I'm suprised at how weed has progressed


Well-Known Member
Like why can't we get a higher content like higher % instead of 10,000 strains that are all the same just got a different name attached to them.. Why is there no 60% THC weed what is lacking the weed from getting a higher percentage?
Lol listen to you, impatient youngster! Here I was about to agree that weed- the plant, the industry and the culture- is progressing very rapidly indeed. It's at once both exhilarating and a bit disconcerting!

First of all I'm no "younkster" thanks anyways, it was a simple question, I have some of the weed around my crop has been turning out wonderful, Barney farm seeds are to die for... but yeah thanks for no input
What exactly are you looking for in a strain/stone/high? It isn't all about the THC, you know.

Besides, just because you grow a strain capable of producing x amount of THC doesn't mean it's going to produce that much for you under your setup. Check out Satori, 23-28% THC but it's not like they can guarantee it will produce that amount when you grow it.
I say we change the op, let's start this thread over..... it's so crazy how much weed has progressed, 15 years ago no one was talking terpines (point proven) how about how many cannabinoids we have discovered now (point proven) now we know cbd, cbn, thc a , etc (point proven) just because there isn't a strain that's 40+% thc....so what was the % thc 10 years ago OP? A grower that goes by rb_26 has achieved a steady 30+% GG #4.... let's talk how much that has improved?!
Like why can't we get a higher content like higher % instead of 10,000 strains that are all the same just got a different name attached to them.. Why is there no 60% THC weed what is lacking the weed from getting a higher percentage?

I think we got a little off-track from the OP's original question. Yeah, there are 10,000 strains, but they are certainly not all the same! I think the OP's real question is about the potency plateau.

Any strain's THC content is dependent on it's potential; in other words "Under ideal conditions - this is the best the plant can possibly do". For most strains that's around 20 some-odd %.

Compare that to human atheletic potential (the Longjump). For as long as I can remember (that's well over 5 decades), the Longjump record has been around 20 some-odd feet. That is what human potential can do (and that's about it!). The only way you're going to get a "50 foot jump" is to splice in some Kangaroo DNA or something. Just kidding, but you see where I'm going with the potential thing

Now, Cannabis is the only plant that has a "useful" THC content, so there is no place to get a drastic infusion of THC from. So we have to look back to that 20 some-odd % potential - and be satisfied with that!

The only real exception to the "Limits of Potential" are the minor imperfections that get passed along to future generations from time to time. When we are lucky, a plant will come along with a slightly elevated THC level (a defect if you will). Breeders are always on the look out for mistakes like this! Increasing the THC level is a long, slow process.
So let me get this straight. You don't think 25% THC is enough? That doesn't chew you up and spit you out enough?
Do you realize today’s marijuana is 57-67% more potent when compared to samples from the '70s?
That's not good enough for you? Start breeding and take it to another level and stop complaining. Why not thank all the breeders for giving you potent marijuana to grow.
Like GG is saying...... the thread title said "I'm surprised how weed has progressed"....then his post says it's not enough.....it is so much more then before just in the past few years, we just started to learn about thc, cbn, cbg, thc a etc...everything I have stated before, rb_26 and his crew have there GG testing over 30+% every time that's amazing growth, yes it's slow, but we learn more and more daily and that's what we should be talking about, not fucking how terrible a 20+% which is still pretty damn good for how it USE to be (progression) go smoke some type of concentrate if your not happy instead of trying to make reason for Marijuana not being strong enough...o geeze
weed hasnt gotten any stronger since way back when.

next you dont want super high thc content most of the time. you find a ratio you like with terps etc and have a high weight to bud ratio yes.. but as thc is not a full agonist you can only get so high till antagonistic compounds take over and you smoke yourself sober. having more isnt really productive. you have to understand how the plant operates as well as the body i guess. weed isnt going to get any better, we can make some new flavors but thats about it. due to production processes we arent going to get huge amounts of different cannabinoids with possibly much higher binding affinities
Like why can't we get a higher content like higher % instead of 10,000 strains that are all the same just got a different name attached to them.. Why is there no 60% THC weed what is lacking the weed from getting a higher percentage?

Say you young ass kid maybe you could hook up one of your ipads to a flowering plant and make a strain 60% or higher! Lol!! No but seriously us grown folks have been smoking weed since the 80s so yes for us it has come along way, but for you snotty youngsters its just begging..
But i understand ur still wet behind the ears..bongsmilie
Like why can't we get a higher content like higher % instead of 10,000 strains that are all the same just got a different name attached to them.. Why is there no 60% THC weed what is lacking the weed from getting a higher percentage?
I dont know of any two strains with the same thc/cbd ratio's.
Anything IN REALITY that is past 20% can get you pretty damn high with one bowl.
Actually I got some of the best wax around in the 90% but I don't like doing dabs all the time, I do them maybe a few times a month
You cannot have wax with 90% thc. You know its moisture that turns shatter into wax right?
I completely agree with Qwizo. I smoked a LOT of weed in throughout the '70's and no doubt there was a lot low quality weed ($80-$100 lb.)around but the Thai Sticks (straight off the plane from Thailand- $100-$150 oz.), Stanta Marta Gold ($30-$40 oz.), and in the mid to late '70's Hawaiian strains, and strains coming out of the CA Emerald Triangle ($80-$150 oz.)were just as potent as any of today's strains. In fact it's hard to find any of today's strains that are as potent as the Thai Sticks we used to get.
^^^ has it really? Not sure about the actual growing part. 20 years ago I was doing flood and drain. 20 years ago was not that long really. 30 years ago I had a pound of thai stick that produced colors and patterns when smoked. Haven't come crossed anything like it, but dont grow to many sativas, may have to try one.
With 60% I'd believe the plant would get choke.
She would die unable to breath enough. I dont have scientific backup for the statement sry.