2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow


Active Member
nahh i took off bannana cause i had a lil bug problem but i got some organic bug repel with Fish oil in it...smells bad but did a good job.
I put The Rocks under it so i dont drown plants


Active Member
Well the other day i got to about my 4th-5th set of leaves and AGAIN Guy at hydro store told me what nutes to use...and i started to burn them pretty bad. Soo FUCK Hydro Store dudes. im doing everything my way for NOW on. ill have update of pics soon.


Well-Known Member
aye bro chill with nutes most plants hardly need em in veg and if they do they love em at like 1/8th and 1/4th str.
Exactly. Never start off at full strength. Slowly build up to it if you think you're plants can handle it. I learned that the hard way.


Active Member
Yeahhh i honestly didnt even wanna use nutes..but he was like...TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT IM Doing...so i was like..alright u own a hydro store...anddd yeah he fucked me..but i've been trimming all leaves with nute burn on them and trying 2 water a LITTLE more than usual...i dont see any signs of over watering so i think its going okay...i still see ALITTLE nute burn even today..but ya..my pops stole my camera and he's away on work so im waiting for pics haha =] today i will post some


Well-Known Member
I didn't succeed my first time either, brother. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and try and improve your skills so you won't fuck up next time. Be smart about it and do things right. Are you at least able to determine why your plants died? Don't make the same mistake again.


Active Member
Nahh they didnt Die...i've been rly sketchy lately..had 2 throw them all out...other day im outside...smoking..lol and cop stops infront of my house...then 2sec later a Helicopter starts flying over my house....there's just been alot of GROW house busts and ALOT of Cops coming through my area...which isnt common..i live in middle of nowhere....soo im not taking any risks...i've been being followed for past couple days to. soo everything had to Be Gone...lol they didnt Die...they were doing amazing after that nute burn thanks to the jerkoff at the hydro store...but they were all about a foot tall...but ALL Gone..sorry guys..not taking any chancess....yaaadiggg? =] GL For all those who are and KEEP Growing.


Active Member
for 2 weeks those are a bit small, mine are a week old under a 20 watt floro and the second set of sunleaves are as big as your first set maybe you need to get the light closer, or you have watered them to much and stunted the seedlings, try somethings and see what works\


Active Member
Nahh they didnt Die...i've been rly sketchy lately..had 2 throw them all out...other day im outside...smoking..lol and cop stops infront of my house...then 2sec later a Helicopter starts flying over my house....there's just been alot of GROW house busts and ALOT of Cops coming through my area...which isnt common..i live in middle of nowhere....soo im not taking any risks...i've been being followed for past couple days to. soo everything had to Be Gone...lol they didnt Die...they were doing amazing after that nute burn thanks to the jerkoff at the hydro store...but they were all about a foot tall...but ALL Gone..sorry guys..not taking any chancess....yaaadiggg? =] GL For all those who are and KEEP Growing.
paranoia only a true stoner possesses...

im sure they heard all about your 5 or 10 seedlings with nute burn and were just about to move in....


Active Member
Good stuff man....I am also on my frist grow....Mine is only a week in and is a bit bigger then your first pics..


Active Member
Yeahh i think at the start they had some problems but b4 i got rid of them They were getting HUGE. bushing out like crazy. like i said about a foot tall each. But im not taking NOOOO Risks. way to many cops around here for no reason lately...again yesterday i was followed by a undercover. and when i came home there was one passing my house slowly...soo fuck that. keep growing still guys.


Active Member
ohh and i found out whyyy they wernt growing as FAST. i had them Very close to the light..and was watering once every two days...lol
basicly everytime i left my house. some1 in my family would shut off my light. So thats why. i just found out today.


Well-Known Member
lol that sux man, and i think i know why u kept gettin followed, if u bought ur seeds online then maybe, and if u kept goin to the hydro store then that would be it too. u gotta watch them bitches when u leave that store, if somone is pullin out with u, go the other way. go to a friends and chill for a while. ive heard of cops doin this all the time. they were waitin, and good thing u got rid of em, cuz they woulda came and busted ur door down for some shit like possible cultivation of marijuana or some shit. sorry for ur loss tho.