Disgraced ’19 Kids’ Star Josh Duggar Named in Ashley Madison Leak

Man I am really starting to agree with people. There's a reason this fucker hasn't been banned yet, and it's not because he follows the rules.

I have seen countless people banned here for far less then Buck does every single day but he gets away with it. There's a reason for that. He's an embarrassment to the entire site. He's not funny, not clever. He's just embarrassing, and the mods are 100% responsible for letting his shit continue on a daily basis.

I've seen at least 5 threads now that have devolved into buck calling rob a pedophile. Anyone else would have been banned for this.

Why isn't Unclebuck held to the same standards as other users on this site? You realize you have made this monster by letting him away with this shit for so long right? He's got the dirt on someone in power here I'm thinking.
Hint hint.

Uncle Buck is Rollitup.

Don't tell anyone tho.
Who are the good folks that are banned ?
Do you believe pedophiles should have rights ?

You are by your own admission, an orange thief and a supporter of an avowed floor shitter. You are also implying something about me that is false. We've verbally fucked with each other a bit, but at the end of the day your allegations are inaccurate and likely made because you've failed miserably when you feebly attempted to engage me in any kind of serious debate. I could see where that would make you feel inadequate, consistently failing so miserably to defend your statist positions.

I'm in a great relationship with a middle aged woman and that's where my interest lies. I did bang a 15 year old when I was 13, sue me. You mentioned you were still dreaming about playing with football players then. I have no interest in banging a 15 year old now, which is obviously what you are trying to imply...or worse. So if you want to continue, go for it, but you should at least know your fucking with me is based in an inaccuracy.

All people DO have rights. One of those rights is to chose how they will live if they aren't harming another person. You often champion things that are directly in opposition to letting people peacefully self determine. I think our basic differences are you, embrace arbitrary authority and I do not. Oh another difference could be, I don't steal ladies underwear from dryers and hide them in a secret collection where my wife won't find them.
You are by your own admission, an orange thief and a supporter of an avowed floor shitter. You are also implying something about me that is false. We've verbally fucked with each other a bit, but at the end of the day your allegations are inaccurate and likely made because you've failed miserably when you feebly attempted to engage me in any kind of serious debate. I could see where that would make you feel inadequate, consistently failing so miserably to defend your statist positions.

I'm in a great relationship with a middle aged woman and that's where my interest lies. I did bang a 15 year old when I was 13, sue me. You mentioned you were still dreaming about playing with football players then. I have no interest in banging a 15 year old now, which is obviously what you are trying to imply...or worse. So if you want to continue, go for it, but you should at least know your fucking with me is based in an inaccuracy.

All people DO have rights. One of those rights is to chose how they will live if they aren't harming another person. You often champion things that are directly in opposition to letting people peacefully self determine. I think our basic differences are you, embrace arbitrary authority and I do not. Oh another difference could be, I don't steal ladies underwear from dryers and hide them in a secret collection where my wife won't find them.
Wow I say pedophiles should not have certain rights and you go and write me a short novel. Damn I did not even name names, nor was I addressing the comment to you, hell was not even talking to you...very telling
Since you want to defend pedophiles. Do you think a pedophile has the right to move next to a elementary school ?

For me to be a thief, the other party would have to feel as if I stole something from him/her. The farmer actually did not. God bless America and the USAF
Wow I say pedophiles should not have certain rights and you go and write me a short novel. Damn I did not even name names, nor was I addressing the comment to you, hell was not even talking to you...vert telling
Since you want to defend pedophiles. Do you think a pedophile has the right to move next to a elementary school ?

For me to be a thief, the other party would have to feel as if I stole something from him/her. The farmer actually did not. God bless America and the USAF

Nobody has the right to initiate force against another person. All people have the right to defend themselves.

Government schools arise from force, they are wrong. Sexual predators engage in acts with people that haven't consented or are unable to consent, they are wrong too

I don't defend things that are wrong, but you do..

Also, I think people that steal underwear from dryers need help.
Nobody has the right to initiate force against another person. All people have the right to defend themselves.

Government schools arise from force, they are wrong. Sexual predators engage in acts with people that haven't consented or are unable to consent, they are wrong too

I don't defend things that are wrong, but you do..

Also, I think people that steal underwear from dryers need help.
writing many words does not answer the question.
Do you think a pedophile has the right to live next to a elementary school ?
writing many words does not answer the question.
Do you think a pedophile has the right to live next to a elementary school ?

I don't think a government school has the right to exist via coercive funding.

On one hand you embrace coercion, on the other you reject it. Your conflict is with yourself.
writing many words does not answer the question.
Do you think a pedophile has the right to live next to a elementary school ?
The answer is yes he does. He also says it's ok to have sex with children as long as they consent.
The best you will get out of him though is some rambling strawnen argument.

Rob Roy IS a pedophile
I don't think a government school has the right to exist via coercive funding.

On one hand you embrace coercion, on the other you reject it. Your conflict is with yourself.
You do realize we also have private and charter elementary schools. You can't be that dumb..
Let me ask the question again. Do you think a pedophile has the right to live next to a elementary school.
i make more per hour than you growing cannabis. and i now work construction on the side. neighbor just dropped by to drop off my first payment. apparently my lowly carpenter skills are worth $18 an hour. never even worked on a crew before this either.

suck my dick.

woah buddy! i am proud of you !
swinging a hammer! you just went up many pegs in my book (i get the plaque ready)
be uncle buff in no time :) i am not being sarcastic that is hard work ...
i make more per hour than you growing cannabis. and i now work construction on the side. neighbor just dropped by to drop off my first payment. apparently my lowly carpenter skills are worth $18 an hour. never even worked on a crew before this either.

suck my dick.

You skirting taxes on this as well?
Do you believe pedophiles should have rights ?

Pedophiles do have rights, that is the law, what others "believe" is irrelevant

You're another imbecile who can't distinguish between "thoughts" "actions" "trolling" and evidence of a crime
The answer is yes he does. He also says it's ok to have sex with children as long as they consent.
The best you will get out of him though is some rambling strawnen argument.

Rob Roy IS a pedophile

Well, hello Prohibitionist. I'm not surprised you've butted in, that's the kind of thing I'd expect from a prohibitionist, always telling other people what they are thinking or how to live. I'm afraid you're wrong again though, big surprise eh?.

I believe our failure to communicate is at least in part due to your low cognitive ability combined with your feelings of inadequacy and lack of control in your own life which is often expressed in your vitriolic spewings.

Don't you spend alot of your time at some mindless job that you hate, wishing you had the balls to grow a silly plant or two in the closet where you keep all your over priced Harley paraphenalia (sic) that you bought in a vain attempt to purchase your manhood?
You do realize we also have private and charter elementary schools. You can't be that dumb..
Let me ask the question again. Do you think a pedophile has the right to live next to a elementary school.

Not if he's going to steal the farmers oranges and then rationalize the theft.
Well, hello Prohibitionist. I'm not surprised you've butted in, that's the kind of thing I'd expect from a prohibitionist, always telling other people what they are thinking or how to live. I'm afraid you're wrong again though, big surprise eh?.

I believe our failure to communicate is at least in part due to your low cognitive ability combined with your feelings of inadequacy and lack of control in your own life which is often expressed in your vitriolic spewings.

Don't you spend alot of your time at some mindless job that you hate, wishing you had the balls to grow a silly plant or two in the closet where you keep all your over priced Harley paraphenalia (sic) that you bought in a vain attempt to purchase your manhood?
Ad Homenin attack
Rambling incoherent stupidity from a pedophile