EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

She's not bought, and no one paid or promised her a dime.

You just haven't had any real convictions for so long you don't recognize one when you see it.
She's not bought because Democrats never delivered on their promises. She is bought because she keeps thinking they will. You confuse self entitlement with conviction.
This seems like a great deal of wasted energy for an "also ran" like Sanders. It's awesome that you can get so excited over a guy that your party hierarchy and the MSM would never allow near the nomination. Your hopes will be dashed and you will have a brief moment to experience what Conservatives go through every election. You will be sad, you will cry. The good news is, when you mix liberal tears with Hoffa squeezin's, you get a potion that can cure the foulest body odor imaginable...even Occupy Wallstreet level body odor. Unfortunately, we're running desperately low on Hoffa squeezin's.

do the math, numbers don't lie..literally, 1/117th of the electorate have joined his campaign efforts <1 year out.

do try to keep up, i know it's well past your bedtime..
statistically, it is those: male/protestant/loner/lives with sister, types.

104 people were indited, convicted, or fled the country to avoid prosecution in the Whitewater scandal. So you're claiming Hilary's people are male/protestant/loner/lives with sister, types? You used to be a Hilary supporter.
104 people were indited, convicted, or fled the country to avoid prosecution in the Whitewater scandal. So you're claiming Hilary's people are male/protestant/loner/lives with sister, types? You used to be a Hilary supporter.

i used to take meds, too..red.

and if it's the only game in town..you're not going to play?
Nope, fuck that.

Again with the whole having to choose terminal cancer or AIDS thing, one will probably kill you quicker, but you're still fucked.

Last few elections I've voted for myself, our current batch of politicians here are irredeemably retarded.

Referendums are where I vote for real, the Constitution of the State does matter.