This guy's a fraud, he asked me to donate money to his venture of helping farmers out receiving seeds so everyone has access to medicine but when I said I would only donate so much he said he needed a larger donation. Like what the hell? You don't get to pick and choose... He got mad at me and decided he wasn't going to give me any seeds in exchange for any money at all after as well. I don't understand, honestly. it all seems too fishy to me.
I'm only linking this here because I want to show evidence for his fraudulence.
He has a crappy start up on crowdfunder you can easily google.
This is his personal facebook he uses to find users who are interested in seeds from various collections and trading groups
His crappy facebook company url is; Conspiracy-Seeds-UK-1677813169104546/[/QUOTE]
Please stay safe and aware everyone. Namaste!