Since I chimed in about it ...

That's right, the late-flowering reaction called foxtailing can be easily prevented by the experienced grower. It may be due to genetics, but I stopped seeing it fifteen years ago.

That was when I heard a talk given by Mike Corral of WAMM, where he told of the plant processes happening during late flowering that cause foxtail buds. It's a result of the feeding that we do, and the plant actually storing too much, while being unable to produce seed. The way to prevent it is to slowly remove the main-stem fan leaves. Starting half-way through flowering, remove the bottom two leaves from the main stem, and then each week remove two more, going up the main stem. So over the last 4-5 weeks, you will remove 8-10 fan leaves, even if they are still green. When Mike said that, I was skeptical, until I tried it several crops, and I was convinced.

I haven't seen a foxtail bud since.


i have to tell you, this is one of the most intelligent posts i've read on this site in quite some time..just made it into my handwritten grow journal of respect..:clap:

Well it's like, well you know, that thing, that, that well, like they really don't have a home.

bud is the 'fruit'..think of the shape of a strawberry and then how appealing it would be if it were in 'fingers', is about the best's the purists and snobs who are so hard on the foxtail.

like i said, bag appeal rocks, it smokes just fine and it fucking goes on forever..:wink:
yes i did.

just like you don't own me and shouldn't tell me what to do, when in fact you stood by letting these asses call me names.

some friend you are.

I do not know you , who are you ?

telling someone you owned them is ok when you're 12 playing cod
.it's the purists and snobs who are so hard on the foxtail..

No just noobs that only grow indica, go look around a little, you will see various seed companies advertising crosses with foxtails in the pictures
i am not that fussed about them, haze lovers often like them
with jack herer it is common
No just noobs that only grow indica, go look around a little, you will see various seed companies advertising crosses with foxtails in the pictures
i am not that fussed about them, haze lovers often like them
with jack herer it is common

Aha! So now I see why my cross does that...
I do not know you , who are you ?

telling someone you owned them is ok when you're 12 playing cod

why does it bother you so much?

you stood by here while bu$hleauger/assorted asshats ripped me a new one for starting a thread about 14th violations.

do you not have that where you are? the 14th?

you must be that why you're so bitter?