Well-Known Member
Just beware the scurvy. Many an Alaskan....Citrus fruit isn't sitting well with me lately
Apples and almond butter are okie dokie
Just beware the scurvy. Many an Alaskan....Citrus fruit isn't sitting well with me lately
Apples and almond butter are okie dokie
Just beware the scurvy. Many an Alaskan....Citrus fruit isn't sitting well with me lately
Apples and almond butter are okie dokie
Lol that's highly unlikely to happen ya know prenatal vitamins and allJust beware the scurvy. Many an Alaskan....
With respect (because I have been a total butthole lately in general)... Estate sales don't work that way here. Maybe 20% of new if in real condition, 40% if totally unused. And then they will bargain.Price things reasonably. Usually about half of why it would cost new unless it is practically new. Then go 80% of retail.
People will try to get you to knock off a couple dollars. Price things five to ten dollars more than the minimum you would accept.
Large items price in increments of 20. Easier for people to get exact change.
Get yourself rolls of quarters stacks of singles fives and a couple tens.
Regular time ? I'm not sleeping well right now light time when hubby gets up its light out night time round 10? 930? Idk
I'm not sure why everyone keeps asking me this question lol like everyone I don't stare at the clock watching the sun go down and recording it in my journal lol
Ya sorry I don't know the specific timings I've been sleeping in lately and usually try to go to bed earlyWell if you ask a Coloradan what altitude they live at - they all know. If I lived in Alaska I would know sunrise and sunset. But I like the extremes. It reminds me of the tilt of the Earth and the dramatic effect it has. I like very flat places and water because I can see the Earth fall away in all directions. It makes me think of space. Born too early.
There is a chance that "Doc" Brown will unlock the time continuum after the coming of the Great McFly. If we are worthy.
True. You get more sales if the prices are reasonable.It would be highly unlikely for me to buy a couch at 80% of retail price I would rather buy it unused at 100% retail than
If it is a beautiful antique piece that I'm unlikely to find than yes I will pay more
That being I'm Italian and I'm frugal lol
@curious2garden @Unclebaldrick @Flaming Pie
Grandpap grew up in the midst of The Great Depression and as such didn't throw anything away. Although he did rather well for himself, most of what he had is junk. And he had alot. I'm going to be doing a lot of "I'll give you that for 5, if you take this too" lol. He's got some cool old crock jugs that appear to be worth about $50-80 that somebody might want. And a Mac Toolbox full of tools worth a pretty penny. Trying to get a grand for it tools and all. Pretty damn good deal just to get rid of it but not sure anybody's going to bite on that.
I would buy the tools if I was closer. My grandmothers sister passed away and we have a ton of those jugs now, nobody wanted them so we took them. i also got some some junk nobody wanted that had sentimental value for me, i was glad I was able to get them before they went in the dumpster.
@curious2garden @Unclebaldrick @Flaming Pie
Grandpap grew up in the midst of The Great Depression and as such didn't throw anything away. Although he did rather well for himself, most of what he had is junk. And he had alot. I'm going to be doing a lot of "I'll give you that for 5, if you take this too" lol. He's got some cool old crock jugs that appear to be worth about $50-80 that somebody might want. And a Mac Toolbox full of tools worth a pretty penny. Trying to get a grand for it tools and all. Pretty damn good deal just to get rid of it but not sure anybody's going to bite on that.
TnT... I bid you adieu...
That's not how you do it. You drop out, do a metric fuckton of drugs then return without a hiccupTnT... I bid you adieu...
Any highlights?There's so much stuff that we've decided not to put prices on anything. We just made up signs that say " make offer, everything must go, everything negotiable". I'm kind of excited actually.
@curious2garden @Unclebaldrick @Flaming Pie
Grandpap grew up in the midst of The Great Depression and as such didn't throw anything away. Although he did rather well for himself, most of what he had is junk. And he had alot. I'm going to be doing a lot of "I'll give you that for 5, if you take this too" lol. He's got some cool old crock jugs that appear to be worth about $50-80 that somebody might want. And a Mac Toolbox full of tools worth a pretty penny. Trying to get a grand for it tools and all. Pretty damn good deal just to get rid of it but not sure anybody's going to bite on that.