Gage Green Group Info Thread

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I also have a hard head. Too much fucking work to shut down. He said it should be ok now and if my internet slows down at 10 it's still fucked. But my internet never slowed down in the first place. What I may do is move the 9 (trees) plants from that tent into my big main tent. It's gonna be very very very crowded but I think maybe I should shut down the 10-10 tent for awhile.

I'm leaving this house and looking to buy a place when the lease is up (october).

The first thing I will do is hire an electrician to give me ridiculous amounts of amperage. This sucks.
That sounds like a good way to go,nothing's wrong with putting a tent on standby
That sounds like a good way to go,nothing's wrong with putting a tent on standby

I hate cramming plants. But I hate chopping down beautiful plants that are killing at it 3 weeks in.

I live in california and have my rec, my wifes and multiple family members. My town grows like crazy. The guy said he sees this daily. So it's not like i'm in Kansas with 300 plants. (I have 30).

Still I'd rather avoid any unnecessary drams. Fuck it. Moving those plants now.

I can fit 27 in a 10 x 10 tent yes? Please say yes?
Moving them now. gonna be interesting. :(

Luckily the main tent is only a week into flower and they hadn't gotten too tangled in the scrog. May end up cutting more undergrowth if I'm cramming.

Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Lately I was feeling overwhelmed with 3 separate flowering tents in 3 different areas. Kinda going crazy. So maybe this is what I needed.
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ya bro dont stress but just b smart...they do see it all day

Yeah that 10-10 light wont' be coming on anymore. The guy said, "as long as the issue doesn't continue we're all good." Other tents are in the garage far away from the cable that was picking up the digital ballast RF's.

Pray for Bob.

Oh boy. This is gonna be gnarly. These plants are enormous.
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UMMMMMMM....I just kind of got busted by my internet provider. I come home and the truck is working on a box outside my house. He says there are interruptions in peoples service from 10pm to 10am and they tracked it to my house. He says big amounts of power can overwhelm their system and interrupt service! WTF?!?! He's like, "yeah since it's 12 hours exactly every night im sure it's your grow lights".

"I just want to let you know if it keeps continuing we are gonna have to pass it along to a different agency. It's usually all legal and everything but I just wanna give you a heads up"

What the fuck should I do?!

He said he pulled a "dead" cable offline and that it probably was the cause of the problem.

But how do I know if it's fixed or not?!

Shitting bricks.

what would you do? :(

Oh snap! That's enough to make the bum hole pucker up a bit!

I agree with the downsizing advice. Grow smaller plants for a minute and make it work under two lamps. The silver lining here is that the guy was cool and gave you a heads up. It would have been a lot worse to be woken up one night by a friggin swat team kicking down your door.

Good luck Bob...
Oh snap! That's enough to make the bum hole pucker up a bit!

I agree with the downsizing advice. Grow smaller plants for a minute and make it work under two lamps. The silver lining here is that the guy was cool and gave you a heads up. It would have been a lot worse to be woken up one night by a friggin swat team kicking down your door.

Good luck Bob...

I'm at the point where there is no possible way to clear out all grow equipment/traces of everything in under like a month. So if it happens it happens. I'm hoping this fixes the problem and that's the end of it. I believe earlier this month I moved the "dead cable" and it happened to be right next to 2 digital ballasts. Who the fuck knew? He said it basically acts as an antennae. Fuck me.
are u in fk turkey...russia..RELAX..theres 10 of u on each block..u put energy into that..u will bring to smart and be positive...or why even do it
are u in fk turkey...russia..RELAX..theres 10 of u on each block..u put energy into that..u will bring to smart and be positive...or why even do it

For me it's much more about what it could do to my career that I've worked very very hard for.

First question guy asks: "have you recently switched from electronic to digital ballasts for your grow lights"?

Wish I coulda seen my face. :)
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I'm at the point where there is no possible way to clear out all grow equipment/traces of everything in under like a month. So if it happens it happens. I'm hoping this fixes the problem and that's the end of it. I believe earlier this month I moved the "dead cable" and it happened to be right next to 2 digital ballasts. Who the fuck knew? He said it basically acts as an antennae. Fuck me.
had this happen. Just my cable went staticky. Built an LED light as soon as I noticed what it was doing. My first digi that broke didn't do this, the hydrostar replacement made my TV terrible, didn't notice for months until i turned on my TV to watch some sports lol.

These manufacturers need to up their god damn standards before they get someone in trouble.
lol I have the same mindset. The ocean is where Sharks and jellyfish live I respect that :) I wouldn't walk into a cage with a lion I won't go into the ocean with a shark :)

Maybe it's just me being a pussy :) I only have fresh water around me for hundreds of miles I'll stick to my fresh water beasties that only get as long as my arm :) Pike aren't scary :)

my island got beautiful shore we don't have big shark mostly around 1,50m but when is sunset you better get out of the water we got a lot of jellyfish, lyonfish and some shit too that like to get out at night... i like to hang out a the beach but no way im gonna swim lol
be ready for the breeders stash at the N

EDIT: they will be pricey.... 200-250

3-4 might be my limit

where do you got your information? because last time ive speak with mk4 he was saying they will not have price upgraded before a longtime and the breeder wasn't supposed to be more than 150$ or is it ngr that will aplly those price? just want to be sure don't take it bad im not starting a war
did you admit you had grow lights running? always deny lol tell em youll try running your ac less...
Hell no! I was like "naw man no clue what it could be; I've been running my ac more?! yeah I'm baffled! Weird!"

He totally didn't believe me. But I admit nothing.

All plants moved from the offending room. I couldn't no matter how much I tried fit everything. I had to kill 4 plants. 2 were 3 weeks in and were total shit and giggle plants. Seedsman exodus cheese and skinny genes beans some 4 way plant cross. The exodus cheese looked weak and had no smell or trichs yet, the other had the most fucked up mutant leaves I've ever seen once it hit flower (there was blueberry blast in there somewhere.) So no harm other than they were huge. Also had to toss a super tangie and a cheese and chaze that looked great. :(

Saved exotic and green beanz (best looking plants out of everyone), cannaventure, GGG and bodhi and some clone onlys. The scrog level is so fucked up now :( Hey though if you're in this game and can't improvise; You're fucked right?

Best part: "we've been getting a lot of slow service complaints from hardcore gamers and online gamblers in your neighborhood":cuss::finger:

PS: when he cut the "dead line" it took out the cable box in my room! I have half a mind to take down the tent in that room and then call back and complain. Let the fucker come in that room and be like "yeah, see broseph?! You tell ME what's going on"! ha

Or would you just leave it alone?

pps: Thanks for letting me vent/freak out/figure out this situation.
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