Would you reject a girl of she stunk/smelt so bad?

If she had a fishy smell then that's not her hygiene. That means she's been letting somebody bust nuts inside her. Semen can and will throw a vaginas ph off and cause undesirable bacteria to grow causing that smell.

So either you or some other dude been letting go in that pussy. Bett
I agree w/him a man nut does get ur woman smelling after a few times of uhhhhumm, if u anit nutted n her awhile then u know what's up
To b honest their anit much woman have respect for their self, n having the woman with respect get treated like how they act, I gotta say this much if she don't respect her self u think she gonna b ur baby, shit maybe bae sounds better like it how a damn goat would bay
Depends on things

-how bad, 1-10?
-what's taking place? Is she offering head, are we going to fuck, what?
-how attractive do I think she is, 1-10?
-do I know her or is she a stranger?

Funny enough, all of these questions can be answered in less than 1 second
Depends on things

-how bad, 1-10?
-what's taking place? Is she offering head, are we going to fuck, what?
-how attractive do I think she is, 1-10?
-do I know her or is she a stranger?

Funny enough, all of these questions can be answered well I guess u got it all, bottom line u knew what u wanted from the chick when she got with u, what happens when a guy gets turnes dow n is a fucking bitch that dont put out
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I was just responding to the question of "Would you reject a girl of she stunk/smelt so bad?", to which many more questions arose when I asked myself that question. I've been with girls and have experienced not so pleasant or expected smells. That's one thing porn doesn't teach you growing up.. But there are certain degrees of being able to deal with it. Thinking about it now brings even more questions to mind.. Was it an accident? Did she expect it? Could she prevent it? Could I get used to it?..

So many variables..
OK well it just depends on how it was if she just gotten off her God gaven gift sometimes that just hapens, but if she got a smell like gag umm blue waffle, shit I experience it once wit a chick, it was hot but didn't turn me gay :-) lol but really I mean a woman at time it just happens, but if it's fishey leave it along
I stopped wearing cologne because I get a lot of compliments on my natural scent. Apparently my chest smells like Lush and my ass tastes sweet. Life's not fair to you stank motherfuckers out there.