Shout to all Oregonians

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So, how do you like our state now that ganja is legal? I love it! just look at craigslist to find any thing you want.... I like how everything is "Donation"... LOL .... driving around my area and I have spotted several nice plants.
im loveing the 4 plant limit started 3 of my plants from seed in march and got one clone from my girls dad. pic one mastodon pic two big cindys blue cheese pic three small cindys blue cheese pic four dream queen from clone. All three of my seed plants are from oregon green seed based out of portland oregon great gentics. And heres some shots of the small cindys blue cheese buds pics five and six.


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I drove 3500 miles with my wife and two kids from a place where a doobie would have gotten me a 20 year minimum and we fucking love it here:)
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You have achieved what I have been dreaming about. I have been looking in southern oregon to buy a house in the 250k range. I recently got a 100% disability rating from the VA and I am dead serious about moving there. I see my only hold up would be selling my current house. Hell, I will even sell both of my mustangs! With the VA homeloan and monthly $, it should not be hard for me. 100% will give me $50k a year without working, cant get a job lol.
I have been looking at the climate, housing market, and schools. I have never been to Medford, but I think that it fits the bill. I have a back paycheck that was pretty big and I might have to fly over and have a look. It is very easy to find lake/river front property with a little acreage within my price range.
We love it here and i took my dd214 up to the dmv and have vet on my DL. lots of places have discounts for us here and in general vet friendly here. The guy i am buying land and growing next year with is a disabled vet too.
im loveing the 4 plant limit started 3 of my plants from seed in march and got one clone from my girls dad. pic one mastodon pic two big cindys blue cheese pic three small cindys blue cheese pic four dream queen from clone. All three of my seed plants are from oregon green seed based out of portland oregon great gentics. And heres some shots of the small cindys blue cheese buds pics five and six.

Wow, those are some big plants! I may have to plan an outdoor grow for next season... :shock::-)
Medford has a lot of meth:(
At least I will not be related to them lol! My cousin got 100% before I did, but he lives in an abondon house and has a court appointed caregiver to control his money. He really F'ed a good thing.
I would like to find a grow friendly climate with a good school system. How is Eugene or Roseburg. They have good looking homes
Check out A friend is moving to 2.5 acres they bought for under $1000 in OR off that site. Middle of no place but who cares at that price? It has a road so access is guaranteed.
Check out A friend is moving to 2.5 acres they bought for under $1000 in OR off that site. Middle of no place but who cares at that price? It has a road so access is guaranteed.
I have been approved by the VA for around $275,000 to buy a house. I just dont want to spend it here in my state
I have been approved by the VA for around $275,000 to buy a house. I just dont want to spend it here in my state
come on out! Jackson and Josephine counties have lots of affordable primo spots. one thing I would take into consideration is wildfires. they can be bad out here - I'd hate to see somebody move out here and lose their ass on their first season. spin of the wheel I guess - nobody knows year to year what's going to burn, but if it was me - I'd be looking in areas that have recently burned and have a bit less fuel around them.
The MM website said to apply for our renewal 4 weeks before it expires, so we went six weeks. They are so far behind we probably won't get our renewal for another month. In the mean time dispensaries won't sell to us because our card expired.

Opening Day
So.... I had to wait until today to pic up some new clones, and do it as a rec person (I'm a caregiver, not the primary patient). It was an interesting experience. I shopped online through Leafly, and found a place that had clones I wanted. I called ahead and told them what I wanted and they said they would hold some for me. Decided I'd go first thing in the morning, hoping to not kill the whole morning. On the way there I passed a dispensary with a couple of hundred people in the parking lot, which had me a little worried. But I got there 30 minutes before they opened (Progressive on Burnside and 97th(?) ) and there was no one there! They hadn't done any promos with freebies, so they didn't attract the crowds. Got my clones and was home (60 blocks east of there) by 10:30.

I heard a lot of places opened at midnight last night, it must have been a scene. Apparently if you get clones now (a limit of four) you can't get more until January 2017. I asked how they track that (as they entered my DL info in their computer), and apparently there isn't a state-wide system, at this point. Not sure if they'll make one and retroactively input the info... but considering the lack of funding, I kind of doubt it.
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