Would you reject a girl of she stunk/smelt so bad?


Well-Known Member
Dont be mad you stink so bad you cant smell others
Dont take it out on us atleast
Way outta line. If i was addressing you it would go like this "hey braggart juvenile" or alternately "yo, delusional , chronic masturbator", or the basic "witless cunt" that you respond to with alacrity.


Well-Known Member
You guys never heard of putting a dab of toothpaste under your nose trick?
Not that I've ever... if the meat smells rotten I ain't eating it


Well-Known Member

No. If a person smells like that it is their diet. I eat clean fresh produce. I don't eat processed food. I don't even have to wear deodorant. If I eat a lot of processed food I start to stink. I grew up working for the Amish. They don't wear deodorant and they don't stink after a hard days work. Its the diet.
I do not believe that one bit.
No matter how good your diet is your body makes bacteria that die and poop and make you smell bad when they break down sweat. If you sweat less and have different bacteria, you are not going to smell as bad. The opposite is true. I am not saying that diet can not effect how a person smells, but it is not the end all of BO.

Amish smell too. I do not know where you got that idea, maybe you are hard of smelling. My wife can smell a fart through a freshly painted door. I can not smell a lot of the stuff she smells, but walking into a store full of amish almost made me puke.

wool suits, hot weather, no deodorant equals smelling like ass.

I make my own deodorant out of alum. You can buy it in rock or spray form. If you actually do not smell, sweet for you.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe that one bit.
No matter how good your diet is your body makes bacteria that die and poop and make you smell bad when they break down sweat. If you sweat less and have different bacteria, you are not going to smell as bad. The opposite is true. I am not saying that diet can not effect how a person smells, but it is not the end all of BO.

Amish smell too. I do not know where you got that idea, maybe you are hard of smelling. My wife can smell a fart through a freshly painted door. I can not smell a lot of the stuff she smells, but walking into a store full of amish almost made me puke.

wool suits, hot weather, no deodorant equals smelling like ass.

I make my own deodorant out of alum. You can buy it in rock or spray form. If you actually do not smell, sweet for you.
I got it from the fact I was raised and work around them. I'm not saying I don't stink after working or they don't. I'm just saying that processed foods make your skin greasy and the preservatives make you smell worse.

I'm saying that people with poor diets smell worse. Yes I may smell a little at the end of the day but it is a different smell. A little musky but not bad. If I go and start eating a bunch of garbage I smell worse.




Well-Known Member
It has way more to do with your body than your diet.
Maybe processed foods make your sense of smell better and then you can smell how bad you actually smell. Your story about you is not compelling in that you could be unique or some sort of mutant.

From one of your articles:
"Genetics determine more than your eye or hair color. Your genes also drive your "odor signature," the smell you naturally emit from oil and sweat glands when you're at rest, physically active or exercising."

That is pretty much what I said.

If I had the time or inclination I would read that study. Just reading a synopsis leads me to believe there are a bunch of problems related to that story, including the small sample size of the women doing the smelling. Why were no men used? Nevermind, I ain't got time to read the actual study.

You failed to mention that broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower (among other veggies) can effect a person's smell. Those three things can be and are a part of a healthy diet. You only mentioned processed foods. What about fish and garlic? Can't those be a part of a healthy diet?

How do processed foods with out sugar make you stink? What is the science behind it?
People have different bowels which can effect their BO.
Diet is a part, but as the articles you posted say it is more the body itself.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe that one bit.
No matter how good your diet is your body makes bacteria that die and poop and make you smell bad when they break down sweat. If you sweat less and have different bacteria, you are not going to smell as bad. The opposite is true. I am not saying that diet can not effect how a person smells, but it is not the end all of BO.

Amish smell too. I do not know where you got that idea, maybe you are hard of smelling. My wife can smell a fart through a freshly painted door. I can not smell a lot of the stuff she smells, but walking into a store full of amish almost made me puke.

wool suits, hot weather, no deodorant equals smelling like ass.

I make my own deodorant out of alum. You can buy it in rock or spray form. If you actually do not smell, sweet for you.
there is also more than one kind of sweat.
like when you work out or your adrenaline dumps cause she gots a scary looking beaver.


Well-Known Member
It has way more to do with your body than your diet.
Maybe processed foods make your sense of smell better and then you can smell how bad you actually smell. Your story about you is not compelling in that you could be unique or some sort of mutant.

From one of your articles:
"Genetics determine more than your eye or hair color. Your genes also drive your "odor signature," the smell you naturally emit from oil and sweat glands when you're at rest, physically active or exercising."

That is pretty much what I said.

If I had the time or inclination I would read that study. Just reading a synopsis leads me to believe there are a bunch of problems related to that story, including the small sample size of the women doing the smelling. Why were no men used? Nevermind, I ain't got time to read the actual study.

You failed to mention that broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower (among other veggies) can effect a person's smell. Those three things can be and are a part of a healthy diet. You only mentioned processed foods. What about fish and garlic? Can't those be a part of a healthy diet?

How do processed foods with out sugar make you stink? What is the science behind it?
People have different bowels which can effect their BO.
Diet is a part, but as the articles you posted say it is more the body itself.
Yes garlic makes me smell like garlic. No joke.

I didn't disagree with what you said. I'm saying with good health, good diet, and a daily bath you won't stink.

All I said is diet is part of body odor. Just google it. Page after page of articles stating that.

We both are saying the same thing.

You're taking like I mean you can eat healthy and never wash your ass and it not stink. I never said that.

Moe Flo

Well-Known Member
I saw a nice looking french chick walking towards me @ the Beach. Before she passed me her BO preseeded her and knocked me to the side. She looked great but smelled awful. No thanks.
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