Well-Known Member
Loaded subject? Or just another misunderstanding? Well, you can easily go to google and find thread after thread after video on the subject. One debating with another, one putting one bulb against another. You'll here par, nanometers, spectral distribution,photon energies absorbed at peak hours and then of course all the wonderful meters and expensive gadgets to monitor these things for of course great wisdom and a high price. Are you kidding me? I'm not going to give you that garbage today and don't want your money or to teach you Latin. Just to help and then...its on you or keep reading and listening to the experts and especially those who have something to sell you. Why should we listen to you rev? Not saying you should, if you do, however you will benefit as others and my family. All I'll say about me is this. I'm just an ole southern boy from the volunteer who has been around cannabis all my life. Moving out west has now allowed me to help people more freely and that's all I try to do as I know what it is like to be 200 pounds over weight and I cured all my deadly diseases and injuries over the last seven years by allowing the most high to teach a once miserable and dying man, the truth of this tree. I'm going to give it straight and if its not enough and some of you just got to have science papers to make your mouth water, by all means keep reading or stop your search here. Cannabis, whether you learn the truth of the ripening stages and carry the tree through all stages or not, has to be ripened properly in every stage to be its best. Organics is the only way to go for this, however what about light? How many of you grow with HP's? Plenty, now how many of you notice, oh yes the big buds and how when your 9-11 weeks into flower, how the buds want to keep putting out new growth? Plenty of you, I already know. Why is it doing that? Here is your answer. Cannabis in its cursed evolutionary state as we know it today, comes from areas around the tropic of cancer, equator, Himalayas and other mountainous regions. People are realizing that these areas are of course more intense in UV radiation and high UV is of great benefit to potentcy and quality in cannabis. However, what they are missing is that these areas also get more blue spectrum from the sun....not red,orange. The combination of intense uva/uvb and blue spectrum, is what allows cannabis to ripen through its cycles and die. Cannabis has to die in order to give its true healing properties and destroy disease and must be fed well for second stage ripening as cannabinoids and 50% more bud mass can be produced and most have no idea as too many have been pocketing money off of you guys and not even knowing this tree correctly. Sorry, just the truth oops. Red/orange light from HP's makes the tree want to keep living and that's why HP's will not ever allow the tree to properly ripen...ever. Hid is the one to use if you want the best and cure all disease. I have used nearly all of them in a three year study and not one HP's would ripen this tree properly, not one. All hid bulbs will. Is there a hid bulb that you recommend rev? Yes, after using most all hid bulbs, the rev found the best. The best bulb for growing cannabis and combined with compost tea, will produce bud you can't smoke as its too strong. Hamilton beach 14000k full spectrum aquarium reef bulbs. I run two 400s. Do you get kickbacks rev? Nope not at all. This bulb is the beez knees and its time we kept our money at home. If running t5 lighting, you can also ripen the tree just fine. You can use aquarium t5 bulbs to customize a t5 that will blow your mind and blow led out of the water for fraction of the cost. Combination of standard 4100k t5 and high blue plus t5 aquarium bulbs will produce bud that will peel your for head back. If running LEDs, you need the bulbs all white and blue or at least 75%blue and 25% red. But rev the papers say! Care less about those papers, we are growing the cursed wisdom tree, not cabbage. You want the best and to heal disease in yourself and your family quickly, then this was for you. Left brain thinkers and respectors of the educated don't like truth as their not taught it in school. This is for the right brainers who know that truth comes through little nobody worms that have applied it. People who fear truth the most are always those who believe they have something to loose. Get over it! We are loosing our lives over ignorance and money driven madness. Wives are miserable, kids know little to nothing and the only thing that will help possibly is to say were sorry and mean it and more of gods servants coming out and letting truth be known. No matter the cost. Happy growing. One love, rev.thenatural