Would you reject a girl of she stunk/smelt so bad?

No one on earth swears more than Army and Marines

I've been to the Windjammer in Gitmo 50 times minimum.
All services were there with SP's lining the bulkhead of the only watering-hole every 15 feet or so.
Jesus could walk on Testosterone in that place with fights breaking out all the time, but I don't recall any true winners in the profanity division.
I did get to see some wicked boxing skills (thank God, aimed at someone other than me).
tbh same just imagine you might be enjoying sex and can put up with the smell but imagine how you'd feel after sex when you no longer desire or need anything from her you'd be disgusted that you just had sex with "that".
Yeah but when im horny a week later ..ill roll the dice again..might be fresh
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
I don't tell stories. The only thing I do is change small details to keep me safe. Like if I say I'm in my 30's I might be forty. If I say I'm from KY I might be from TN. Other than that I am being honest. I'm a honest person.

I don't consider them stories. They are achievements that I am proud of.

I've though about it. Your experience holds true for you. Mine holds true for me.

I never meant that people don't stink. I've smelled some nasty people. They tend to be slobs that eat bad. I have spent my life working out. The people that have been in my life that eat right and work out and healthy don't stink. They will if they go days without bathing.

Let me ask you a question. Do you find it necessary to name call and belittle people over an argument?

If so, why? Can you not hold your composure?

112 is a good score. You also know that a 99 is well above average.

I said I do not care, maybe I do.

It's all good man. Have a good day.