Does growing autos make any sense?

It's interesting that you say that about Think Different. A mate of mine back in Scotland was growing them for a bit and raving about it. He was pinching power....tsk tsk so didn't care about lights. I never did get a smoke but I always questioned it's prowess. I think it was more to do with yield though. Sounds like the Power plant of autos.

It yields a lot, I think I averaged around a QP per plant outside and they were root space limited due to how they were planted. I imagine if you smoke occasionally and don't do this as a way of life it probably has more appeal. But you'd struggle to give it away around here (van island).
It yields a lot, I think I averaged around a QP per plant outside and they were root space limited due to how they were planted. I imagine if you smoke occasionally and don't do this as a way of life it probably has more appeal. But you'd struggle to give it away around here (van island).
Lol that happened to me with the first bigbud and also northern lights I grew a decade ago. But were photos. Yielded a assload of buds.
man the nl was taller than me and I am not a small guy.
headbud was extreme sidebuds were like a football. But you cant smoke that shit so I made hash with it but also only got a lil amount and was BS too.
the bigbud filled my 2m2 cab with extreme buds but very fluffy and lil thc tasted like nothing in the bong and dudnt get me high at all. Went all to compost. Wasted energy.
but the seeds were not from the best breeder.
later I had another big bud this time from sensi damn strong plant fast growth wide stem strong branches. and I was like wow when it started producing loads of thc.

looks like we went trough the same shit mate
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Think Different is probably the most disappointing strain I've ever grown. Yields buckets of garbage.
Yeah I have never grown think different. I think people like that strain because it has a high yield for an autoflower. I really recommended dutch passion off of what i have seen not personal experience. I see the yeild they get but then again i can not tell you how potent they are.

[QUOTE="OGEvilgenius, post: 11891260, member: 383595"

Mephisto is interesting to me. Sweet Seeds as well. Not many others though. And there's a 0% chance I'll find something better than I've found in my regular plants I feel quite confident not that it matters because it will only be around a short time anyway.
I have only grown one by sweet seeds. The strain was red poison, I got almost three ounces off of that one. Mephisto is the breeder im sticking with as of right now. Not all of them have huge yeilds but the quality is better. The sour crack for example usually only yields from 1-3 ounces (its also only 14-18 inches tall) but he has other strains that put out. He has a few strains that are around 19% thc. One strain called hubbabubbasmelloscope I have seen people yeild 6 ounces off of. One thing you have to remember with autos is that they are never going to out perform photos in weight. You really cant expect them too. They dont grow as long ang they typically dont get nearly as big.
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12/12 from seed with the right strain for photos and you wind up with what basically are autoflowers in terms of flowering time - except you can clone them, they take less energy and are higher quality pretty consistently.

I've grown a bunch of autos. They definitely have a place in the game, but indoors doesn't make a lot of sense to me unless you have spare veg space.

In your experience do you get the same yeild from 12/12 photos as you have experienced with your autos? I have not gave that a try yet. I might do that soon as i have about 20-30 photo seeds that are just sitting in a drawer lol
Yeah I have never grown think different. I think people like that strain because it has a high yield for an autoflower. I really recommended dutch passion off of what i have seen not personal experience. I see the yeild they get but then again i can not tell you how potent they are.

[QUOTE="OGEvilgenius, post: 11891260, member: 383595"

Mephisto is interesting to me. Sweet Seeds as well. Not many others though. And there's a 0% chance I'll find something better than I've found in my regular plants I feel quite confident not that it matters because it will only be around a short time anyway.
You are a realy honest man bro.
I respect that very much!
Thats why I love riu. Very good people around!
I don't understand the appeal of autoflowers at all. Why not just take cuts and make clones of reg or fem beans and keep it cruising along rather than popping beans every time you grow. Even with limited it space you could a small cab for cuts and veg.
I don't understand the appeal of autoflowers at all. Why not just take cuts and make clones of reg or fem beans and keep it cruising along rather than popping beans every time you grow. Even with limited it space you could a small cab for cuts and veg.
That's more work then just putting a seed in the dirt! And even with clones you have to have a 12/12 schedule some people don't like following light schedules or worrying about light leaks or keeping a mother around.
That's more work then just putting a seed in the dirt!
I can make a lot of clones in 15mins. Once they root just toss them in flower. Granted I only know the basics of autos since they do not appeal to me. What's usually the standard time from drop in the dirt to finish? Would you rather search how a dank heavy yielding strain and have clones of it to work with for years so you know what you're getting?
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I can make a lot of clones in 15mins. Once they root just toss them in flower. Granted I only now the basics of autos since they do not appeal to me. What's usually the standard time from drop in the dirt to finish? Would you rather search how a dank heavy yielding strain and have clones of it to work with for years so you know what you're getting?
It depends on the strain anywhere from 60-80 days. I understand what your saying but for people who don't need heavy yeilds autos are good. If you sell or are commercial than photos are the way to go. If your just for personal use though theirs no use for pulling pounds off of photos. Some people pull a pound off of autos in 70 days though. If you grow 10 autos and get 2 ounces off each one then you have 20 ounces in less than 2 months that's not bad either.
It depends on the strain anywhere from 60-80 days. I understand what your saying but for people who don't need heavy yeilds autos are good. If you sell or are commercial than photos are the way to go. If your just for personal use though theirs no use for pulling pounds off of photos. Some people pull a pound off of autos in 70 days though. If you grow 10 autos and get 2 ounces off each one then you have 20 ounces in less than 2 months that's not bad either.
I hear you. I feel like autos definitely appeal to 1st time growers. I feel once you get the hang of growing(not saying you) you should definitely try photo's. Cloning and all that good stuff can be somewhat intimidating to new growers. Once you get and realize how easy it is I can guarantee a lot of auto growers would switch over to photo growing and not look back. Taking clones-let them root- put into 12/12, takes about as long as the time you posted for autos finishing. I just love pheno hunting.
I hear you. I feel like autos definitely appeal to 1st time growers. I feel once you get the hang of growing(not saying you) you should definitely try photo's. Cloning and all that good stuff can be somewhat intimidating to new growers. Once you get and realize how easy it is I can guarantee a lot of auto growers would switch over to photo growing and not look back. Taking clones-let them root- put into 12/12, takes about as long as the time you posted for autos finishing. I just love pheno hunting.
Yeah I have a bunch of photos just sitting around I'll probably pop them some time this winter if I have space. I have only grown photos one or twice and that was about 8 years ago those were my first plants. I'll probably grow my purple venom first it's a cross of venom og and epic purple. The venom og sounds killer.
Yeah I have a bunch of photos just sitting around I'll probably pop them some time this winter if I have space. I have only grown photos one or twice and that was about 8 years ago those were my first plants. I'll probably grow my purple venom first it's a cross of venom og and epic purple. The venom og sounds killer.
wow man you been growing autos for 7 years.. Definitely pop those and take cuts. Winter is a great time to grow indoors. Summer's tough with heat. Can't wait for the fall here in Massachusetts.
wow man you been growing autos for 7 years.. Definitely pop those and take cuts. Winter is a great time to grow indoors. Summer's tough with heat. Can't wait for the fall here in Massachusetts.
No I stopped for like 3-4 years then started back up on and off after that so it hasn't been steady but the past year and a half I've just been running through them lol I'll try everytime I've tried to clone it didn't work but I'm sure I'll get it down this time around. Winters the best time less bugs less heat issues. Summers been rough this year.
In your experience do you get the same yeild from 12/12 photos as you have experienced with your autos? I have not gave that a try yet. I might do that soon as i have about 20-30 photo seeds that are just sitting in a drawer lol

well, I am doing my first 12/12 from seed run at the moment with Bio Diesel and I have plants in 1 gallon containers that are around 3-5ft tall and I think will average maybe a zip a plant but it's still early to know for sure. They are all going to be seeded heavily too so I won't really be able to know exactly what they might have yielded and I've been very conservative with nutes - probably could have fed them more but they're doin fine. Anyway yea, I'd say quite comparable. Mind you Bio Diesel is a longer flowering strain 10weekish so it's going to take longer to finish.

I hear you. I feel like autos definitely appeal to 1st time growers. I feel once you get the hang of growing(not saying you) you should definitely try photo's. Cloning and all that good stuff can be somewhat intimidating to new growers. Once you get and realize how easy it is I can guarantee a lot of auto growers would switch over to photo growing and not look back. Taking clones-let them root- put into 12/12, takes about as long as the time you posted for autos finishing. I just love pheno hunting.

I too love pheno hunting. More importantly, I prefer to be able to keep phenotypes I love.
have plants in 1 gallon containers that are around 3-5ft tall
that's my only problem with photos not even the time they take just the height. I've never had my autos get taller then 3 feet. Almost all of them have been 26 inches or shorter. But I'm gonna give it a go this winter and see how I like them.
that's my only problem with photos not even the time they take just the height. I've never had my autos get taller then 3 feet. Almost all of them have been 26 inches or shorter. But I'm gonna give it a go this winter and see how I like them.

It's the male plants that are 5ft tall. Males are always taller. This is also a very stretchy strain being half ECSD.
I have done many photos and if I was happy there I wouldn't be trying the autos. Maybe your luck is like mine, buzzard luck and ya gunna have to fuck a few of em up before ya get your wings. I believe there is something here or this many good growers would just grow photo indoors or outdoors... Sometimes have have to learn from ya mistakes. It ain't always the seed fault... :weed:
I have done many photos and if I was happy there I wouldn't be trying the autos. Maybe your luck is like mine, buzzard luck and ya gunna have to fuck a few of em up before ya get your wings. I believe there is something here or this many good growers would just grow photo indoors or outdoors... Sometimes have have to learn from ya mistakes. It ain't always the seed fault... :weed:
Whose blaming seeds? And some strains do just out right suck
Autos can be very potent, and they grow perfectly without having to worry about light leaks.

If photos weren't such a pain in the ass about their dark periods, they'd be nice to grow, since you can clone them. But, they are a pain in the ass, and therefore I avoid them. Especially indoors. Outdoors photos make sense because they run their cycle naturally. You don't have to protect them from light every night. Indoors, it's so much nicer to just plant a seed and know that in 3 months you'll have bud, with no tedious light control.