Where were you on 9/11

Drive thru at bank when first plane hit, by the time I got home it had developed in to a whole thing.

While on the subject of where were you, I was eating lunch in the cafeteria in HS when the Challenger space shuttle blew up and I think I was pooping in my diaper when we landed on the moon.
We're close in age then lol
for 911, I was in a civil service hearing. hats off to the 343 firefighters that gave their life that day.

for the space shuttle, I was reloading hose on engine 5

for jfk, I was either in the first or second grade. my teacher started crying
wen ur in 2nd grade and ur told wer invading iraq u think its iraq ya i have figured out growing up its all bull shit,and all about money/oil.
It is more complex than just money and oil. Money facilitates trade, for us (working class). Oil can and is synthesized, its importance is over exaggerated. When you are part of a team that types the zeros into the fiscal budgets, actual money is unnecessary. Expansion of territory, is also unnecessary when you own all land. You think the Russian, Iraqis, Chinese or any other citizens want a war with you? NO. GOVERNMENTS want war to keep our societal structures in place. War distracts our attention and allows mass depopulation of the physically stronger, mentally aggressive citizens. I could go further in-depth to our situation, but few would believe the severity of it.
I will leave one question, that I wish with all my heart you would take interest in, it is the red pill;
How does rocket propulsion work with no atmospheric medium to push against.
I didn't even know until now, that there's people claiming it to have been a hoax.
Why the fuck would people think that it was a hoax? Wtf

7th grade science class. Our science teacher really wanted to be on that mission. Good thing for him, that they chose someone else. We were watching the launch. When it blew up, he was crying like a little baby.
I will leave one question, that I wish with all my heart you would take interest in, it is the red pill;
How does rocket propulsion work with no atmospheric medium to push against.

Newton's third law. An atmospheric medium has nothing to do with it. Elementary school science books are just sitting there, waiting for you to read them...
Newton's third law. An atmospheric medium has nothing to do with it. Elementary school science books are just sitting there, waiting for you to read them...
So you UNDERSTAND Newton's law?
"If an object A exterts a force on object B, then object B exerts an equal but opposite force on object A" -> F 1 =−F 2

Considering that, why is there motion at all? Should not all forces even themselves out, so nothing moves at all?
It was my understanding the the Third Law was a necessary consequence of the homogeneity of space, and conservation of momentum.

Second, what would an example be of a non-relativistic, familiar example be of a force that does not follow the Third Law. Am I correct in understanding that drag would not necessarily follow the Third Law, because the magnitude of the force is velocity-dependent? Maybe I should talk in a more elementary tone, so you understand? Where does the opposing FORCE come from when leaving our atmosphere or the moons surface?