened properly in every stage to be its best. Organics is the only way to go for this, however what about light? How many of you grow with HP's? Plenty, now how many of you notice, oh yes the big buds and how when your 9-11 weeks into flower, how the buds want to keep putting out new growth? Plenty of you, I already know. Why is it doing that? Here is your answer. Cannabis in its cursed evolutionary state as we know it today, comes from areas around the tropic of cancer, equator, Himalayas and other mountainous regions. People are realizing that these areas are of course more intense in UV radiation and high UV is of great benefit to potentcy and quality in cannabis. However, what they are missing is that these areas also get more blue spectrum from the sun....not red,orange. The combination of intense uva/uvb and blue spectrum, is what allows cannabis to ripen through its cycles and die. Cannabis has to die in order to give its true healing properties and destroy disease and must be fed well for second stage ripening as cannabinoids and 50% more bud mass can be produced and most have no idea as too many have been pocketing money off of you guys and not even knowing this tree correctly. Sorry, just the truth oops. Red/orange light from HP's makes the tree want to keep living and that's why HP's will not ever allow the tree to properly ripen...ever. Hid is the one to use if you want the best and cure all disease. I have used nearly all of them in a three year study and not one HP's would ripen this tree properly, not one. All hid bulbs will. Is there a hid bulb that you recommend rev? Yes, after using most all hid bulbs, the rev found the best. The best bulb for growing cannabis and combined with compost tea, will produce bud you can't smoke as its too strong. Hamilton beach 14000k full spectrum aquarium reef bulbs. I run two 400s. Do you get kickbacks rev? Nope not at all. This bulb is the beez knees and its time we kept our money at home. If running t5 lighting, you can also ripen the tree just fine. You can use aquarium t5 bulbs to customize a t5 that will blow your mind and blow led out of the water for fraction of the cost. Combination of standard 4100k t5 and high blue plus t5 aquarium bulbs will produce bud that will peel your for head back. If running LEDs, you need the bulbs all white and blue or at least 75%blue and 25% red. But rev the papers say! Care less about those papers, we are growing the cursed wisdom tree, not cabbage. You want the best and to heal disease in yourself and your family quickly, then this was for you. Left brain thinkers and respectors of the educated don't like truth as their not taught it in school. This is for the right brainers who know that truth comes through little nobody worms that have applied it. People who fear truth the most are always those who believe they have something to loose. Get over it! We are loosing our lives over ignorance and money driven madness. Wives are miserable, kids know little to nothing and the only thing that will help possibly is to say were sorry and mean it and more of gods servants coming out and letting truth be known. No matter the cost. Happy growing. One love, rev.thenaturalIMG_20150823_092639270.jpg
i mix lights in my 6's so that i get the precise spectrum i need for veg, flower. and end of flower..amazing results...u can get lost in the rabbit hole...more points of light..more lumens and full spectrums..and spectrum specific bulbs for specific needs...i rest my case best of gardens to ya
i mix lights in my 6's so that i get the precise spectrum i need for veg, flower. and end of flower..amazing results...u can get lost in the rabbit hole...more points of light..more lumens and full spectrums..and spectrum specific bulbs for specific needs...i rest my case best of gardens to ya
How deep it is brother and why so important for those of us who have spent the money and time and even grief to learn, to share with others freely. Ole rev was shut down for years by the most high. My last postings were only here and nearly six years ago. I was dying inside and out and knew this tree held the key to mine and others freedom. Faith without works is dead and this tree and learning it was part of the works..huge part. I knew I had to trust gods guidance and combine all I had studied in life to see it for what it was. Did it work? No, not until I started learning humility the hard way...through my wife and what life was teaching my prideful and sick self. Then the doors opened and then there is no stopping it. You can't climb back up the hole. Next thing I know I'm being sent to 6000 year old Sumerian writings and its all to clear. The world has a dose of truth coming to it that will not be easily swallowed and this tree and its origins lead to that truth. The one of course the mischief makers don't want anybody to know. People who feel this is going to continue to be some big business are sadly mistaken and will not like me some for that, but they will see soon. The wisdom tree is about life, not money driven madness and continuing to charge people for healing and life. Make something from it, barter with one another, however the tree itself is free and will be again. We all have to live, but at what cost? Guess I learned to much empathy...pain taught me. My students say; you teach the opposite of everyone else? Yup, that's why true teachings are only usually heard by the poor ole guy who has nothing to loose. To accept means usually some kind of sacrifice, however its a sacrifice with allot of gain later and many cannot see the later part. Not everyone has time or the mental capacity to study and absorb it all and test most all of it. Those of us that the most high shut down for years, were given that opportunity, if we took it and now the desire to help is huge. People have to be willing and folks coming out of darkness have to also have thick skin for the haters and mischief makers can be cruel. Whatever, people being helped, if even a few, has to override the fear of redicule in a person and them just walk the path without worrying about the rest. I can be long winded, however god knows a mans heart and he knows mine and all of ours. One love, rev.thenatural
amen..bro. i never listen to laws..only ethics. i love everyone and now i can do wat it is i was sent here to do...even if the police kill me and thieves rob me i will just get up and positive thought killls a thousand ill conceived thoughts or feelings. thank u for sharing...really good shit.
Loaded subject? Or just another misunderstanding? Well, you can easily go to google and find thread after thread after video on the subject. One debating with another, one putting one bulb against another. You'll here par, nanometers, spectral distribution,photon energies absorbed at peak hours and then of course all the wonderful meters and expensive gadgets to monitor these things for of course great wisdom and a high price. Are you kidding me? I'm not going to give you that garbage today and don't want your money or to teach you Latin. Just to help and then...its on you or keep reading and listening to the experts and especially those who have something to sell you. Why should we listen to you rev? Not saying you should, if you do, however you will benefit as others and my family. All I'll say about me is this. I'm just an ole southern boy from the volunteer who has been around cannabis all my life. Moving out west has now allowed me to help people more freely and that's all I try to do as I know what it is like to be 200 pounds over weight and I cured all my deadly diseases and injuries over the last seven years by allowing the most high to teach a once miserable and dying man, the truth of this tree. I'm going to give it straight and if its not enough and some of you just got to have science papers to make your mouth water, by all means keep reading or stop your search here. Cannabis, whether you learn the truth of the ripening stages and carry the tree through all stages or not, has to be ripened properly in every stage to be its best. Organics is the only way to go for this, however what about light? How many of you grow with HP's? Plenty, now how many of you notice, oh yes the big buds and how when your 9-11 weeks into flower, how the buds want to keep putting out new growth? Plenty of you, I already know. Why is it doing that? Here is your answer. Cannabis in its cursed evolutionary state as we know it today, comes from areas around the tropic of cancer, equator, Himalayas and other mountainous regions. People are realizing that these areas are of course more intense in UV radiation and high UV is of great benefit to potentcy and quality in cannabis. However, what they are missing is that these areas also get more blue spectrum from the sun....not red,orange. The combination of intense uva/uvb and blue spectrum, is what allows cannabis to ripen through its cycles and die. Cannabis has to die in order to give its true healing properties and destroy disease and must be fed well for second stage ripening as cannabinoids and 50% more bud mass can be produced and most have no idea as too many have been pocketing money off of you guys and not even knowing this tree correctly. Sorry, just the truth oops. Red/orange light from HP's makes the tree want to keep living and that's why HP's will not ever allow the tree to properly ripen...ever. Hid is the one to use if you want the best and cure all disease. I have used nearly all of them in a three year study and not one HP's would ripen this tree properly, not one. All hid bulbs will. Is there a hid bulb that you recommend rev? Yes, after using most all hid bulbs, the rev found the best. The best bulb for growing cannabis and combined with compost tea, will produce bud you can't smoke as its too strong. Hamilton beach 14000k full spectrum aquarium reef bulbs. I run two 400s. Do you get kickbacks rev? Nope not at all. This bulb is the beez knees and its time we kept our money at home. If running t5 lighting, you can also ripen the tree just fine. You can use aquarium t5 bulbs to customize a t5 that will blow your mind and blow led out of the water for fraction of the cost. Combination of standard 4100k t5 and high blue plus t5 aquarium bulbs will produce bud that will peel your for head back. If running LEDs, you need the bulbs all white and blue or at least 75%blue and 25% red. But rev the papers say! Care less about those papers, we are growing the cursed wisdom tree, not cabbage. You want the best and to heal disease in yourself and your family quickly, then this was for you. Left brain thinkers and respectors of the educated don't like truth as their not taught it in school. This is for the right brainers who know that truth comes through little nobody worms that have applied it. People who fear truth the most are always those who believe they have something to loose. Get over it! We are loosing our lives over ignorance and money driven madness. Wives are miserable, kids know little to nothing and the only thing that will help possibly is to say were sorry and mean it and more of gods servants coming out and letting truth be known. No matter the cost. Happy growing. One love, rev.thenaturalView attachment 3484960

Another piece of babbling nonsense.

Hid is not the sun. LED targets the correct spectrum accutately and efficiently. Its not even mentioned. Youre not concerned about the blatant inefficiency of this old tech. The very best HID IS AT BEST 30-35% efficient with loads of heat and wasted light.

Like many "revs" you are wildly full of it. " Organics" and "god" you are a frightening ass clown.
Organics and god. Better believe it. Ready to die for truth be rediculed and I even wear a red cap to make myself easy to find for my friends and enemies. I've been prepared and I'm not afraid as the god everyone forgets because he gave them freewill to improve or mess up their lives, is my weapon. Poor kids were not raised right. Filled full of junk you babble and support. Ready to crucify those who want nothing more than to help. The days are numbered for the hateful and bitter, but do they know? Never. Give us our doritos and bean dip and whatever our poorly educated left brain thinkers teach and leave us alone. I do. This is for those who would like to put what god has taught to the test. Try it, then bring your comments. Contempt prior to investigation is bad. We have nothing more to discuss. God is good. Man is confused and that's because man worships the wrong god he was taught or better yet these belief or moral conduct to live by at all. Been evil, good is better for those who learn. Try it and be kind to others, whether you agree or not. One love, rev.thenatural
Organics and god. Better believe it. Ready to die for truth be rediculed and I even wear a red cap to make myself easy to find for my friends and enemies. I've been prepared and I'm not afraid as the god everyone forgets because he gave them freewill to improve or mess up their lives, is my weapon. Poor kids were not raised right. Filled full of junk you babble and support. Ready to crucify those who want nothing more than to help. The days are numbered for the hateful and bitter, but do they know? Never. Give us our doritos and bean dip and whatever our poorly educated left brain thinkers teach and leave us alone. I do. This is for those who would like to put what god has taught to the test. Try it, then bring your comments. Contempt prior to investigation is bad. We have nothing more to discuss. God is good. Man is confused and that's because man worships the wrong god he was taught or better yet these belief or moral conduct to live by at all. Been evil, good is better for those who learn. Try it and be kind to others, whether you agree or not. One love, rev.thenatural

Kindness is to be praised. However your clueless rants are unkind to those trying to learn.

You seem to be as unacquainted with god as you are with organics, science in general and plant lighting specifically.

That sanctimonious bullshit you espouse maybe therapeutic for you but for readers here it would be more instructive if you spent your energies in silent meditation.
Like many reverends, looks like this one is using God as misdirection for bad/outdated/loony information.

Doritos and bean dip generalizations about the cannabis community? Classy.
I eat real food, thanks. I bet you eat fried chicken and jello there in the mental ward.

I have a college education and am a professional artist with an hobby in cannabis botany/horticulture. Your research isn't magically better than anyone else's and neither are your old jungle beans.

Is it cool for people to preserve genetics? Yes, absolutely.

But to tout your seeds and knowledge as some revelation that will make everyone rewrite the books, while telling everyone else that they are doing it wrong when you have nothing substantive to present, doesn't make you a good person. It make you an ass.

And a (HPS) high pressure sodium bulb IS a (HID) high intensity discharge lamp. My brain hurts now.
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Kindness is to be praised. However your clueless rants are unkind to those trying to learn.

You seem to be as unacquainted with god as you are with organics, science in general and plant lighting specifically.

That sanctimonious bullshit you espouse maybe therapeutic for you but for readers here it would be more instructive if you spent your energies in silent meditation.
Your right. You guys are not ready. Six years and still closed as hell most of you. I have nothing but love for you guys and one day you will know that...I promise. However mission accomplished again. I've fight cancer, and disease and everything gods got me through, but I'm not dealing with this again. Word of mouth from now on. I'll talk to whom I see in person. Happy growing. Rev.the natural..........old mother will get your seeds.
Your right. You guys are not ready. Six years and still closed as hell most of you. I have nothing but love for you guys and one day you will know that...I promise. However mission accomplished again. I've fight cancer, and disease and everything gods got me through, but I'm not dealing with this again. Word of mouth from now on. I'll talk to whom I see in person. Happy growing. Rev.the natural..........old mother will get your seeds.
Thanks bro it would be a blessing for all if you kept silent.
Let us find enlightenment as you have
You don't have to take your ball and go home.

Just have a dialogue with folks about tangible growing information instead of leaning on divine inspiration to justify your baseless claims. People come here for advice, and they need information that can help them right now.

If you want to talk about existential, religious connections to cannabis that's cool and there are places for it, just don't post it as advice in a cultivation forum.
Actually, some of us here mimic the environment of the plants dominent genes when growing. You also have an error, -->HP'S will not ever allow the tree to properly ripen...ever. Hid is the one to use if you want the best and cure all disease. I have used nearly all of them in a three year study and not one HP's would ripen this tree properly, not one. All hid bulbs will.
I'll say one last thing. Eccentric I am and for reason. People are sick and dying for lack of knowledge. Something was shared with me, something great and when applied works for all I've helped. Nobody has told me I lead them astray when they listen and apply..they live. This is probably not the format, probably not the place. I see that and wish nothing but healing for all. Yes, indeed we will all find enlightenment soon. I've found mine and watched diseases be destroyed over night. Now you all will surely do the same. I walk around the city and young people upwards of their 20s say " we have no teachers." Yes you do but in the past their killed or put away. Look for them and you'll find them. Their teachings are contrary to mans brilliant thinking, but it works and always always free...rev
Organics and god. Better believe it. Ready to die for truth be rediculed and I even wear a red cap to make myself easy to find for my friends and enemies. I've been prepared and I'm not afraid as the god everyone forgets because he gave them freewill to improve or mess up their lives, is my weapon. Poor kids were not raised right. Filled full of junk you babble and support. Ready to crucify those who want nothing more than to help. The days are numbered for the hateful and bitter, but do they know? Never. Give us our doritos and bean dip and whatever our poorly educated left brain thinkers teach and leave us alone. I do. This is for those who would like to put what god has taught to the test. Try it, then bring your comments. Contempt prior to investigation is bad. We have nothing more to discuss. God is good. Man is confused and that's because man worships the wrong god he was taught or better yet these belief or moral conduct to live by at all. Been evil, good is better for those who learn. Try it and be kind to others, whether you agree or not. One love, rev.thenatural
So is this thread about religion or UV in the production of resins or growing with 14k lamps from start to finish?
I'm confused and also throttled (with bias I might add but that's neither here nor there) but just wtf is this thread about??