soical experiment... Describe Your God

I am my own God.

i am sorry to say but that is a pretty weak god ........bullet bat knife car and god is dead

i honestly do not think u can call that a god far as i know u can not kill god (technically one way but it would involve collapse the whole universe reversing it all back to the point of start then wipe out the idea of god replacing with u but then u would be called god ) so no way to kill GOD unless the universe completely ends ...but at that point no more life so it does not matter

If it's so easy to see, why do Christians believe the Bible, as a whole, is the word of God?

Believing only in the Gospels and dismissing the rest is being very liberal with your Christianity, and to tell you the truth, the world would be a much better place if there were only liberal Christians.. but that's not the world we live in. We live in a world where people hate gay people because it tells them to in their religious texts and that women should be subservient to men..

the whole trouble i have with that is i know the bible was made in 300AD .....after all the ppls death the ones that were with the guy 260 years a set of priest made the bible in the image they sawl the world /wanted the world to be .........
1 the book of john is not john the fallower it is john that lived on a island 140 years later
2 mary magnolia (spelling is off ) the whole story they tell about her was proven wrong ...back in the 80s
3 more and more of the things they list in the bible has been proven to be rewrtten word changes over the years that complete change the idea of the text
4 if the Vatican was all about God and not about self and own plans for the world they would not have own banking system and the library would be open to all ppl to let them read and learn
5 the church is evil bastards that go again JC whole teaching (he was making a point to say u have personal contact with god) as the church said no no only we have the personal connection u go tho us to get to god

a set of man decided they would control world .....and tho out history it was proven more ppl died in the name of god then any other thing on this planet .....convert or die for 1500 years until 1800s .....hell the witch hunting that was just to control women and kill more Jews .......u know the passion of Christ that big play movie was not written until about 1000 it was to insight ppl to be angry at Jews

really take a look at the history of the church the whole thing .......they are more about killing and bending ppl to their will then helping ....the church was the first leash on humans necks (they knew all the secrets of ppls lives confession ) that torch has been passed to government/big brother ( u all know about windows 10 being a tracking op system they know everything u do unless u disable programming they buried into the code )

edit ...more proof ww2 we can all agree that killing someone over what they think is bad when what they think does not effect u in any way ........but half of the church helped NAZI escape punishment for what they did

God is everywhere in all things.

Kinda like The Force.

string theory.....we all vibrate at a set hertz (us water air stone sun everything u see and feel/ eat)
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If it's so easy to see, why do Christians believe the Bible, as a whole, is the word of God?

Believing only in the Gospels and dismissing the rest is being very liberal with your Christianity, and to tell you the truth, the world would be a much better place if there were only liberal Christians.. but that's not the world we live in. We live in a world where people hate gay people because it tells them to in their religious texts and that women should be subservient to men..
I'm not christian, I see truth and wisdom in the words of the prophets Siddhartha, Jesus and Muhammad and respect their word equally. I honestly don't know why they believe anything other than the word of Jesus to be gods word; the new testament begins with the word was with god and then became a living man so clearly Jesus is the only one who should speak the word of god, but that was not written by Jesus that was written by one of Constantines advocates. Although I do understand what Jesus means by the word, and the father within, I don't believe Jesus ever calls it the word of god.

I like the wisdom of the torah here, "silence is the language god speaks"
I'm not christian, I see truth and wisdom in the words of the prophets Siddhartha, Jesus and Muhammad and respect their word equally. I honestly don't know why they believe anything other than the word of Jesus to be gods word; the new testament begins with the word was with god and then became a living man so clearly Jesus is the only one who should speak the word of god, but that was not written by Jesus that was written by one of Constantines advocates. Although I do understand what Jesus means by the word, and the father within, I don't believe Jesus ever calls it the word of god.

I like the wisdom of the torah here, "silence is the language god speaks"

just to help u man
the one thing everyone agrees on is the old testament is the word of god ..........thanks to the jewish ppl it has been hand copied from dawn the written word ( rabbi from 3500 bc could read a torah written in 2000 ad )

oh and fun fact the book of enoch was the very first book to be written in first person view .....this did not show up again in written style least 1500 years
just to help u man
the one thing everyone agrees on is the old testament is the word of god ..........thanks to the jewish ppl it has been hand copied from dawn the written word ( rabbi from 3500 bc could read a torah written in 2000 ad )

oh and fun fact the book of enoch was the very first book to be written in first person view .....this did not show up again in written style least 1500 years
No I'm pretty sure only certain people agree it is the word of god. The Torah is dated at about 800-1000 bc. That's interesting that it is The first first person story ever recorded.
No I'm pretty sure only certain people agree it is the word of god. The Torah is dated at about 800-1000 bc. That's interesting that it is The first first person story ever recorded.

the Jewish time table is little off compared to what we know ......12/13 months in a a year works out to be 12.4
for all those reason why it is what it is ....and hard proof about 12.4 years

now in the Jewish calendar sept 1 2015 is 18 elul 5775
so u can see
so if u do a reverse on it.......... it dates year 0 for them was 3760bc in our thinking

that is when they say it all started ....the Torah is actually written works from them (adam and up ) in 400 bc mosses combined them to make the Torah as we know it ....but the account the stories were passed down from the start ........and given the Jewish analness to exacting details it is safe to assume

i found this
and i liked this using it to compare the dates

the flood and the tower of babel were the 2 main shaping forces
the flood wiping out whole genetics
babel for dispersing the ppl
i am sorry to say but that is a pretty weak god ........bullet bat knife car and god is dead

i honestly do not think u can call that a god far as i know u can not kill god (technically one way but it would involve collapse the whole universe reversing it all back to the point of start then wipe out the idea of god replacing with u but then u would be called god ) so no way to kill GOD unless the universe completely ends ...but at that point no more life so it does not matter
Its not weak its all inclusive. It was a sly way of saying were all part of the same thing.
This is my idea of what the Christian God is:

The Christian God is cruel, petty and vengeful. His arrogance sees no bounds, his demands are uncompromising and his power serves only to punish humanity. He exists to fear us into submission and self bondage, which isn't actual belief and serves no actual purpose.

I think the god, that created mankind and humans is the devil.
He is the worst criminal in the universe and his name should be elohim.
Mankind is an inbreed child, that´s why billions are ugly, ill, depressed or even disabled.
The first people were father and daughter i red at a serious article.

I heard, to create a human you got to kill someone in heaven, mainly angels, gods and spirits.
He takes their eternal life in heaven and gives them the worst life in hell, again, again and again ( reincarnation ).

When the angels, that were murdered and transformed to humans come back to heaven, they are demons ( spirits of dead people ). Most of them get killed by "god" in heaven and go back to reincarnation in the hell of the 4.dimension ( earth ). This should be the worst experience of all.

He is doing this all, to hide his crimes. The first human and millions of others were made with lifelong rape of angels.
When he was god, he became the devil, when he started raping angels and making humans., i heard.

Other theory is, that this devil killed the real god and exactly 7.300.000.000 gods, angels and spirits. After they were killed, he throw their spirits & souls into coffins called human bodies.
Now he can rape, torture and enslave them forever.

Billions of people are very ill, depressed or broken. Most of them live in ghettos slums or cruel neighbourhoods.

The world is full of rape, child molesting, inbreed, murder, violence, gangs, ghettos and crimes.
A god, who puts innocent children, woman, humans and even angels and gods into this hell is a devil, at least horrible criminal.

The worst crime you can commit in the universe is rape, murder and reincarnation of eternal spirits, angels, gods, demons and humans. You destroy their eternal party in heaven forever. Most of them become ugly ( inbreed ), ill, unhappy and addicted to things they will never get ( love, sex and drugs ).

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I think the god, that created mankind and humans is the devil.
He is the worst criminal in the universe and his name should be elohim.
Mankind is an inbreed child, that´s why billions are ugly, ill, depressed or even disabled.
The first people were father and daughter i red at a serious article.

I heard, to create a human you got to kill someone in heaven, mainly angels, gods and spirits.
He takes their eternal life in heaven and gives them the worst life in hell, again, again and again ( reincarnation ).

When the angels, that were murdered and transformed to humans come back to heaven, they are demons ( spirits of dead people ). Most of them get killed by "god" in heaven and go back to reincarnation in the hell of the 4.dimension ( earth ). This should be the worst experience of all.

He is doing this all, to hide his crimes. The first human and millions of others were made with lifelong rape of angels.
When he was god, he became the devil, when he started raping angels and making humans., i heard.

Other theory is, that this devil killed the real god and exactly 7.300.000.000 gods, angels and spirits. After they were killed, he throw their spirits & souls into coffins called human bodies.
Now he can rape, torture and enslave them forever.

Billions of people are very ill, depressed or broken. Most of them live in ghettos slums or cruel neighbourhoods.

The world is full of rape, child molesting, inbreed, murder, violence, gangs, ghettos and crimes.
A god, who puts innocent children, woman, humans and even angels and gods into this hell is a devil, at least horrible criminal.

The worst crime you can commit in the universe is rape, murder and reincarnation of eternal spirits, angels, gods, demons and humans. You destroy their eternal party in heaven forever. Most of them become ugly ( inbreed ), ill, unhappy and addicted to things they will never get ( love, sex and drugs ).

damn ......that idea just hurts to think about
damn ......that idea just hurts to think about

It is not proofed, yet, but the apocalypse should be the uncovering of the evil demon that lurks behind it all. I think they mean the creator of mankind.
It is still possible that it is not true, so i trie to avoid thinking too much about it.
It is not proofed, yet, but the apocalypse should be the uncovering of the evil demon that lurks behind it all. I think they mean the creator of mankind.
It is still possible that it is not true, so i trie to avoid thinking too much about it.
easier said then done

personally i kind of think we are in the final chapters of this story .......also think human kind has been replanted on this planet 5/6 times before ....i know the governments/vatican know more then they are telling us

as for the angels and all that i am betting they are just another life form from a galaxy that was formed before our own .....over the years the stories changed and turned into what they are now demons is a funny thing it can be a race or it could be a twisted human the word demon is more about thoughts and actions we deem demonic it just a different way of thinking that someone calls bad

the part that gets me and hurts little will
god is everything light dark good bad all rolled into one (that is the most pop idea) going on this then that means it is all known every possible way the story can play out ( for the sake of avoiding higher math go with a googleplex of possible choices since the big bang and then each of those a googleplex of possible choices)........i half think this is the mythical tree of life

it comes down to a event is fated to happen but the outcome of the event is dictated by the freewill of the person doing this it removes the hand of god from fate and leaves the story to unfold by the person it breaks down to probabilities (god is a bookie that knows the odds on everything) so does this take freewill out of it and put back the hand of god

note googleplex is 1 fallowed by 36 zeros 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
I think the god, that created mankind and humans is the devil.
He is the worst criminal in the universe and his name should be elohim.
Mankind is an inbreed child, that´s why billions are ugly, ill, depressed or even disabled.
The first people were father and daughter i red at a serious article.

I heard, to create a human you got to kill someone in heaven, mainly angels, gods and spirits.
He takes their eternal life in heaven and gives them the worst life in hell, again, again and again ( reincarnation ).

When the angels, that were murdered and transformed to humans come back to heaven, they are demons ( spirits of dead people ). Most of them get killed by "god" in heaven and go back to reincarnation in the hell of the 4.dimension ( earth ). This should be the worst experience of all.

He is doing this all, to hide his crimes. The first human and millions of others were made with lifelong rape of angels.
When he was god, he became the devil, when he started raping angels and making humans., i heard.

Other theory is, that this devil killed the real god and exactly 7.300.000.000 gods, angels and spirits. After they were killed, he throw their spirits & souls into coffins called human bodies.
Now he can rape, torture and enslave them forever.

Billions of people are very ill, depressed or broken. Most of them live in ghettos slums or cruel neighbourhoods.

The world is full of rape, child molesting, inbreed, murder, violence, gangs, ghettos and crimes.
A god, who puts innocent children, woman, humans and even angels and gods into this hell is a devil, at least horrible criminal.

The worst crime you can commit in the universe is rape, murder and reincarnation of eternal spirits, angels, gods, demons and humans. You destroy their eternal party in heaven forever. Most of them become ugly ( inbreed ), ill, unhappy and addicted to things they will never get ( love, sex and drugs ).

damn...and all these years ive thought it was 7,300,000,012 gods, angel & spirits were killed??? bahhh....dont know what to believe anymore...:dunce:
really .......then i hate to tell it your money god is a false lie ......the lie is that everyone thinks the money is backed by something tangible when really it is only back by the promise it is good (not enough gold in the world even at current prices to back every dollar in print plus the trillions that are in numbers floating in cyberspace ) gold silver platinum still not enough (diamonds are really not that valuable as there are millions of them owned by de beers but they only release a set few each year to keep the market high )

back before gold was the thing Salt was the form of payment your god can be thought of as Salt in that case every person on the planet is rich if they can make it to the ocean and do a little drying out of water

money is not god
I truly believe we are all one being. Not metaphorically but truly. I believe what is talked about as the Christ is the only true being in this creation. I truly believe the Christ is our true Self. All of our true selves. Christ defined: The intelligence of God in Creation. The real question is what is this creation that blankets us in the ignorance of "I".. for truly the "I" that we relate to as our self cannot be what we truly are. The yogis of India have always taught this. We as humans are consciously capable through free will to rise above the animal propensities of our bodies and come into our true nature as a soul, acting out of the higher energy systems (chakras) which are a part of our astral bodies, the end result is the realization of "the Father and I are ONE".. we are the conscious extension of God in creation for we are truly one (inseparable) from the consciousness that is responsible for all we know. I highly recommend Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yoganada, or check out Swami Shree Yogi Satyam's you tube channel for more on this science of yoga.
I truly believe we are all one being. Not metaphorically but truly. I believe what is talked about as the Christ is the only true being in this creation. I truly believe the Christ is our true Self. All of our true selves. Christ defined: The intelligence of God in Creation. The real question is what is this creation that blankets us in the ignorance of "I".. for truly the "I" that we relate to as our self cannot be what we truly are. The yogis of India have always taught this. We as humans are consciously capable through free will to rise above the animal propensities of our bodies and come into our true nature as a soul, acting out of the higher energy systems (chakras) which are a part of our astral bodies, the end result is the realization of "the Father and I are ONE".. we are the conscious extension of God in creation for we are truly one (inseparable) from the consciousness that is responsible for all we know. I highly recommend Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yoganada, or check out Swami Shree Yogi Satyam's you tube channel for more on this science of yoga.
I don't believe in free will, the mind dictates everything you do. I do however realize my perfect oneness with all that is and that the ego is illusory. The father/mother is what Siddhartha referred to as Atman, the indwelling God spirit and is the true self (awareness). I would highly recommend A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle if you haven't already read it, very enlightening.
man i m not shure i got horns tatooed on my head i were the beast of the marking translation im fucked or am i ????? its a hard one isnt it lolz..