Just how dumb is the GOP base...?

How about instead of funding Israel, you buy $4 bill per years worth of Guiness off us?

Boost a friendly nation's economy and a healthy dose of iron for the masses.

It says much about you too schu,..........Do you often say,...."trust me,...or believe me,...or I promise" ....I bet you do,......

actually. you are incorrect. citation would be here..find posts in which i say these things..you can't because i don't speak like that..you're just mad because i'm an educated white female with a good arguments and can easily run circles around yours.

After liberating the Middle East during WWII, we promised the Jews a place to live and pray. There was nothing left of where they came from, There were treaties and other promises made. The Muslim quickly forget this and want that land back.

How many Americans died in the N African campaign (Patton) ? How many died saving the World from the 3rd ? They owe us nothing over there but to the victor go the spoils, and we got a promise to keep, treaty to honor and them in the way.

Question,...How long did it take Hitler to conquer the Middle East ?

News flash from 1945: We - the US - didn't liberate the Middle East. Everyone else did, and it wasn't really a liberation at that if anything.

Italy invaded British Somaliland, but Commonwealth forces took it back. The US and British forces knocked out Italian forces already in North Africa because North Africa was already under Italian control. Tripoli and Libya were Italian colonies. Algeria was a French colony, and Morocco was a Spanish colony.

When it comes to the Middle East proper, Syria and Lebanon were the French Mandate of Syria. When the Vichy government took over France, the Mandate was retaken by Free French, Commonwealth, and Czechoslovakian forces. The British Mandate of Palestine and Transjordan only came under aerial attack from Italy, though the UK put forces there until the Haganah decided to call a cease fire on British forces.

Iraq was given independence from Britain in 1932. However a pro-Axis prime minister came into power who ordered all British forces to withdraw, then surrounded an RAF base in Iraq. All in all this was called the Anglo-Iraq War (campaign) and it only lasted 30 days. When the Persian corridor came under threat from Axis troops advancing on the Caucuses, the UK and Soviets invaded Iran because Reza Shah - although Iran was neutral - began to lean towards the Axis. This invasion lasted some twenty days before Reza Shah abdicated in favor of his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (who'd be overthrown by Khomeini).

So it took Hitler all of WW2 to try to make a move in the Middle East, but he never even got close to being there.
so i was talking to a women in her 40's republican soccer mom today at mcd..and i'm gonna say very, very dumb..all she knew were talking points..blah, blah..abortion!..right to life!..and i retorted..but you don't want to take care of them once they're here..this did not go over well.

No one talks to you in public, so I'm calling "bullshit". Gee Schuylaar, no one wants to take care of you either, are 60th trimester abortions legal?
"The Iran Deal Benefits U.S. National Security

An Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals

On July 14, 2015, after two years of intense international
negotiations, an agreement was announced by the United States,
the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Russia to contain
Iran’s nuclear program. We, the undersigned retired military
officers, support the agreement as the most effective means currently
available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

The international deal blocks the potential pathways to a nuclear
bomb, provides for intrusive verification, and strengthens American
national security. America and our allies, in the Middle East and
around the world, will be safer when this agreement is fully
implemented. It is not based on trust; the deal requires verification
and tough sanctions for failure to comply.

There is no better option to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon.
Military action would be less effective than the deal, assuming it is
fully implemented. If the Iranians cheat, our advanced technology,
intelligence and the inspections will reveal it, and U.S. military
options remain on the table. And if the deal is rejected by America,
the Iranians could have a nuclear weapon within a year. The choice is
that stark.

We agree with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General
Martin Dempsey, who said on July 29, 2015, “[r]elieving the risk of a
nuclear conflict with Iran diplomatically is superior than trying to do
that militarily.”

If at some point it becomes necessary to consider military action
against Iran, gathering sufficient international support for such an
effort would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic
path a chance. We must exhaust diplomatic options before moving to
military ones.

For these reasons, for the security of our Nation, we call upon
Congress and the American people to support this agreement.

GEN James “Hoss” Cartwright, U.S. Marine Corps

MGEN William L. Nash, U.S. Army

GEN Joseph P. Hoar, U.S. Marine Corps

MGEN Tony Taguba, U.S. Army

GEN Merrill “Tony” McPeak, U.S. Air Force

RADM John Hutson, U.S. Navy

GEN Lloyd W. "Fig" Newton, U.S. Air Force

RADM Malcolm MacKinnon III, U.S. Navy

LGEN Robert G. Gard, Jr., U.S. Army

RADM Edward "Sonny" Masso, U.S. Navy

LGEN Arlen D. Jameson, U.S. Air Force

RADM Joseph Sestak, U.S. Navy

LGEN Frank Kearney, U.S. Army

RADM Garland “Gar” P. Wright, U.S. Navy

LGEN Claudia J. Kennedy, U.S. Army

BGEN John Adams, U.S. Air Force

LGEN Donald L. Kerrick, U.S. Army

BGEN Stephen A. Cheney, U.S. Marine Corps

LGEN Charles P. Otstott, U.S. Army

BGEN Patricia "Pat" Foote, U.S. Army

LGEN Norman R. Seip, U.S. Air Force

BGEN Lawrence E. Gillespie, U.S. Army

LGEN James M. Thompson, U.S. Army

BGEN John Johns, U.S. Army

VADM Kevin P. Green, U.S. Navy

BGEN David McGinnis, U.S. Army

VADM Lee F. Gunn, U.S. Navy

BGEN Stephen Xenakis, U.S. Army

MGEN George Buskirk, US Army

RDML James Arden "Jamie" Barnett, Jr., U.S. Navy

MGEN Paul D. Eaton, U.S. Army

RDML Jay A. DeLoach, U.S. Navy

MGEN Marcelite J. Harris, U.S. Air Force

RDML Harold L. Robinson, U.S. Navy

MGEN Frederick H. Lawson, U.S. Army

RDML Alan Steinman, U.S. Coast Guard"


But I suppose you know better than a few dozen generals and admirals...
So, warmongers support the deal?
No one talks to you in public, so I'm calling "bullshit". Gee Schuylaar, no one wants to take care of you either, are 60th trimester abortions legal?

you know, just when i was enjoying talking to you..and looking forward to your next post.

you're about as sexually mature around a girl as doer..age 13:wall:
who we? i disagree..the country has an 'under new management' sign in the window..fuck that! we owe them NOTHING.

So, we should not honor our treaties?
you know, just when i was enjoying talking to you..and looking forward to your next post.

you're about as sexually mature around a girl as doer..age 13:wall:
Come on, we know you love me. When I was 13, I had a perpetual hard on. Those days are long gone.
actually. you are incorrect. citation would be here..find posts in which i say these things..you can't because i don't speak like that..you're just mad because i'm an educated white female with a good arguments and can easily run circles around yours.

No, your citations either prove you wrong on your sole citation is "Ask Bucky".
yeah, red..when the course was still a two state option..which it is no longer is..

when you change the rules?..well..just that.
"two state option" wasn't mentioned in the treaties. So, nobody's advocating "changing the rules", except you.
"two state option" wasn't mentioned in the treaties. So, nobody's advocating "changing the rules", except you.

it was understood. garbage in/garbage out. we no longer wish to support them. plain and simple. only rightie wants to keep the war machine going..because rightie profit$$$$$$$$.
it was understood. garbage in/garbage out. we no longer wish to support them. plain and simple. only rightie wants to keep the war machine going..because rightie profit$$$$$$$$.
No, it wasn't "understood". The term wasn't even coined until 6 decades later. "We" no longer wishes to support herself, so "we" doesn't have shit to say about it. Israel isn't the "war machine".
No, it wasn't "understood". The term wasn't even coined until 6 decades later. "We" no longer wishes to support herself, so "we" doesn't have shit to say about it. Israel isn't the "war machine".

israel is NOT our friend by any measure..the consensus is, we (american majority) do not wish to assist them any longer. period.