I liked your post but I still think people like you are fucking scam artists. You've created a whole imaginary story in your head about a fucking gift card and a company that's trying to hold down the impoverished by making them miss their bus... At least that what I've gotten from your incoherent broken sentence structure and crazy meth drivel about the Bible Belt and some box store manager who by the way is more scared of you because of your fantasy finger pointing and delusions than your silly law suit based on your hallucinations. I hope you're right about them and you're a hero to the underprivileged and poor, but knowing your past posts and how you conduct yourself with job interviews and drug tests and your socialist schemes against big business I'd more likely go with my theory that you have all the lights on but nobody's home kinda thing. More than a few screws loose, not the sharpest knife in the drawer stuff.
Anyway, yelling on the internet at people is not my thing so I get bored of it quick, but I'm just not going to be impressed by someone like you who doesn't work and contribute anything to their community or society and instead walks around methed out looking for unjust or unfair situations and sues. I'll leave you with this wonderful song, make sure to watch at least until the tongue thing... It's truly wonderful. The guy is as big a freak as you are, and I lol equally hysterically when I read your brain damaged madness or watch this russian fuck. Enjoy-
you've been owned and still have to resort to a hate post.
did other kids beat the shit out of you in middle school?