Shout to all Oregonians

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I am on with clone swaps, seed swaps, bud swaps, it's all legal now. I am thinking that there needs to be a small growers co-op or growers association. Any Oregon hobby growers who would join a co-op?

Long time no see! Welcome back Nuevo :)

I'm interested... I wonder if this is the best forum section to reach the most people?
Hey Humanrob. I've been mostly lurking, but with the world changing, I'm ready to jump back in and get ready for the licensing in January. I am also going to start laying the groundwork for a co-op, so think maybe posting multiple threads in different forums would be a good way to spread the word. Maybe just point to a master thread somewhere. Do you have any good ideas for how to get the word out and see what kind of interest there is out there?
Since I'm kind of a hermit, sorry to say I'm not the best at networking... I wonder if there are MeetUps that would serve well? If you are thinking of starting locally, then off-line is probably better than online.
Agreed I need seeds or clones myself have one genetic left so I have been off this site till more genetics become available :spew:
I am wanting into the co op also... I am near Corvallis so pretty much middle of the west side..... neighbor hood smells real nice right now. I have clones and seeds I would trade... have some autoflower seeds also.
I am wanting into the co op also... I am near Corvallis so pretty much middle of the west side..... neighbor hood smells real nice right now. I have clones and seeds I would trade... have some autoflower seeds also.
What strain you willing to trade?
week or two I will clone money maker, and white widow X big bud.... also have autoflower seeds of a nice assortment.
I don't have a perpetual grow. If I take clones before my plants go to flower and they take two weeks to root I have to veg them for around seven weeks before a space opens up for them (the time the original plant takes to flower). That's too long for me, my veg space is too small for that.

It would be great if we could make a "pay it forward" system, where I provide clones when I have them, and in four or six weeks (or whenever), I get clones back.

This is a system that would work very well for a co-op! You could put clones in and get "clone credit", and then come back when you are ready and pick from what's available...

(@nuevo )
My daughter lives in Portland and told me that 1 October when you guys went live retail that the clones started going fast.
Yea portland and surrounding areas are all pro southern oregon is a lil tougher thats where im at ha ha apparently since im rec. instead of medical i can only buy up to 4 clones per shop but can buy unlimited amount os seeds kinda weird huh?
Yea portland and surrounding areas are all pro southern oregon is a lil tougher thats where im at ha ha apparently since im rec. instead of medical i can only buy up to 4 clones per shop but can buy unlimited amount os seeds kinda weird huh?
She told me sometimes it gets weird with the now legal rec. Some strains you cannot buy unless you are medical. No concentrates for rec, only for medical. 1/4 ounce per day that you can buy (of course visit more than one shop to blow that away).
She told me sometimes it gets weird with the now legal rec. Some strains you cannot buy unless you are medical. No concentrates for rec, only for medical. 1/4 ounce per day that you can buy (of course visit more than one shop to blow that away).

I had heard all of that except the part about some strains rec people can not buy... I wonder if its the high CBD ones that were specially bred for medical use?

Yea portland and surrounding areas are all pro southern oregon is a lil tougher thats where im at ha ha apparently since im rec. instead of medical i can only buy up to 4 clones per shop but can buy unlimited amount os seeds kinda weird huh?

Sorry, did not realize you were down south. Was going to recommend Progressive Collective, that's where I go, they seem to have about a dozen different strains right now. The Portland market is saturated enough that dispensaries are going out of business because there's too much competition.

I hope the seeds work out for you.
I had heard all of that except the part about some strains rec people can not buy... I wonder if its the high CBD ones that were specially bred for medical use?

No idea. She says they have flower for sale in abundance but some strains are for med only without explanation.
I was able to get whatever flower and whatever seeds or clones but thats all everything else is off limits and your right only a quarter oz. Im not to worried as I can make all those others just bummed on clones couldve vegged for two weeks then flowered o well this lesson just taught me to always keep a mother
I have been looking at the climate, housing market, and schools. I have never been to Medford, but I think that it fits the bill. I have a back paycheck that was pretty big and I might have to fly over and have a look. It is very easy to find lake/river front property with a little acreage within my price range.
Make sure to read the Medford Mail Tribune before you buy property. The controversy is to complicated to go into here. My finger would fall off. However, just google Medford Pot Ban and see what comes up.I have a rural farm, and I'm a little nervous. Other counties to watch on Google would be Josephine, and Douglas.
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