soical experiment... Describe Your God

u personally something is wrong if u worship a plant or cloth money.......and long term smokers do not get that High in the sky flying with god feeling
if i had to pick a plant i would of gone peyote cactus

oh and just to u know your almighty dollar is backed by nothing except the idea it has value (when really there is not enough gold silver platinum on the planet to justify the amount of cash that is on the books/banks/private holdings) is one giant scam run by the government u sawl this a few weeks back in china market 2.3 billion dollars lost in one day
Who told you your right and I'm wrong. They are both more concrete and solid the any made up god. Wait for your god to pay your bills and live, I'll use my cash made from my bud all the while tolking on a fat one.. have fun in the afterlife (lols), I will now.
Who told you your right and I'm wrong. They are both more concrete and solid the any made up god. Wait for your god to pay your bills and live, I'll use my cash made from my bud all the while tolking on a fat one.. have fun in the afterlife (lols), I will now.

well the money this is common sense .....they have not found pools of gold anywhere.....the amount of gold on this planet that is above ground is 1 full football field about 9 feet high (this is all the gold form the dawn of recorded history until now mined in one place) if u add up the projected money earned in a year for countries u will see there is no where near that amount of money in the world is all number scam ....look at greece and the run on the banks

if all the ppl in the world went to the banks and demanded the money in their account ...they can not do it not enough printed .....they can give u gold not enough silver prices are dropping use to be 20 bucks for a 1 troy oz now it running 15

oh the other part MONEY IS GREED ....u only need so much to live on what is the point in have 500 million in the bank u will never spend and when u die the government takes 33% to 50% strait off and u still have to pay taxes on the whole amount .......if i win the lotto or one of my family member dies and leaves me cash i am given up my usa citizenship and leaving the country with my full amount

and greed is the major cause of troubles in this world ppl kill over
well the money this is common sense .....they have not found pools of gold anywhere.....the amount of gold on this planet that is above ground is 1 full football field about 9 feet high (this is all the gold form the dawn of recorded history until now mined in one place) if u add up the projected money earned in a year for countries u will see there is no where near that amount of money in the world is all number scam ....look at greece and the run on the banks

if all the ppl in the world went to the banks and demanded the money in their account ...they can not do it not enough printed .....they can give u gold not enough silver prices are dropping use to be 20 bucks for a 1 troy oz now it running 15

oh the other part MONEY IS GREED ....u only need so much to live on what is the point in have 500 million in the bank u will never spend and when u die the government takes 33% to 50% strait off and u still have to pay taxes on the whole amount .......if i win the lotto or one of my family member dies and leaves me cash i am given up my usa citizenship and leaving the country with my full amount

and greed is the major cause of troubles in this world ppl kill over
first off let me say ops......this is for sheer shits and giggles should be a good one i mean no ill will
God is one of those concept words where it means something different to each person the word normal
so i am taken a poll and seeing what overlaps please describe your idea of god ( my personal idea is not the issue) this is for what u think GOD is please lay it on us
first off let me say ops......this is for sheer shits and giggles should be a good one i mean no ill will
God is one of those concept words where it means something different to each person the word normal
so i am taken a poll and seeing what overlaps please describe your idea of god ( my personal idea is not the issue) this is for what u think GOD is please lay it on us

but the idea of god and money .....that is just wrong that is Greed in the purest form
that idea to accorded to me several years back but it is wrong ......and the stuff i listed is proof of how messed up the system is ...based off that same idea Money is the almighty

@justugh dude. Your anti social bro. But, we in the rollitup community love you bro. I mean you are really special to us. Peace and love bro.

that is a little scary on several lvls but i will take it ......nah really i am a ppl person last night's party ....i brought absinthe (shit kicked my ass) i made the mistake of getting mozzarella sticks at 3 am ...9 i was praying to the porcelain goddess...
god and money appear to work hand in hand just watch some Bible thumping TV show why do they ask for money at the end lol its all about money power and wealth
for me there is no such thing as a fairy tale god never was and never will be a true God it was made for them sorry ass bunch with no direction
oh the other part MONEY IS GREED ....u only need so much to live on what is the point in have 500 million in the bank u will never spend and when u die the government takes 33% to 50% strait off and u still have to pay taxes on the whole amount .......if i win the lotto or one of my family member dies and leaves me cash i am given up my usa citizenship and leaving the country with my full amount

and greed is the major cause of troubles in this world ppl kill over

yah i won the money my luck gave me a karma wahoo.......why do they get to take 53% of it in taxes and it all based on the same amount of money they do not modify it they see a 200million
after federal is done then u got state going after a chunk of the 200million not what was left after federal took it;s share

then again the money is taxed in your bank account later ....and the fact if u die now the government gets 33% of what u saved for your life my state they take 50%

fuck get around it we had to set up something where if my father is dying and we know it is it ...... brother and i can transfer all funds and titles into our name before he dies given them nothing to death tax

give me my full amount of money and i will leave ......u do nothing for me except cause more trouble and hassle in my life half the rules out i would never agree too but seems as long as the congressmen get the pockets fatter it does not mater since they are on a whole different set of rules

and to prove that HILLARY CLINTON....she was too good to use the email like the rest of the government was exposed due to her thinking she is special ....she should be charged with treason for her actions .....but no look she is running for Prez
"God" is "the source". It is the nexus, the vortex we all came from. I've experienced and touched it. I was drawn into the maelstrom and was gifted the experience of being bathed and immersed in the most beautiful soul quenching light, and for the span of an hour that felt like a thousand lifetimes I was privy to knowledge and was given the answer to all the questions in the universe. All while I was laying on my floor with tears of pure joy streaming from my face as my heart was filled with pure love, joy and unity.

To me, that was GOD. Of course, I was on psilocybin but that's as close as I've ever gotten to touching it and unless I try ayahuasca or dmt I'm pretty sure I won't ever get there again until I die.

It's shaped my views on the "afterlife" and through that experience I was able to deal better than my brother when out mother passed suddenly.

God is not what some ancient fiction tells us. Fuck organized religion. It's only purpose is to control the masses and provide explanation for people who are too close minded to figure this life out for themselves. A GOD wouldn't want you killing your brothers and sisters over different points of view either.
This is my idea of what the Christian God is:

The Christian God is cruel, petty and vengeful. His arrogance sees no bounds, his demands are uncompromising and his power serves only to punish humanity. He exists to fear us into submission and self bondage, which isn't actual belief and serves no actual purpose.

This is my idea of what the Christian God should be:

The Christian God should be kind, unconditionally benevolent and righteous. His humility should transcend all levels of life, from humans to insects. His desires should coincide with what is objectively best for life. He should serve to eradicate disease, war, pain and suffering, to everyone, even those without belief.
The Roman propaganda vs the word of Jesus Christ is exactly what you portray, read the gospels and only the gospels again, this time only pay attention to the words of Jesus himself.
very well stated sir, your logic is faultless, the christian god acts like a spoilt aggressive child, sodom & gomorrah eg...naughty adults in both cities...god gets the shits & declares a scorched earth policy...kill em woman & innocent child...loving god my ass...spoilt bastard more like it...
"Woe to those who nurse babes in those days, it would have been better for those in soddom and Gomorrah" JC

He is not saying that God will seek vengeance on children like he did in soddom and Gomorrah he is saying that armaggeddon is going to be far worse and is going to be a very sad time for those who nurse babes. Here, from my book, "your hearts will shatter and your children will cry in terror, if you can not stand the thought how will you ever handle the reality".

How little those that know only peace know about the real pain and suffering of war, to them war seems as an impossibility, how ignorant they are.
My god is me, you, Awareness. In the light of the present moment I have peace, Bliss and a true unconditional love for the entire world, so thus god is peaceful, blissful, and loving, I must add that although god has a good sense of humor god can get very very serious at times, if times demand it.
The Roman propaganda vs the word of Jesus Christ is exactly what you portray, read the gospels and only the gospels again, this time only pay attention to the words of Jesus himself.
What about the rest of the Bible? You don't get to cherry pick what to believe and what not to believe
What about the rest of the Bible? You don't get to cherry pick what to believe and what not to believe
Well no you do when you realize that the word of Jesus was meant to set you free whereas the rest was meant to control the masses and rob them of their hard earned money. "Take and give to the poor" JC " relinquish everything you have and give it to the church" roman propaganda. It is really quite easy to see.
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Well no you do when you realize that the word of Jesus was meant to set you free whereas the rest was meant to control the masses and rob them of their hard earned money. "Take and give to the poor" JC " relinquish everything you have and give it to the church" roman propaganda. It is really quite easy to see.
If it's so easy to see, why do Christians believe the Bible, as a whole, is the word of God?

Believing only in the Gospels and dismissing the rest is being very liberal with your Christianity, and to tell you the truth, the world would be a much better place if there were only liberal Christians.. but that's not the world we live in. We live in a world where people hate gay people because it tells them to in their religious texts and that women should be subservient to men..
first off let me say ops......this is for sheer shits and giggles should be a good one i mean no ill will

God is one of those concept words where it means something different to each person the word normal

so i am taken a poll and seeing what overlaps please describe your idea of god ( my personal idea is not the issue) this is for what u think GOD is please lay it on us
I am my own God.