Against legalization...


Well-Known Member
this thread blows really fucking hard

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Yep it really does which makes me think your life must really be not interesting if you have to hang out here. There was this guy posting negative things like you a while back and we misswd his cry for help because BANG the guy shot himself through the head, like straight through his face as well. Man i dont know if i was going to off myself i would have the balls to stare that gun in the face, im more a through the side of the head pussy kind of guy.

Anyway a couple weeks later his son starts posting here, f'ing weird right! This dudes like wanting to see his dads old threads and none of us knew how this sh!t was gona go down.

Turns out he had no ill will and a real green finger for growing weed, hell of a guy....



Well-Known Member
I know dude what a gal ey taking you in when your own mum gave you up at birth, i always knew you most of all would amount to somthing even if you did spend most of your time wanking my dad off ;-)
Come to think of it, Worst Foster Parents Ever. I like you...


Well-Known Member
I hope they never mKE THIS THING LEGAL
There seems to be strong public opinion so i do hope you get a satisfactory conclusion. In the Uk it will not be legal anytime soon due to our draconian political systems but a debate between both sides has begun so i think we will be a bit more liberal with respect to homegrowers who keep it away from the public eye. In some countries i have liveed in there is a zero tollerance to any drugs and minimun sentence for posession is prison.


Well-Known Member
Yer at first i would agree but my friends only sell to friends of friends and their friends, round here we own the streets and no matter what cartel or kingpin you are, 100,000 peeps in an angry mob wins anytime.

See in my parts the scene has always been run properly, change is not welcome and weed easily available, the big guys supply us they dont tell us what to do, whole town would turn up to tell them to f'off.

Now i feel threatened by legalization, i like my grow and the fact i hide it, cosa nostra, i dont want the whole world in on 'our little thing'.... do we? Aint it working just fine enough without everyone else messing it up?

Arent we literally swimming in weed, seeds and getting high as a kite??

You want more?
You don't have to worry about the corporations lowering the price of weed you need to worry about people like me everyone I know gets dank cheaper than CA and not a single person can tell me not to. I ain't trying to get rich I'm trying to help fellow smokers and sick nobody takes my customers not even legalization will touch them. I make more than enough money and don't give a fuck.

Not to mention corporations need to pay taxes I don't pay shit they will never step on my toes.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to worry about the corporations lowering the price of weed you need to worry about people like me everyone I know gets dank cheaper than CA and not a single person can tell me not to. I ain't trying to get rich I'm trying to help fellow smokers and sick nobody takes my customers not even legalization will touch them. I make more than enough money and don't give a fuck.

Not to mention corporations need to pay taxes I don't pay shit they will never step on my toes.
Yer im in support of stoners supplying the weed just not corporations, we make better buisness sense than and do a much better job.


Well-Known Member
I bet you will be singing a different tune when your doing 7 + years for growing a plant.
Our country has gone through a series of drug reclasifications, we have class A, B and C with A being heroin, coke etc and C being steroids, perscription drugs etc.

Cannabis keeps rebounding from C to B and back again depending on public and goverment opinions etc. We still treat it as a class C drug even though its a class B at present.

The general public in the Uk arent after it being legalized nor are they against small time growers or stoners being prosocuted. Generally they just want it out of sight, away from their kids and schools etc.

Keeping it illegal but relaxed seems to work for both sides with few problems, small growers in the Uk are loving it at the moment.

7+ years for one plant dosent sound like your anywhere getting close to getting legalization and sounds like a zero tolerance approach possibly you have bad drug problems or crime as thats harsh by most standards.