Anyone try Conspiracy Seeds?

Sure you like that, but that is your preference why pay more when you don't have to, you people. R crazy either buy or don't your loss were not going anywhere we have 2 suppliers in Spain and 4 worldwide so take care were here for the long haul

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
when somethings too good to be true, usually it is!
It makes sense though, NGR has some reasonable prices as opposed to other banks. I am pretty sure they at least get a markup of like 50%. If it is a few people and a lot of packs are going out then I could see some money to be made off of having lower prices but faster volume.

Also I don't disbelieve what he is saying at all due to the fact most of the seedbanks popping up get their seeds from wholesalers and not from the breeders themselves.

If conspiracy seeds had their own breeding team and could produce some fire I could see the website blowing up beyond belief.


Well-Known Member
I'll be up for giving them a run. If any of you guys have suggestions, preferably a strain you have grown so that a decent comparison can be made, I'll take one for the team and do a full journal on them.

Conrad, after suggestions are posted, I'll contact you on your site and put n order in immediately.

Let the fun begin

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member I truly thought people would be so happy with what I am trying to do, our stock is no different from say herbies, so upset people. Have no faith, all banks have to start somewhere, except me I have decided to always make these prices possible unlike anywhere else. And I check this often to always be the cheapest
Dude hell yeah! Please please tell me how I can get those barneys farm seeds!!!!!


Active Member
This guy's a fraud, he asked me to donate money to his venture of helping farmers out receiving seeds so everyone has access to medicine but when I said I would only donate so much he said he needed a larger donation. Like what the hell? You don't get to pick and choose... He got mad at me and decided he wasn't going to give me any seeds in exchange for any money at all after as well. I don't understand, honestly. it all seems too fishy to me.

I'm only linking this here because I want to show evidence for his fraudulence.
He has a crappy start up on crowdfunder you can easily google.

This is his personal facebook he uses to find users who are interested in seeds from various collections and trading groups
His crappy facebook company url is; Conspiracy-Seeds-UK-1677813169104546/[/QUOTE]

Please stay safe and aware everyone. Namaste!


Active Member
They were also selling feminized Alphakronik seeds.
Alphakronik does not make feminized seeds.
Next he'll tell you he has OG Kush seeds that are 42 generations in. LMFAO The guy clearly has no idea what he's even selling.

lel I even found the pic he sent me so I could laugh again.
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Big smo

Well-Known Member
You know I have to admit, for someone who's scamming so blatantly he's not that bad at picking designs. It's too bad his time hasn't gone into something useful.
Hey bro, I remember you from afn. I was just interested In reading his instagram about how he donates oil to people in need. Cancer patients hopefully and not dry stoners. After reading this I assume it is a scam? What the fuck is wrong with the world and people's greed.


Active Member
Hey bro, I remember you from afn. I was just interested In reading his instagram about how he donates oil to people in need. Cancer patients hopefully and not dry stoners. After reading this I assume it is a scam? What the fuck is wrong with the world and people's greed.
Hey dude, yeah this industry's become the latest target for scammers, thieves, and politicians to money grab whatever they can whenever they can. It's a shame. Although it's nice to know there are some honest people left in it like yourself.


The seed are not original seed of your pusumesd genetics, these are not imertations if sold under anouther name, the breading stock is from choice stock from the original strain under agreement with the companies ie Mr Nice, Hubolt ect.. but they are crossed with other gentics (which as long as the are not sold as the original origin of one perent stock ie Mr Nice SharkShock. crossed with a choice stock of high CBD Remedy, thus creating a new strain. The linage is in most cases allowed to be mentioned in the discption. But the names need a variants as to not infringe on Mr Nice (only if you imply it's sharkshock are you guilty of countifeit)

These are not original seeds from breeders. The breading team are good at what the do in there own right.

Hope this settles the bulk seed issue

cannacoffeehouse UK


Just to show you guys who really is supporting the UK moment without all the undercutting and essays that you have been blagged on! This is no conspiracy, straight up Critical Remedy bulk seeds 1:1 cbd and thc 5 to 8% in tests, origin are from Mr Nice CBD Critical Mass and crossed with Remedy by the wholesalers! Excellent yields..... also Tagged Collective Tags available via UKCSC and our own local campaigning team Hampshire Cannabis Community ✌ not trying to piss on anyones fire, but I feel you guys have been misslead by a opportunist trying to play you with half truths! LET'S GET SOME TRANSPARENCY BACK, you want genetics from your desired breeders, you will need to pay premium for them! Some people's eyes are bigger than there bellies


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