Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
squirrely-q is nowhere to be found upon arriving home from work. but no carcass, no distress calls, nothing. and a good portion of his avocado and dog food were consumed.

hopefully he is just out being a squirrel. the heating pad will be turned on for him tonight whether he is there or not.

Hey...stop double posting

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I shot a squirrel with a 7MM Remington Magnum once. One piece of it hung on the tree where it stood, I found the other half 20 feet away in the bush. It gave me PTSD.


Well-Known Member
I shot a squirrel with a 7MM Remington Magnum once. One piece of it hung on the tree where it stood, I found the other half 20 feet away in the bush. It gave me PTSD.

Ptsd is the troof...thTs y I'm so whacked..and post whatever comes to mind

That's why people think I'm a big PRICK.... but I'm really not


Well-Known Member
Been following them for years, an ex did a workshop too said it was great! Yeah I dono I think beats actually got me into it? Just a cool look IMO, can't hate the dancing too..

Didn't know you actually did what your avi and name would lead one to think.. That's strange even for the internet. There used to be a dude who said he sold treadmills, and looked like al bundy, and had admiration for john candy.... All false as far as I know
Why is that strange even for the internet? Bellydancer on a stoner forum? Did I miss something?


Staff member
Im pregnant. @curious2garden .....youre an ass...you knew wishing and hoping n praying it would come.
@april looks like we'll have babies together about

i hate babies..i dont like babies, i know NOTHING about pregnancy i hope i can drink SOME coffee at least..
hubby is jumping for joy

im contemplating how much i want to kill him so i can smoke cigarettes ....

oh and did i remeber to myself i have no fucking health care in america because im a foreign national and my fucking paperwork isnt done yet and i need to go see a doctor?

anyone wanna give me some money so i can continue to have health care and not leave america/...

guess im going back to canada without my husband..go fucking figure.
fuck this

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
thanks...for making me feel like my life is over.
No not at all, you might not like babies or kids, but you'll love your own. Trust me, things will change and you'll be glad they did. I know there is also a certain amount of worry or fear of the unknown, but it will all come to you in time. I'm sure you'll make a great mother

Congratulations, you should be happy.


Staff member
guys i cant stay in america with my husband so ill be spending the next 9 months back in canada for doctors appointments, because the hospital is too expensive for us in america , this isnt fun ..and itsnt what i wanted
my husband can only take so muhc time off in the military...we wont be seeing eachother at all....ill have to go back get a new apartment ...and be alone

i still have 4 years left for my masters degree in school as well

im not ready for this i dont want this...