Donald Trump

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I meant that Canada is a great place, that people are not trying to flee from.

the number of illegal immigrants has dropped from 12.6 million to 11.1 million in the last decade or so.

immigrants are fleeing the united states for other countries.

you are dumb.

vote trump.
1 a wall won't stop the more than 50% of illegals that got here with a visa

2 show me a 20 foot wall and I'll show you a 21 foot ladder

3 it would be cheaper to fix the immigration system
By fix, you mean give them all amnesty and a Democrat National Party application? The only thing broken about the immigration system is it isn't enforced.
By fix, you mean give them all amnesty and a Democrat National Party application? The only thing broken about the immigration system is it isn't enforced.

why would a bunch of hardcore catholic conservative types vote democrat?

oh, that's right. the republican party you love so much is full of racists.
Tie the rung to the bar hanger in the metal gutter and it aint coming down, wont slide more than a foot either way, and you can`t kick it out.
The biggest problem on a ladder, is a bee. So beware............
I wouldn't count on a gutter for support
Let's also deport everyone collecting social security benefits. Deport all the cranky old white racists collecting SS and not contributing a thing to our economy.
So just steal the money they already paid into SS? Only "cranky old white racists" are collecting SS?
I wouldn't count on a gutter for support

The bar hanger is nailed into the rafter ends,...even if not, it will not let the ladder fall, kick out or slide. Go ahead and tie to one and try to bring the ladder down,...You wont be able to.
Because "undocumented immigrants" (funny name for illegal immigrants) don't have a right to be here.

They'd have a right to be here if we issued them certificates of naturalization documents within a 1-2 year period of application rather than a 15-30 year period. Either that, or we could suspend USCSIS and leave immigration to the department of state.
The ends don't justify the means. Basic freedoms "trump" some split milk. The ability to move freely across borders is one of the core components of Liberty. This basic freedom is worth a few people trying to get food stamps.
Now you're trying to pretend a new "right" exists, while complaining when businesses off-shore jobs.
So just steal the money they already paid into SS? Only "cranky old white racists" are collecting SS?

The idea that people come to the US to get our food stamps, medicare, and social security benefits is paranoid and insane, even to most independents and fiscal conservatives. It's worth dealing with a few bad apples for the benefits that come with open borders. If you were in mexico right now, would food stamps really be the reason you want to move to the US?
The idea that people come to the US to get our food stamps, medicare, and social security benefits is paranoid and insane, even to most independents and fiscal conservatives. It's worth dealing with a few bad apples for the benefits that come with open borders. If you were in mexico right now, would food stamps really be the reason you want to move to the US?
You would think so but really a lot of times that's the case. I know of a couple illegal women personally that have came here and had 7 to 10 kids. All of their kids had kids and they are all on welfare and have been for years. I mean I'm all for helping people but something has to change.
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